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Issue with getting custom status bar font to function (Slade)



I thought it would be cool to make a custom status bar in Doom, and so I made my custom images, imported them into Slade and converted them to Doom graphics, and renamed them to the old graphics. when I tried to replace the numbers that show things like armor, health, and ammo (and the tiny numbers used for the "Arms" section and the ammo display to the right end), they did not change and still used the original red doom numbers. Only the percent symbol changed, and the tiny numbers in "Arms". I thought that there might be some additional steps to replacing the old font, so I looked around for awhile and found out that I need to make a separate lump called "FONTDEFS". I did that, wrote "STATUSFONT" and everything that goes inside of it (and I double-checked that I made no spelling errors and looked the same as the one on the ZDoom Wiki), and got it to work once. I saved and exited Slade to finish working on the status bar itself, but when I opened the file again and ran the game to see how it all looks, it went back to the old doom numbers. 


I did a lot of searching to figure out about the "FONTDEFS" lump, but now that this is happening I really don't know what I can do.

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Info of the vanilla status bar graphic lumps taken from the doom wiki, you can place stuff named these and convert them to doom format and they'll work for vanilla doom (if you have the correct image resolution) you can probably google the resolutions very easily, or use freedoom assets for examples because they have all the vanilla doom graphic sizes.



The main status bar graphic.


Small grey numbers used for weapons not yet possessed. The graphics for 1, 8, 9 and 0 are present but never used.


Large numbers, used for health, armor, frags, and ammo displays.


Negative symbol for large text.


Percent symbol for large text.


Small yellow numbers to indicate weapons possessed (also used for total ammo display).


Icons used for the key display. For Boom-compatible source ports, STKEYS[6-8] lumps can be overridden to represent combinations of key cards and skull keys.


Floppy disk graphic used when accessing the disk.


CD-ROM graphic used when accessing a CD-ROM.


The STBAR graphic includes a frags box. This box is overwritten by the STARMS graphic containing the weapons inventory when not in deathmatch mode.


Used as backgrounds behind the face graphics in multiplayer mode, with the color corresponding to the player's color.


Player face graphics.


Edited by Mr795

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freedoom statusbar graphic sizes for reference (the second spoiler is the status bar face sprites.):







Edited by Mr795

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So to clarify, you're saying if I place graphics with the same resolution and name as the graphics they're replacing, it'll work? It had worked for only STBAR, STGNUM and STYSNUM (only for the weapons possessed, not the total ammo display), STTPRCNT, and STBAR (I didn't replace the floppy disc, CD-ROM or background graphics). Also, I'm using ZDoom, which is why I thought FONTDEFS might work. 


And also, thanks for helping me out with my question

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1 hour ago, binklefish said:

So to clarify, you're saying if I place graphics with the same resolution and name as the graphics they're replacing, it'll work?

Yes, That's what i'm saying, Doom's vanilla graphics need to be a specific resolution to work. and they need to be a specific format. (a doom graphic lump.)

You can convert the graphics in Slade 3 by right-clicking your graphic, pressing graphic, and then then pressing "convert to", it automatically sets the format to convert to "Doom graphic (Paletted)", keep it that way unless your converting a flat (Doom flat lump).

Edited by Mr795

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Ok, I figured out the issue. So, I needed to place the number graphics underneath FONTDEFS, and outside of S_START and S_END(not in between them). Everything works good now.


Anyway, thanks for helping me out

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