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when you play classic doom, do you go for 100% everything? (items,secrets and kills)


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If I plan on replaying a wad I'll spend 10 minutes(maybe) hunting for secrets once I reach the exit. If I can't find them then it gives me something to look for in the next playthrough. If I do find them then I can streamline my next playthrough somehow incorporating them into my routing. 100% kills is a bit more nebulous for me as sometimes I just can't be bothered to take out the window dressing or my infighting cyberdemon. Saying that though I have fun shooting enemies so more often than not I leave with 100% kills unless it was a secret fight I never found.

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I almost always complete a map as soon as I reach the exit. It's cool if I happen to get an 100% or two, but it's never something I shoot for.

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I don't play classic Doom (As in Og. D1/D2) but I generally like to clear a map of all the monsters before exiting in a wad. 

So preferably 100% for the monsters, secrets come second place but if I have like 50% and end the map with sufficient health and armor then that's good enough for me, unless there's either a secret exit or the wad's called Godless Night. Then getting all secrets has an actual benefit/reward to it in the form of extra content ;)



Edited by OniriA

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19 hours ago, Pegg said:

No the numbers do not matter for me.


Lich1.thumb.gif.1cc2b2cc080d84ef8b045bee  <-- This thing is telling me otherwise.. "Nyang, nyang, nyang give me loot, nyang , nyang, more booty! 1f463.png"

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On a first playthrough of a map, no; I'm just trying to find the exit.   If I play the map again, then I try to find all of the secrets and get 100% kills.  If I'm obsessed with a map then I try to for 100% max in a single playthrough 

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yes but i only use the score at the end of a level as an indicator of the amount of stuff that i have left to see and figure out in it, when i download a wad file i try to squeeze as much out of it as possible before loading another, i try to understand as much as i can about each level, including the little things that don't even bring any kill, item or secret, i just love exploration

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No, it's an absolutely wretched way to play for me personally. By the time I get to a map's exit I'm already sick of seeing it, I am not backtracking to see more of it whilst I hunt for secrets.

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I complete the map normally, run around for ~5 minutes trying to find any missing kills and secrets, before either giving up or looking up the DoomWiki entry for that map. Especially the latter on a MAP15/MAP31.


I rarely care about 100% items, given that health and armour bonuses count.

Edited by Novaseer

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On 12/22/2023 at 11:58 PM, Doomkid said:

If the map is gripping me I'll try to get at least most of the secrets and kills. Otherwise this tends to feel like an express lane to making what was a fun and punchy map a gruelling slog instead. If I happen to 100% any/all categories during play it's like "oh nice" for about 0.1 picoseconds before I forget forever and move onto the next map.

The tendency I've seen in many Doom streamers to double or even triple a map's playtime by looking for some secret cubby with a green armor is absolutely mind blowing to me, because they NEVER appear to enjoy the process and would certainly be having more fun shooting enemies in the next map, heh. It strikes me as a strange compulsion much of the time moreso than it is a means of having more fun with the map!


What he said.


Personally I play as best suits the moment, if I'm low on resources I might secret hunt a little more than usual and also avoid killing enemies if possible.

Either way I tend to try and find and do everything while going through the level, then perhaps one loop back to find something I missed, then I'm done and the percentages are what they are.


Speaking of videos been thinking of cutting the loop back bit out of them, but since I usually do blind plays the runs aren't pre-trained and contain faffing about a bit anyway.

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If I'm playing casually, I try to get 100%. Not for speedrunning though. Maybe that will change now that I've become a teetotaler.

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In my 15 years of playing classic Doom, I've only ever 100%d two wads, those being Ultimate Doom and Doom 2. Make of that what you will.

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  • 1 month later...

On something like hangar, hell yeah! But no way am I ever in at least 10 years gonna be able to or even try to 100% anything in a Final Doom map. Not even on ITYTD!

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I generally try to get all the secrets because I want all the goodies. But 100 percent kills and items I've never really cared about. It doesn't really matter to me as there are no bonuses you get for doing so.

Edited by Kor

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On 12/30/2023 at 9:28 AM, jerrysheppy said:

I just farted. 


*Ksshhk, ksshhk, kshk!..*



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// defaults;
kills is <= 100%;
secrets is <= 100%;
items is <= 100%;

// situations;
if map is easy {
  kills = 100%;
if map is enjoyable {
  kills = 100%;
  secrets = 100%;

hope i got that right. i'm not good with coding :P

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Long ago, I did care about getting that triple 100%.  Haven't cared about 100% items in over 10 years as it feels like wasting resources.  Still try for 100% kills and secrets.  Recently, I've loosened the strings even more; if I'm playing through a multi map set for the first time, I'm more willing to leave for the next map with less than max secrets.  And will even leave without max kills if some are being particularly elusive.  Save the thorough maxing for a revisit, if I do so.

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It's rude not to.  The mapper went to all that trouble of putting them there for you to find/shoot/eat, you'd better if you wanna say you TRULY conquered a map

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In regular Doom, most of the time, I have trouble navigating to exit, so — I don't even try that much besides random poking. But if it's a custom map, I try to be more scrupulous for the sake of the creator.

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If I'm playing blind, with stats shown, then 100% kills and a good attempt at all the secrets within reason. Not bothered about items.


If it's a map well-known to me then usually whatever challenge would offer a fair but fun test e.g all the stuff, pacifist or no damage taken.


No rules set in stone though as fun outweighs rules.

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