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How close are you to finishing your TC?


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Been working at my project for a year and a bit (maybe 2 who's counting) and realized recently I'm actually not that far from being able to release a TC.  Not close to finishing my project mind you, full of grand designs and intricate details, but close to being able to release something that could be called a Total Conversion that I could release (non-commercially).


So I decided to take stock of what I had done, and what would be left if I wanted to rush to release something.  Here's a list of what all would be required for a real TC release, a checklist of sorts.  I'm really interested in seeing what other people have been working on, what they have done, what they do or don't plan to do themselves and what they may not even have on their radar.


TC Elements:


Weapons (sprites/sounds/mechanics): DONE!

Enemies (sprites/sounds/behaviors): DONE! (Plan on building more but I have a few)

Pickups / Items: Mostly - health, ammo, several pickups done, need a few more.

Item Effects (ex: Berserker Pack, Tome of Power, etc...): still working

Levels: not done - barely touched level design yet

Textures: not done - all stock doom tex 

Sound effects: Working - have sfx for stuff I've made, but lots of stock sounds remains

Music: None - learning with little to show for it so far, might look for someone to help with this


Fonts: DONE! (Almost) got the font and edits, just need to extract characters and plug them in

Title Screen splash image: DONE! (dumb placeholder, but done!)

Options screen splash image: DONE! (as above)



(If I'm missing anything obvious, let me know I'll add it.)


Boy, I sure fely closer before writing all that.  But, good to have a checklist to work down, it means the end is in sight!

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Also been working since my joining on my own TC.
Making the classic newbie mistake of making a big WAD with minimal experience.
Focused entirely on necromancy (the gritty gory kind) and aiming to be more of a mix of Diablo2, Kingsfield, and Hexen.

TC Elements:


Weapons (sprites/sounds/mechanics): 3-4 weapons complete, mechanics are convoluted but probably open for test runs. Still needing more, but I need to get more of a feel for the type of 'gun' needed by the player.

Enemies (sprites/sounds/behaviors): got a hefty roster which I keep adding to

Pickups / Items: Mostly - Converted health and armors, and made some resources home in on the player for mid combat health boosts. i still need to make a range of 'summon' items to act as the players necromancer monsters.

Levels: not done - flailing at currently.

Textures: not done - probably 60% got a range of custom items but I always feel like I need something new, or to iron out modifications to the existing items.

Sound effects: Working - Minimal ironed out. sound design aint my forte, so I have been using diablo 2 sounds as my baseline.

Music: None - Got a few items downloaded, mainly from MM6-8. Going for dark atmospheric, but cant compose for myself at all.

HUD: Not even touched.

Fonts: yoinked off Realm667

Title Screen splash image: Not even touched.

Options screen splash image: Not even touched.

I guess I'm still in the meat phase of this meal, trying to make sure the main components work nicely.
When I have time to fiddle with mapping its fighting to recall how to use polyobjects, or implementing methods I'm trying to pull from other better wads.
My main goal is to make a presentable demo which can feature the 'corpse mechanics' 
The ending is nowhere in sight, but thats because I only put a few hours here and there on it.

Edited by Desfar

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I'll join the train.

Started to work on mine about 10 months ago, but I always find new stuff that I want to add so basically the completion % has been steady for months D:


Weapons (sprites/sounds/mechanics): Only missing 1 out of 8. I have a plan, but not too sure to start working on it yet.

Enemies (sprites/sounds/behaviors): I have over than 37 monsters, 9 neutral creatures and 7 npcs, but my brain decided that the project needed fishes, so now I'm stuck at creating a proper fish AI...

Pickups / Items: Missing some powerups.

Levels: Last thing I'll do.

Textures: Got only a few.

Sound effects: Ripped off some nice sounds here and there, but I'll need a lot more probably, so I'd say 30% (?).

Music: Still need to find some eerie atmospheric midis.

HUD: Barely started.



yoinked off Realm667

@Desfar I feel you

Title Screen splash image: I plan on making a TITLEMAP, I already have the thing in mind, but never started.

Options screen splash image: Yet to think about.



If I'm missing anything obvious, let me know I'll add it

@Burgish Maybe you're missing GLDEFS, DECALDEFS and other stuff that can enter in a "Visual effects" category? If you're touching that, of course.
Or scripting, like ACS, KEYCONF or Cvars 

Edited by Kan3

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I have been working on my TC project for some time (I think nearly 3 years?). It is kind of a Heretic/Hexen themed partially open-world game.


My progress so far is:


Player Classes: 12 playable characters (each with ~5 weapons, one special ability, and one passive trait), finished.

Weapons: 54 weapons (coded by me, graphics mostly from Heretic, Hexen, Realm667, or community threads, some even made by me), finished.

Pickups / Items: Finished, except for maybe some special items that would be part of some boss fight.

Game mechanics: Finished.

Enemies: 50+ enemy types of all kind finished, still need to create a few more types.

Bosses: 9 bosses finished, a few more waiting to be made, some finished bosses may need still some tuning (9th boss is currently kinda too overtuned).

Levels: 49 maps finished (may require some additional cosmetic touches), 20 maps done without items and enemies for now, 6 maps not started.

Difficulty levels: 7 difficulty levels implemented. They mostly affect enemy counts, enemies' health, enemies' projectile speed, and player's damage taken.

Textures: Mostly Baker's Legacy texture pack, plus some additional textures/edits by me or by community (doomworld texture threads).

Sound effects: Most are ripped from WoW, some sounds used from Heretic or Hexen.

Music: Using mostly music from Heretic, Hexen, Hexen II, and from Raven Midi Pack, plus a couple of tracks/remixes made by me.

Font: Finished (using BMF font generated from Vinque font in most places, and Papyrus font for map name writing on automap).

HUD: Finished.

Menus: Finished new game menus - Game mode selection (basically how much open-world you want), Character selection, Difficulty selection, Chapter selection. Might make some help "menus" to describe character abilities and weapons.

Title screen: I have an idea and a base image, will probably edit it and change colors of it or something.


Some "finished" things will still probably be changed.

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21 hours ago, Kan3 said:

Maybe you're missing GLDEFS, DECALDEFS and other stuff that can enter in a "Visual effects" category? If you're touching that, of course.


@Kan3I think of all those as falling under "textures", using the term broadly, although I'm not using decals for anything just yet.



23 hours ago, Desfar said:

Levels: not done - flailing at currently.


@DesfarAck, so worried about this part.  Hard to make things simple after deving all my other elements so much - I might concentrate on just building one  big "demo" level that lets players try everything out for an initial release, then see if anyone is interested in contributing.



18 hours ago, jaeden said:

Bosses: 9 bosses finished, a few more waiting to be made, some finished bosses may need still some tuning (9th boss is currently kinda too overtuned).


@jaeden Ah yeah, Bosses!  My imagination has spiraled way out of control into super-elaborate encounters for any of those.  I can't even think about them if I want to get anything done, it's like staring into the sun.
A lil jealous over your progress - I'll keep an eye out for anything you're posting showing off your progress!

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2 hours ago, Burgish said:

I'll keep an eye out for anything you're posting showing off your progress!


I usually post screenshots of maps (still without things and monsters) from this project in either Doom Pictures Thread, or in "What are you working on" thread.

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