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thoughts on The Doom Awards™

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Welp, I don’t really have all that much to add in regards to new revelations, so all I’ll say is this:


At times I may struggle to write something like the Doom manga (like anyone does with a project like this), but at least I’m not using anything like ChatGPT to cheat my way through it.


For everyone struggling to write something (whether it’s Doom-related or not), know that your writing voice will always be uniquely yours; don’t let an algorithm take that away from you.

Because even on your worst day, your own writing is still going to be better than an AI on its best day.


(same goes for artists too, because I still remember the Doom Awards’ egregious use of AI art as well)

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18 hours ago, kevansevans said:

Most of us may think to ourselves "No one here is that petty", but I'm sure people like @Kaapeli47 or @Kaminsky can tell you about all the bad actors they know of who purposefully DDOS zandronum servers over far pettier shit. A certain butthead comes to mind.


I haven't been that long in the Zandronum community to know the entire history of those bad actors in multiplayer, but yes, I know which certain butthead you're talking about, and yes, some people are that petty. That butthead has proved that some people indeed spend that much time and energy in trying to find ways of attacking or corrupting a system. A voting system like the one the Doom Awards had is vulnerable to that behavior, especially if it can't be moderated well enough without spending more than half of your own staff's time and energy on it.

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Getting uppity about the results of any awards show is absolutely silly. They are arbitrary and meaningless. Did you enjoy the thing? Then that should be all that matters to anybody.

But especially getting upset about the handling of an unofficial awards thing for a 30 year old game is just plain fucking daft.

Edited by Murdoch

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Honestly, this is the first time I've heard of them. Reading the story, the guys in charge seem like a bunch of whiny shitbags.

Edited by Panzermann11

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Hello everyone, guys and girls, I'm glad that the topic has disturbed you enough to waste time commenting on it.

When we started the initiative, it wasn't intended to undermine anyone, neither the CACOWARDS nor you.

As I've already told various people, the previous administrator was expelled precisely because he was determined to bring up controversial issues. But since I took over, we haven't had any more conflicts, and the only conflict has been your incessant complaining about the use of AI.
Seriously, don't you have anything better to do?

Honestly, at first, we thought you wouldn't even bother commenting, given that you've had the Cacowards for 20 years and we assumed you wouldn't care about our initiative.

However, the criticisms you've made from the beginning have been more than obvious, so clearly, some of you seem to have felt offended.


As I already told Endless at the beginning of our relationship with him, we always publish messages when there's a conflict to show the TRUTH. When he said he wanted to break the partnership, I told him it was fine, but since we fulfilled our part, he should fulfill his. However, he told me he wouldn't honor his part of the agreement because we were dishonest. Does anyone catch the irony?


I posted the notice that the partnership was canceled just so everyone could see the reason. But the only response I got was that you thought it was wrong to expose the conversation?? Seriously?? It seems some of you are too lazy to read.


Regarding the use of AI, as I said, we've used it when we saw fit, and yes, we used it for promotional images. And the question is, you don't like it? Well, I respect that, but you should respect what I want to do, or do I have to do what you want??


Regarding the articles, as I mentioned on DISCORD and told Endless, I wrote them in Spanish but due to lack of time, as I had to handle almost everything, I used ChatGPT to rewrite them in English. I'm sorry if this has bothered you so much that you couldn't even sleep thinking about it.


Like i said, I don't have to explain myself to anyone, like Batandy did a few days ago for example about Golden Souls 3, and people came out to give their opinion on how bad using AI is for development...(everyone knows who said it).



Do we go to your projects to give you orders? No, right?

Apart from this constant annoyance with te use of AI, as I say, we have no conflicts with anyone, of course, as soon as you read this message, I know the next comments will be the same as always and you'll continue like this for eternity....right?? I encourage you to prove me right.

In case I'm banned at some point, I take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas, for those who celebrate it!!



Edited by hakros

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14 minutes ago, hakros said:

I wrote them in Spanish but due to lack of time, as I had to handle almost everything, I used ChatGPT to rewrite them in English.


I think you should focus on writing more in-depth reviews next year. It would make your award much more interesting to engage with. The way you've done it this year, it's nothing more than a list of winners. There's nothing interesting about a list, right? Or as some people have mentioned before, a video presentation would be pretty cool.

Edited by RDETalus

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7 minutes ago, RDETalus said:


I think you should focus on writing more in-depth reviews next year. It would make your award much more interesting to engage with. The way you've done it this year, it's nothing more than a list of winners. There's nothing interesting about a list, right? Or as some people have mentioned before, a video presentation would be pretty cool.


Thank you very much, you see? This is constructive criticism. I think it's a good idea and we will take it into account. As I said at the beginning, we lack experience, of course, because we have just started and we have a lot to improve.

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36 minutes ago, hakros said:

I used ChatGPT to rewrite them in English. I'm sorry if this has bothered you so much that you couldn't even sleep thinking about it.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I’d personally prefer an awards ceremony in your native language in your natural words. The community and machine translation will bridge the gap for the gwailo.

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52 minutes ago, hakros said:

Regarding the use of AI, as I said, we've used it when we saw fit, and yes, we used it for promotional images. And the question is, you don't like it? Well, I respect that, but you should respect what I want to do, or do I have to do what you want??

Do you even want criticism (or respect for that matter) with messaging like this?

Edited by Bobby :D

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@hakros What translation technique did you use for this post and your dms to endless? it certainly comes across more clearly, meaningfully, engaging, and human than whatever mangled and meaningless collection of disconnected phrases ChatGPT turned your writings into. I certainly think you should've use this one for the Doom Awards.

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1 hour ago, hakros said:



I"ll be straight with you, I don't know who you are but I'm getting real "asshole" vibes from you based on these replies.

Edited by OniriA

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4 hours ago, hakros said:

Honestly, at first, we thought you wouldn't even bother commenting, given that you've had the Cacowards for 20 years and we assumed you wouldn't care about our initiative.

However, the criticisms you've made from the beginning have been more than obvious, so clearly, some of you seem to have felt offended.


"Oh gosh darn it, you guys. Why do you have to exercise your right to have an opinion on a thing?"


How are we supposedly the offended party here with subtext like that? I love this kind of jump to a conclusion that suggests we're somehow acting emotionally and that the mere existence of your awards is somehow "offensive", rather than the idea that perhaps we're just talking about it out of curiosity's sake. Believe it or not, not everyone is frothing mad when they criticise or disagree with you.





Okay, then why did you bother logging in and writing this post in the first place? You would've been better off focusing on fixing up your awards project by firing your AI, actually writing the reviews and sprucing up the website in the time it took you to write this embarrassing diatribe.

Edited by Biodegradable

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1 hour ago, hakros said:

But since I took over, we haven't had any more conflicts, and the only conflict has been your incessant complaining about the use of AI.

Seriously, don't you have anything better to do?


You clearly did, which is why you used an AI instead of doing original, meaningful work to back up your awards.


It's not that hard to understand; this is a Doom hobbyist forum and we're all passionate about playing, creating content, and writing about Doom. It's a bit off putting when you have a machine do something for you that you're supposed to enjoy doing yourself. Why should any of us care if you're not even speaking with your own voice? Personally I'd much rather see a writeup done by a person with their own opinion, whether it's broken English or Spanish or anything else. 

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1 hour ago, hakros said:

Regarding the articles, as I mentioned on DISCORD and told Endless, I wrote them in Spanish but due to lack of time, as I had to handle almost everything, I used ChatGPT to rewrite them in English. I'm sorry if this has bothered you so much that you couldn't even sleep thinking about it.


Why not using a regular translator then? It's not a perfect solution, but a lot better than generating new text with AI.
This doesn't make any sense.

Edited by Noiser

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2 hours ago, hakros said:

Hello everyone, guys and girls, I'm glad that the topic has disturbed you enough to waste time commenting on it.

I ain't reading all that.

Good for you

or sorry that happened

Edited by JackDBS

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3 hours ago, hakros said:

Regarding the articles, as I mentioned on DISCORD and told Endless, I wrote them in Spanish but due to lack of time, as I had to handle almost everything, I used ChatGPT to rewrite them in English. I'm sorry if this has bothered you so much that you couldn't even sleep thinking about it.

O sea, ¿desperdiciaron una excelente oportunidad de tener una premiación completamente hispana, para traducirlo con una IA?


Nah no jodas, hubiera sido un buen punto de diferencia y algo más único si lo hubieses mantenido en español.

Edited by Herr Dethnout

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Why not the 'Boom Awards?' Instead of focusing on Doom, which is pretty well covered, highlight the best in the 'Boomer Shooter' genre? You could carve out a small section for best in Doom/Duke/Quake/Wolf mods, and then write about all the other shooters coming out?

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