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when you play classic doom, do you go for 100% everything? (items,secrets and kills)


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I'll try to get kills but won't track down stragglers and I'm usually happy with 60-80%. I have a slight push to want to find secrets but don't mind missing them. I ignore that item % is even a thing.


I think of 100/100/100 as the entry level way to be a completionist. If I really want to be a completionist, I write 1000+ words about a map and try to notice everything, all the little nuances and interpretations you might overlook on a first play, which counts for more than killing one imp or grabbing that last armor bonus. I rarely do that either because it's impractical to do it more than once or twice a week.

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1 minute ago, baja blast rd. said:

I think of 100/100/100 as the entry level way to be a completionist.


yes! advanced completionism is explaining why Proving Grounds is the best Doom 1 map ever to my cat and then going to sleep and dreaming about Proving Grounds

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I try to in most of the maps, because I'm a perfectionist and I like to explore, that's exactly why I love Doom levels, though sometimes I don't bother about items because it's ridiculous to be upset about one tiny health bonus or something hidden somewhere and I'm lazy to figure it out, ;P

About monsters I think this way: I need to kill all monsters, because humankind would need to clean this shit out for me later on and why would they want to?



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god no. if i really really like a map, then sure, i'll try to get most stuff, but even then 100% of any of the three categories isn't really all that important to me. you're usually not missing out on much by wasting your time looking for a few straggler enemies or some obscure secrets, and even if you are...who cares lol


the completionist mindset in general is annoying as hell cuz it can cause people to have a bad impression purely because they force themselves to spend inordinate amounts of time in a map looking for stuff that doesn't really matter that much or cleaning up in maps with larger monster counts. if you can't find a secret or a few final kills, then move on! quit ruining things for yourself, god dammit!!!


i think that we as mappers should be combating this by making 100% secrets more difficult. make secrets be more puzzle-like, require difficult platforming in some of them, force players to use speedrunning tricks to get them, etc. if someone is gonna sit there deliberately making things harder for themselves because they wanna see an arbitrary number at the end of a map, then by god i'm gonna make sure they're as miserable as possible! let the fucker spend 20 minutes trying to figure out how to get a soulsphere behind some bars when the only way to actually get it is to do a glide!! and then make them have to do a zero press to access a switch that opens up a secret on the other side of the map!!!!!!!


that's a joke, though i do wish there were more puzzle-based secrets, or ones that require esoteric speedrunning tricks to get. screw what 100%ers think, i wanna hide a secret fight behind a glide :p

Edited by roadworx

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If it's my first time playing a map I mostly ignore the level stats though I do try to get as many kills as I can.


On repeat playthroughs of a wad I usually try to go for all kills and secrets but don't bother with items (Unless I'm recording a playthrough in which case I reach for 100% on all 3 stats)

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I always try to max a map, and succeed more than 70% of the time. Given that we have squillons of maps to play, I seldom play a map more than once, so I want to get the full measure of it if I can. However, I won't spend inordinate amounts of time searching for secrets. If I'm at the end of a map, especially a big one, I'll generally say, "Ah, fuck it!" rather than backtrack looking for secrets I obviously didn't need to defeat the map. 

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I stopped giving a damn about getting max scores for the most part.  I put in some effort to find as many of the secrets as I can but I don't really care that much about max kills and even less about max items (especially when missing max items is often a matter of not having run over that one stupid +1 health potion in a corner somewhere).

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I try to go for most of the kills and I try to nab at least a few secrets. I don't really care about getting 100% items; I play pistol starts, so this along with secrets is not super important to me.

On side note: well-hidden secrets that are fun to find is something I still really appreciate. 

Edited by phoo

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Kills, yeah.  Secrets, I will if it seems like the level author is hiding them in a fun way.  I stop if they get to be too much on the BS side of things.  Items, nah.

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what I meant to say, instead of the cat thing, was that I don't just play maps once if I like them; there's a select set of maps which are sort of doom canon to me and I'd love to some day make videos about why I find them important. I'd rather chisel away at a really great map and slowly find more each time than save my way through it! so completionism as a term doesn't tell the whole story

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Kind of....but that normally takes too much time. There's certain maps that are about the exploration but I simply lack the time to bother with attempting 100 percent secrets most of the times.

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Often times I'll just go with the flow map-wise. If I find a secret going through it or manage to irk out all the kills by the very end then good on me, but I won't really scoot around for another 5 or so minutes just to find a secret for a map with no monsters even left. Does feel bad not to see those 100s but I'd rather keep the fun flow of a mapset going rather than bring it to a screeching halt because I missed something.

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If by "Classic Doom" you mean "Ultimate Doom" then yes, I go for UV Max (not 100% items) because I've played the maps hundreds of times and know where everything is. If by "Classic Doom" you mean including whatever PWAD just came out, then no.

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Yeah, i try after beating the level at least ones

I mean, that's why i downloaded it, right? To replay it as much as i want

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I play most mapsets in Continuous mode the first time I experience them, and the resource-management aspect of that mode means that I almost-always turn back after I've cleared the exit room to take one last look around - often there's been a Soulsphere or a Megaarmor teased just out of reach that deserves a bit of attention & puzzle-solving now that it's quiet, and I do my best to claim those prizes and top up my resource totals as much as I can. I rarely spend more than a couple of minutes on these final passes, though: usually I'm too excited to get to move on & see new content.


I want to stress here that I quite enjoy the experience of exploring and finding stuff, because my answer to the prompt is: Absolutely Not. I have mad respect for mappers who put some of their precious time into this hobby, making cool shit and giving it away for free. And it's going above & beyond when you create extra, bonus things off the critical path that the audience might never even see - I'm grateful for the practice. But I think it would poison the experience if I ever turned on the mid-game stats that modern ports have as one of their options (and which the original game never had). Of course I understand why the tool's been added to modern ports: Speedrunners need this data to make sure they're on pace, haven't missed any step in the route, and so they know that they're clear to exit. But if you're not routing or demoing a level, if you're just playing a videogame to unwind, then I consider it actively counterproductive to the goal of having fun. For me, at least. This game's visceral, immediate nature and hostile environment has the ability to make me suspend my disbelief and engage my fight-or-flight reflex from the safety of my chair in my den, and I don't think it'd capture my imagination as well if I was absolutely certain of what was out there waiting for me.

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Usually Ill try kill every demon I see I but i don't actively hunt down every single one on the map 

I don't really hunt down secrets either, I mostly just stumble upon them 

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I stopped picking every item for over a decade now. I mostly just go for the 100% kills and when I get bored, I get 100% secrets too.

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Kills - I tend to go for 100% kills but if i miss a few stragglers it really won't bother me too much.


Secrets - I do try to find them all but i won't waste hours of my time wandering around a level looking for them (although i have definitely done that in the past). Certain times i will cheat and do IDBEHOLDA (or w/e the full automap cheat is) and wander around for a bit to find them all, especially if its a map that i really, really like and i'm getting stuck trying to find them on my own.


Items - Due to my OCD i'm pretty good at finding items so i do try to get 100% of them but just like kills or secrets if i happen to miss a few it won't make me go crazy or anything (fortunately lol).


So i guess you can say that i do like to 100% max levels but if i can't 100% everything i at least like to get 100% kills.

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In Doom 1 I pretty much know all of the secrets, and Doom II I probably know like 99% of them so getting them or not is merely a matter of whether I care to. If it's Wolfenstein, then no there's no way I'm getting all secrets. Probably about 40-50% of secrets. If it's a custom Doom wad, then I'll try to go for as many secrets as I can find, but if there's one or two stragglers impossible to find, I'll just move on to the next level.


Secret % is the only one I really care about. You're going to get almost all kills just by beating the level, and if there's 1 or 2 missed they're probably in the secret areas anyway. I don't care about 100% items. (That said I can and have at some point done 100% all items in the vanilla game. It's just a matter of whether I care to go and pick up every last health bonus etc.)

Edited by QuaketallicA

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