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which monster do you hate the most?


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im gonna say shotgunners because there so many of them and they are hitscanners.


chaingunners are even worse but im not afraid of them that much because there not many of them in doom 2.


zombiemens are meh.


pain elementals sometimes can be very annoying of spawning lost souls but you can kill them relatively fast.


arch-viles not many of them in doom 2 so its alright i guess


revenants are not that scary. homing missiles can be tricky a little bit and can deal quite a lot of damage, but not that difficult.


cacodemons not that difficult to kill but if theres a punch of them u should be careful.


pinkies and specters are easy to kill, but again if theres a swarm can be tricky.


lost souls are relatively easy.


mancubus- not many in doom 2 but they can be deadly sometimes.


imps are easy to kill.


hell knights and barons are quite easy to kill them.


cyberdemons there not many of them


arachnotrons relatively easy


spider mastermind joke enemy


wolfenstein ss they onky appear in one level in doom 2 and they are easy to kill with partial invisibility


commander keen doesnt do anything

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..homing projectile after homing projectile after homing projectile after homing projectile after homing projectile after homing projectile after homing projectile


(The revanent)

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Commander Keen. After killing the cyberdemon in map 32 I would love for them to put up a bit of a fight and not just lazily hanging around. You hate to see this kind of laziness!

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Chaingunners.  Pistol zombies and shotgun sergeants are tolerable hitscan bullshit, yeah a sarge who manages to hit you at close range can ruin your day, but they die so easily if you get the drop on them before they can fire that it balances out.  The chaingunner has 70 HP though, putting it at 10 more than the imp and more than twice as much as sarge, where a pump-action shotgun blast doesn't kill them reliably but the SSG/heavy weapons are overkill.  If they had 50 HP instead, or even 60 to be equal with the imp, they'd probably be less obnoxious and still have a good 20 or 30 HP more than the sergeant.


Revenants are a good enemy, damn it.  Arch-viles can be annoying but at least you can (usually, unless the map designer is evil) break their attack pattern without taking any damage, and the revival power can be interesting for making them a high priority target.  Pain Elementals / Lost Souls are just meh, the fact that the PE has no melee bite means it's actually really weak unless it's placed where you can't close to melee range.  The Spider Mastermind is usually less annoying than the chaingunner since it's treated as a boss and you can usually BFG it or otherwise unload the heavy stuff on it without it being a waste (and it's less prone to being used in trollish ways).  SS and Keen are easter eggs and not "real" enemies so I don't count them.  I guess the Icon of Sin sucks pretty hard too but is rare outside of the tendency to reuse it in megawad final levels.  Everyone else is fine.

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TBH my gripe isn't with the enemies themselves but how they're used. More specifically, Doom enemies usually stop being fun (at least for me) when I have to deal with them constantly in tight quarters, with the exception of the pinky/spectre.

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I dislike these real-life monsters who end up making the most mundane of forum threads. I prefer something more fleshed out.


Edited by Redneckerz

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2 minutes ago, Redneckerz said:

I dislike these real-life monsters who end up making the most mundane of forum threads. I prefer something more fleshed out.



Red, surely you must realize that for a 30-year-old game this is inevitable. Yes, the search function exists, but I don't think there's any harm in getting new perspectives from time to time. Maybe that's just me tho.

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4 minutes ago, maxmanium said:


Red, surely you must realize that for a 30-year-old game this is inevitable. Yes, the search function exists, but I don't think there's any harm in getting new perspectives from time to time. Maybe that's just me tho.

For sure. But can i expect a modicum of effort. This isn't OP's first rodeo.


Then again i also wanted to make a word pun, so there's that.

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Lost Souls, they have too much HP for what they are.  If adjusting their HP down became as common as changing the plasma rifle's sound in custom WADs, I'd be happy.

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Lost souls are my least favorite, mainly when there are a lot of them. But I really don't have much problem with any doom enemy.

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I find arachnotrons very annoying but only because of their relentless fire. When they see you they don't stop firing until you're out of sight or get them to flinch. Typically it's not much when you got cover but in a situation where you're starved for spots to hide it's a real pain. Sure they don't have the immediate damage output of a chaingunner but they do a damn fine job of filling a battlefield with projectiles.

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I hate getting blindsided by the Revenant's homing missiles, especially when they kill me right after I had killed their shooter. It is also annoying when I find myself in a room where there is no way of shaking the homing missiles off or when they manage to keep chasing me no matter where I run to. I would not mind it so much if there was a way to shoot said missiles, like in Doom 3.


I am also not a fan of the Arch-Vile being able to keep channeling its pyrokinesis attack even when there are enemies blocking its sight. Seriously, a tiny wood pillar will prevent the Arch-Vile from targeting me, but a Demon, a hulking Baron of Hell or a huge-ass Mancubus will not?!? Doom II really could use a Railgun-type weapon for this sort of situation.

Edited by Rudolph

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3 hours ago, rita remton said:

icon of sin :P


Oh yah, most definitely.


Really the most garbo-fire thing, instant map skip.


Get creative and create your own bosses for map 30 instead of copy pasting that thing in there everytime.

Edited by OniriA

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