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Hot Take Time: the next doom should NOT have s*x jokes, dr*g usage, or even any swearing


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I do NOT want to see characters like commander valen (to those who are unfamiliar, he's a character apart of the Nudoom universe) smoking a joint. Nor do i want intern guy (again, another character from the Nudoom universe) to have such a bad mouth. And don't even get me started on having sexual references in doom. It's gross, disgusting, and soo undoom like. Doesn't matter if it's a dirty joke only adult viewers will understand. Get that crap outta my DOOM!


doom can be all violence galore all it wants. But keep these three things out of my doom. Like Hugo said "I wanted doom eternal to be something my kid could play". And I think ID and Hugo should stick to this creative direction.

Edited by nathanB404
Grammatical error

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3 minutes ago, neubejiita said:

And no gore, make it G-rated. Make the monsters green aliens and you shoot marshmallows at them.



Don't get me wrong. The gore can stay. Hell I'd be pleased for ID to step up the gore and making it truly metal asf. Some mk11 type stuff. But the second I hear swears coming out from some of the characters mouths. I'm rage quiting and refunding the new doom. That's NOT doom to me. 

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My response to this is... what?


You want Doom to not be something it's never been, and has never shown any probability of becoming?


And you decide to post this in a public forum seldom if ever seen by anyone who is likely to be involved in the development of the next game, complete with threat to these people who will in all probability not see your post that you (one single person who cannot possibly make enough of a difference to their financial bottom line if you buy it or not for them to actually care what you think) will refund the game if they do these things they will almost certainly not do anyway?

Do think before you post? Or do you just mash keys and hope for the best? Seriously, this is one of the most if not the most baffling post I have ever seen on this forum. What was the point of this?

Edited by Murdoch

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But in all seriousness, where the hell did you find sex jokes, drugs in new doom games? Doomguys is silent through the game, so theres no swearing. And your post feels like you are 12 years old and your parents dont allow seggs on screen, but you want to play doom without them punishing you

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Just now, Murdoch said:

I enjoy copious amounts of sex and heroin.

op, we've found a filthy s*x and dr*g addict. what do we do with him?

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1 minute ago, roadworx said:

op, we've found a filthy s*x and dr*g addict. what do we do with him?


Well, you're half right.

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6 minutes ago, nathanB404 said:

Keep THIS s*x outta my DOOM!!

You say it, we don't like people posting jokes like that, because calling people gay is not nice

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2 minutes ago, esselfortium said:

Starting a change.org petition to let doomguy fuck

no! NO!!!


you people are the sort of sickos that the great stan kelly has been warning us about for years,,,you should be ashamed of yuorslef. this is true evil

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I agree. Sox jokes are offensive. My cousin's sister's former roommate is a Red Sox fan and making jokes like that severely offends me on their behalf.

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3 minutes ago, esselfortium said:

Starting a change.org petition to let doomguy fuck

Doomguy would never say that. Nor would he flip the bird. That's why I'm not to fond over these Brutal Doom wads (pls don't hate me: this is just my opinion). I remember seeing one of them and they had this option where doomguy would flip the bird saying the F word. To me, that felt off character for doomguy.

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Wait no no no, that's bad, doom can be a violent video game, but to add sex mode? this is unacceptable.



Although if there are some mods where doomguy is naked, I'll be fine with that one.


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I hope it has all of those things and more. Doomguy makes virgins his bitch, because he’s a mega soul chad. 

Edited by DNSKILL5

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Just now, nathanB404 said:

Doomguy would never say that. Nor would he flip the bird. That's why I'm not to fond over these Brutal Doom wads (pls don't hate me: this is just my opinion). I remember seeing one of them and they had this option where doomguy would flip the bird saying the F word. To me, that felt off character for doomguy.


Right OK. Context matters my man. Your post just came out of nowhere without any specifics. I am not a fan of BD either and we are certainly not alone. But there's absolutely no reason to believe id will take the more juvenile parts of it for the next game. Take a breath, relax.

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1 minute ago, Remilia Scarlet said:

As a gay woman, this is basically the vibe I bring to my maps.  I mean, have you seen the in-game story text for Freaky Panties 5?

I can tell just from the name that this wad is gonna be bonkers

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1 minute ago, Murdoch said:


Right OK. Context matters my man. Your post just came out of nowhere without any specifics. I am not a fan of BD either and we are certainly not alone. But there's absolutely no reason to believe id will take the more juvenile parts of it for the next game. Take a breath, relax.

YES they WILL!!! here is an excerpt from an interview with JOHN ROMERO HIMSELF that the daily protestant did



In the new Doom game, we will pay tribute to our lord and savior Sgt. Mark IV by having Doomguy give the m*ddle f*nger (censoring added by me) at the demons. This will have the added benefit of corrupting the youth of America and turn them into s*x-crazed (censoring not added by me, he pronounced the asterisk) ghouls. Hail Satan!


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8 minutes ago, DoomGappy said:

They are going to make imp encounter canon just because of this post.

Pls ID do not make impse canon :(

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