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which monster do you hate the most?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Pain Elementals, no contest.

Sure, arch-viles and cybers are a much bigger threat, but the Pain Elementals just completely crap up an area if left unchecked. Like, absolutely flood it with lost souls, making navigation and getting to the pain elementals a complete nightmare. I'd sooner face an arch-vile in a narrow hallway continuously resurrecting chain-gunners or something than I would a bunch of pain elementals in a semi-open area. At least the archie I can blast with rockets without much worry.

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Pain Elementals are an enemy that needs to be killed much quickly than any other monster the moment you see them due to them being able to flood an area with lost souls, which can be quite a conundrum if you're dealing with other enemies that are just as much of a top priority, and heaven help you if they're in wide, open areas.


Speaking of lost souls, they're aggravating on their own as the way they attack are so unpredictable, especially when you're dealing with enemies that requires using a rocket launcher and if one flies right in front of you and intercepts the rocket, you'll either get wounded or killed due to eating the rocket thanks to the lost soul.


Revenants, they are an enemy you should never underestimate. For a mid-tier enemy, Revenants are quite OP as their homing missiles are not only tricky to manoeuvre, but can cause severe damage if they catch you by surprise.

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Cacodemons used to scare me, from their noise to design. For years I would not play any maps that I knew had cacodemons on them.

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Suppose I don't hate any of them on a technical scale, I think they all searve their in-game purpose fine.


Literally speaking, I hate them all. The only good demon is a dead one.

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If the Icon of Sin counts as a monster, then it's my pick. Otherwise, it's a tie between Pain Elementals and Chaingunners because both can easily ruin your day very quickly if you can't shoot them fast enough, especially if they're far away or in an obscure corner and you don't know where they are.

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Posted (edited)

I don't really hate any as they all have their place. But Lost Souls, and by extension, Pain Elementals are the most annoying. Lost Souls feel a bit tanky considering how they're often seen in larger quantities and killing them isn't fun. And they're broken in terms of falling asleep after an attack too. Wads that halve the health of Lost Souls feel right to me.


I do like to see it when they do their goofy bouncing attack off the floor/ceiling though. Always a fun sight to behold.

Edited by ChaingunChaCha

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