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Is there a DB2 version that you can mix flats and wall textures?

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Hey, I am not sure if you can use deferent versions of DB2 to be able to set flats as wall textures and vise versa, or it is a setting or configuration of the game. So I was wondering if there is a way I could do this, because this worked fine on my pc, but I want to also work on it at my laptop, so I can always work on my doom levels wherever. If this helps, I just downloaded doombulider yesterday on this new computer. Thanks, Weaseln.


Here are some screenshots: 






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you need a different map format to do that, like gzdoom udmf or hexen format. dsda udmf doesn't support that, it's not dependent on editor.

Edited by Paf

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Depending on how far you created your map, size and action specials,

you can convert your map to GZDoom instead of redoing it all. Two step

process: zdwadconv (Doom/Boom to DiHF) then DB2/X (DiHF to UDMF)/


Since GZDoom is compatible with the Texture1/2/PNAMES concept your

can use existing textures. If you want to add new textures, in png format,

you simplu add them between TX_START and TX_END markers.

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