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Hey All,


So I’ve finally got ample free time and I’ve decided I’m gonna play through all the classic Doom games and their expansions.


I ripped through Doom 1&2 in a couple days and currently am working my way through Doom 64. 

So far they’ve all been killer but I wanna know, what are your favorite levels, expansions and WADs? Be as detailed as possible and tell me why you love it! Hooah!



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Auger;Zenith is absolutely my favourite megawad for Doom 2, it's such an unbelievably beautiful world to look at through every level (well... except for one of them...), and it completely blows me away that it's all just limit removing! And made in just a month, too! Just a shame about the forum it comes from, though.

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Awesome Boss thank you for the recommendation. That sounds pretty cool. I’ll give it a play as soon as I get a chance. 
I’m not really familiar with what happened on the forum it came from. Can you elaborate? Or is it too long of a story?

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