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Good small city(-ish) maps?

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The archetypical city map is huge and sprawling, with a focus on nonlinear exploration and/or progression. On the other end of the spectrum are small "firecracker" maps which offer quick bursts of carnage in tiny packages. Are there any good maps which offer a city-ish experience on a smaller scale (with multiple buildings to freely explore in and around, but with a smaller surface area - perhaps more like a "village" or "town" map)?

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the alfonzone's jazz city levels <3

no end in sight's square zero :0

legacy of heroes's buried village =S

heroes tales's upper town *-*

i don't know what you consider big and small exactly, if you have any examples to compare, but these are the first ones that came to mind

others that i'm not sure if they are small enough:

a.l.t.'s level 3, 4 and 5 o_O

super mayhem 17's ziegenhaus :marioface:

doom 2 the way id did's bedlam x.x

eternal doom's no parking lol

Edited by elborbahquarama

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