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Stupid questions mostly regarding dehacked (especially directions, turning enemies to decos etc)



I've got a lot of graphics that have and would make nice sprites, some decorative, others destroyable. I've already sacrificed archvile and SS enemies (as well as a lot of decos and not so necessary frames like from powerup anims etc) and this is where my need for knowledge begins. Basically I'm a tiny bit unsure of how to go about replacing enemies with multidirectional decorative sprites. Could I like for example just replace something like archvile with an office chair by turning off enemy functions? And would Doom II complain about missing sprites if my wad only had the ones I need for the chair? If I wanted archieve vanilla compatibility I guess you'd have to merge it into an iwad so providing only needed frames should be okay but I just wanted to make sure if any ports might have any problems?


What about making multidirectional sprites into single view ones, can it be done? Before I understood naming conventions and knew less about sprites I naively replaced SS with different decorations and was surprised to see it change when I walked around it :D Can I use enemy frames for single frame decos or do they need the sprite from every side? If directional sprites can be turned to nondirectional ones, how does one do this? I also read about adding more sprites to vanilla by adding numbers to them or something, could this be my solution? Can suita0 for example be made to four frames by having sprites suitb0, suitc0 and suitd0 present if I have dehacked slots for them?


Also for some reason my .deh got corrupted or something, a few items had changed back to defaults but I guess that's my stupidity which reminded me, if I'm using Boom, do I put .bex or .deh into a wad or both? So far been only using .deh but in Whacked4 I selected Boom format even though I haven't used any Boom specific things except likely exceeded a few string lengths, what happens then to the .deh? Are they cut, included, reverted to default or do they cause problems? Should I selected Doom format instead of Boom if I'm not using Boom stuff? (just mapping for Boom made me automatically select Boom and I'd like the longer strings). Are .deh files always vanilla Doom format or do Boom .deh files have stuff Vanilla don't like? Which brings me back to my question that if I use longer strings etc should I include .deh, .bex or both and how would I go about the latter? I know dehacked lump but is there some lump name for .bex?

BTW. Is there a list anywhere where I could _easily_ see which sprites, sounds and dehacked numbers belong to which enemies? (been having to google, look at game resources, scribble notes etc and still unsure of few but I'm stupid and at the moment unable to do very much testing)


Terribly sorry for this messy post, I'm so tired, medicated, preoccupied and stressed out but wanting to get even my resource wad together before bad things happen IRL. Just needs a few sprites, dehacked fixes and a few textures which reminded me of another bonus question, firewala(/firewal2/firewal3) or what it was called only displays two frames, can this be remedied? Also is there a limitation to animation patch/texture sizes? If I'd make 'em all 256x128 would they work? I've also read about people using longer patches so what about something like 512x64, would that work animated if at all? It'd really give room for plenty of cool stuff.


Big THANK YOU for anyone who even read this let alone can give me answers! If I could turn enemies into 1 sided decos, it'd help a lot. But this brought one _even_ more question, I was wondering can I use codepointer 281 just to play flamest sound effect? (which I've replaced)


Happy X-Mas and a Doomed New Year!

Edited by poisonhead

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I'm not an expert on Vanilla limitations and I can't answer everything, but I might be able to answer 1 or 2 things as well as point out some resources you might want to bookmark.


About changing enemies into decorations: Yes, you can turn enemies into decorations by changing its various attributes (health, speed, bit field attributes, etc.), removing most of its state designations and changing its spawn states. You can also turn decorations into enemies (you need to give them the same type of states and attributes that other monsters tend to have). You can also have destructible decorations (you can model them after the explosive barrel, but without the explosion action itself). One thing to note however: if you turn an enemy into a decoration, you will break the ending roll call screen. Sometimes even custom enemies break that screen (The wad Strain has a floating turret that dies in a unique way and its death state causes the roll call to break).


About the multidirectional sprites: Yes, you can turn multidirectional sprites into single direction sprites. You can also take one directional sprites and give them 8 directions. I have an example wad that has a shotgunner that moves with one directional sprites and a candle that has 8 directions (2 unique directions and 3 pairs that are mirrored), I colored them both in weird ways to make it more apparent.
The test wad (it does work in my version of Chocolate Doom, but it needs to be launched with the -merge parameter instead of the -file parameter): testsprite.zip


As for the other stuff, here are some useful resources that you might be able to use:





Edited by Ar_e_en

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On 12/26/2023 at 7:17 AM, poisonhead said:

Also for some reason my .deh got corrupted or something, a few items had changed back to defaults but I guess that's my stupidity which reminded me, if I'm using Boom, do I put .bex or .deh into a wad or both? So far been only using .deh but in Whacked4 I selected Boom format even though I haven't used any Boom specific things except likely exceeded a few string lengths, what happens then to the .deh? Are they cut, included, reverted to default or do they cause problems? Should I selected Doom format instead of Boom if I'm not using Boom stuff? (just mapping for Boom made me automatically select Boom and I'd like the longer strings). Are .deh files always vanilla Doom format or do Boom .deh files have stuff Vanilla don't like? Which brings me back to my question that if I use longer strings etc should I include .deh, .bex or both and how would I go about the latter? I know dehacked lump but is there some lump name for .bex?


Maybe your .deh got corrupted because you wrote some strings that were longer than they were in Vanilla Doom and Whacked4 changed your patch to the Boom format as a fallback mechanism (although, I don't really know that much about Whacked4, I used it a few years ago, but now I tend to write my dehacked patches in the .bex format by hand).


Also, the file extension for the dehacked patch file does not determine what compatibility the patch has (with one exception). A .deh patch file can actually contain Boom, MBF, or even MBF21 features. The main difference between a .deh and .bex file is that .deh files store most data with numeric values and .bex has data that is more human readable. The main reason to use the .deh format is in conjunction with the DOS program "DeHackEd" to create a copy of the Vanilla Doom executable that has all the changes from the patch applied into the copy (The Doomkid videos have examples of this). The .bex formatted files are meant for source ports only, but all source ports can also read .deh patches.


The Dehacked lump inside of a wad file can be written in the .deh format or the .bex format. In other words: if the name of the inner Dehacked lump is "Dehacked" and you paste the contents of a .deh patch file - it will work in most if not all source ports, and if the name of the inner Dehacked lump is "Dehacked" and you paste the contents of a .bex patch file - it will still work in most source ports, but a few might not work (it definitely will not work in Chocolate Doom and it might not work in Crispy Doom, but I'm not sure about the last one).


If you have to use longer strings, you might as well place your dehacked patch into the wad itself (as stated previously, either of the 2 formats will work), but at that point - the wad won't be Vanilla compatible due to the fact that the strings are longer than they were in the original. If you manage to make a dehacked patch that does have strings that are as long as they were in Vanilla - you could keep the .wad and .deh file as separate files, however, you could also add a copy of the outer the .deh patch as an inner dehacked lump into the wad (a lot of modern Vanilla wads tend to do this - have a .deh file and a .wad file, but the .wad file also contains a inner copy of the .deh file as a lump).


Sorry if this response (as well as the previous one) is a bit too hectic and/or simplistic.

Edited by Ar_e_en

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On 12/26/2023 at 8:17 AM, poisonhead said:

Are .deh files always vanilla Doom format or do Boom .deh files have stuff Vanilla don't like?

Bex absolutely has stuff that vanilla doom or rather, specifically, dehacked.exe for DOS, will not be able to understand. For example, consider vanilla codepointer editing (source: 1000 lines 3):

Pointer 1 (Frame 2)
Codep Frame = 174

Pointer 2 (Frame 3)
Codep Frame = 176

Pointer 3 (Frame 4)
Codep Frame = 783

Pointer 4 (Frame 6)
Codep Frame = 127

Pointer 5 (Frame 9)
Codep Frame = 157

Pointer 6 (Frame 10)
Codep Frame = 157

vs bex [CODEPTR] section (source: Eviternity II):

FRAME 6 = WeaponMeleeAttack
FRAME 667 = Spawn
FRAME 1089 = Look
FRAME 1090 = Look
FRAME 1091 = Chase
FRAME 1092 = Chase
FRAME 1093 = Chase
FRAME 1094 = Chase
FRAME 1095 = Chase
FRAME 1096 = Chase
FRAME 1097 = Chase
FRAME 1098 = Chase


String editing is also completely different. Vanilla has Text notations for original strings in the exe (source: 1000 lines 3):

Text 7 7
Text 7 7
Text 7 7
Text 7 7
Text 7 7
Text 7 7
Text 17 13
Text 43 37
You need a blue key to activate this objectYou need a blue key to activate this.
Text 42 39
You need a red key to activate this objectYou need a purple key to activate this.
Text 45 38
You need a yellow key to activate this objectYou need a green key to activate this.
Text 37 34

whereas bex adds [STRINGS] section with a much more limited set of mnemonics (source: Wormwood 5):

HUSTR_1 = map01: The Boiler
HUSTR_2 = map02: Spiral Castle
HUSTR_3 = map03: After Image
HUSTR_4 = -
HUSTR_16 = -
HUSTR_31 = map31: I'm Going to Kill You, With an Axe
HUSTR_32 = map32: Intense Ultra Slaughter
GOTBERSERK = Axe powered up!
GOTCLIP = Picked up a plasma cell.
GOTCLIPBOX = Picked up a plasma cell pack.
GOTCELL = Picked up a BFG cell.
GOTCELLBOX = Picked up a BFG cell pack.
GOTBLUECARD = Picked up a green keycard.
GOTBLUESKUL = Picked up a green skull.
GOTREDCARD = Picked up a red keycard.
GOTREDSKULL = Picked up a red skull.
GOTYELWCARD = Picked up an orange keycard.
GOTYELWSKUL = Picked up an orange skull.

And of course there is other stuff (see boomdeh.txt).


Using bex strings editing in Whacked4 won't allow you to change sprite names, which afaik is needed for vanilla exe with custom sprites. So you should probably take a pause, study vanilla limitations, practice relevant editing techniques (i.e. make a single custom sprite decoration show up in one-square-room.wad in dosbox) and make an informed decision as to whether you actually want to be vanilla-compatible.

If yes, then that's something you need to target from ground up - "I'll make boom stuff and then edit it to fit vanilla" will never work.

If no, then the most sane dehacked option in soon to be 2024 for a wad with a lot of custom decorations is MBF21/DSDHacked - forget the concept of "replacing" and "sacrificing" anything at all and just make new things/frames/sounds/sprites.

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I still find it baffling that I cannot find a guide or a simple example of how to do vanilla ambient sounds. I've got an invisible dehacked thingy, what is the minimal thing needed to play a sound when it sees (or hears) the player? Is spawn state and alert sound enough? (and does the sound play more than once?)


Also what about looping sound, I remember seeing something about it somewhere but can't remember and if it was for vanilla.


I also wonder about replacing sprites, can I use enemies 0 direction (towards the player) frames for things? When I first tried trial and testing I quickly found out what the numbers meants (thing could be seen only from certain direction and turned into another thing etc). Nowadays my time is _limited_ and CPU fan gave out, even running light utilities (PSP7, XWE, Slade, Whacked, Goldwave) may cause this to turn off due to overheating so I'm a bit stuck trying to learn "blindly". Also when I tried to replace archviles flame animation with different things it didn't work out, is this a hard coded thing? I wish there was some dehacked guide that actually answers these kind of questions I've seen before with no straight answer. What enemy sprites can be safely turned into one frame decorative things? and think I may be able google or see in Whacked this last thing but is there a way to trigger archvile's flame animation easily?

Edited by poisonhead

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