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Being mentioned, albeit in a small paragraph, in this year's Cacowards has encouraged me to create a new map before the end of 2023.

Plataform is a MBF21 map of medium duration (about 15 minutes maximum), not too difficult, and tested in WOOF and DSDA. All the textures used have been created for this map by me. The music is the midi track "AlienShip.mid" by Stweboy.

Enjoy it!

--> Download <--





Edited by RataUnderground

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I found out that you can completely skip the final fight by going through these circled and go to the exit.



Somehow, I overlooked the blue skull key and I found it through UDB after I was done with it, would it be a little more easier by indicating that there's a blue key there?

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9 hours ago, S3M_XM said:

I found out that you can completely skip the final fight by going through these circled and go to the exit.

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Somehow, I overlooked the blue skull key and I found it through UDB after I was done with it, would it be a little more easier by indicating that there's a blue key there?

Thats fixed now, thank you!

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great map....like the theme its not common....can be frustraning esp start but later part is easy 

my first and second exit prboom cl9 uv skill 100% kills n secrets


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2 hours ago, Zahid said:

great map....like the theme its not common....can be frustraning esp start but later part is easy 

my first and second exit prboom cl9 uv skill 100% kills n secrets


Excellent gameplays, it is always entertaining to see how people face the challenges of your map. Thank you very much for the demos!

Spoiler secrets:


By the way, the barons' crusher is activated by shooting at a switch on a tower in an easterly direction.


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