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I will spawn an item with SPAWN(), but how do I assign a script to it? [SOLVED]


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I create an item using the SPAWN command. The item spawns in front of the player at a distance of 100 on the x-axis. I want when the player picks up it a specific scpit is executed. Can you help me to do it? I think I need to use TID?


Edited by Shkwarkel

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Not sure if possible purely with scripting. You could make a simple Medikit replacement actor that runs a script when picked up. 

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Off the top of my head....


assuming you are only spawning one  Medikit2 and only the player can pick it up (and it's single player...maybe)


int aTag = UniqueTID();




  int x = GetActorX(0) + 200.0;

  int y = GetActorY(0);

  int z = GetActorZ(0);

} until (Spawn("Medikit2",x,y,z,aTag,0));


//might want a delay here?


while ( ThingCountName("Medikit2", aTag) > 0 )


//then put your wanted code here or ACS_Execute to start the desired script



Or do it in DECORATE, making the class execute a specified script on pickup.

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4 hours ago, Russell_P said:

Off the top of my head....


assuming you are only spawning one  Medikit2 and only the player can pick it up (and it's single player...maybe)


int aTag = UniqueTID();




  int x = GetActorX(0) + 200.0;

  int y = GetActorY(0);

  int z = GetActorZ(0);

} until (Spawn("Medikit2",x,y,z,aTag,0));


//might want a delay here?


while ( ThingCountName("Medikit2", aTag) > 0 )


//then put your wanted code here or ACS_Execute to start the desired script



Or do it in DECORATE, making the class execute a specified script on pickup.

Yeah, it works. Thank you so much. If it's not too much trouble, could you give me a link to a tutorial on how to assign a script to an object via DECORATE? I think I could really use it in my project.

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The way I always done it is i placed a thing outside of the map with the dormant flag checked then teleport & Thing_Activate it instead of spawning

And it had the appropriate action already attached to it that upon picking it up/killing it if it sa monster the action is performed like open a door

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I don't know of any tutorials. I tend to bash my head against the zdoom wiki until I figure things out. Failing that I go and find a mod that does what I want and then use that as an example.


I'm very rusty on some of this stuff, but I had a pickup in doom raider that executed a script. Here's the DECORATE code, you should hopefully figure it out from that.


ACTOR ProtectionAmulet : CustomInventory 19121
    Inventory.PickupMessage "Amulet of protection"
    Inventory.Icon "ST_AMUL"
    Inventory.PickupFlash none 

            AMUL A 12 //Bright
            AMUL B 6
            TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("ProtectionArmour",1)
            TNT1 A 0  ACS_NamedExecuteAlways("blueFlash", 0)





Try this


ACTOR Medikit2 : CustomInventory  
    Inventory.PickupMessage "myMessage"
            AMUL A 12 //change this to whatever your sprites are
            AMUL B 6
            TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("Medikit",25) //assuming this is a medikit variant and you want the same effect
            TNT1 A 0  ACS_NamedExecuteAlways("myScript", 0)


...I seem to remember that only classses that inherit from CustomInventory can have pickup states. If I'm wrong then I'm overcomplicating the whole thing

Edited by Russell_P
added code suggestion

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On 12/21/2023 at 2:23 AM, candyman64 said:

The way I always done it is i placed a thing outside of the map with the dormant flag checked then teleport & Thing_Activate it instead of spawning

And it had the appropriate action already attached to it that upon picking it up/killing it if it sa monster the action is performed like open a door

good idea, thank you!

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22 hours ago, Russell_P said:

I don't know of any tutorials. I tend to bash my head against the zdoom wiki until I figure things out. Failing that I go and find a mod that does what I want and then use that as an example.


I'm very rusty on some of this stuff, but I had a pickup in doom raider that executed a script. Here's the DECORATE code, you should hopefully figure it out from that.


ACTOR ProtectionAmulet : CustomInventory 19121
    Inventory.PickupMessage "Amulet of protection"
    Inventory.Icon "ST_AMUL"
    Inventory.PickupFlash none 

            AMUL A 12 //Bright
            AMUL B 6
            TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("ProtectionArmour",1)
            TNT1 A 0  ACS_NamedExecuteAlways("blueFlash", 0)





Try this


ACTOR Medikit2 : CustomInventory  
    Inventory.PickupMessage "myMessage"
            AMUL A 12 //change this to whatever your sprites are
            AMUL B 6
            TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("Medikit",25) //assuming this is a medikit variant and you want the same effect
            TNT1 A 0  ACS_NamedExecuteAlways("myScript", 0)


...I seem to remember that only classses that inherit from CustomInventory can have pickup states. If I'm wrong then I'm overcomplicating the whole thing

I see what you mean. Thanks for your help. 

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