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I-CON Carmack Talk


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As some of you might know, I-Con was held last weekend
Mr J Carmack was a guest there, and gave a little speech about his work at id Software and with Armadillo Aerospace

I didnt attend, being in the UK and all, but some shackers (shacknews.com) did, specifically TroZ and nyranger66
so thank them for this info
here's a copy of what they posted on the shack, describing the talk


Graphics Talk: This talk was about 60% Doom 3 and 40% general 3D graphics. Highlites:
Doom 3 is the first C++ core that id has done. C++ was not a total win, but helped the interface and game object/ai code (didn't realy help renderer any).
New Doom 3 network != old Doom network. Network is peer to peer, meaning no server keeping track of game state, each client individually keeps track of game state.
In the origional doom, each player had a connection to the other players ( N players each had N-1 connections). With the new doom, there is a 'packet server' running on one of the players machines. Everyone has one connection to this packet server. If someone lags, only that player will lag, the packet server will continue to send out that players last position to the other players. The game won't studder for everyone.
It uses synchronous timing, meaning 60 times per second each player sends out and update and recieves updates from the other players. This makes coding many things easier; in Quake3 you would have to have special code or timing to get some things to occus or effect correctly, that now just work without special code. The expence is that modem users will not have a good experience in Doom 3 as the did in Quake 3 with the same ping.
There is no 'mid match joining' in Doom 3. The world can have an arbirtally large and complex state (lots of computer stations, with different settings that the control different machines or lock/unlock doors in the level). To keep things general (for their liscenses), there is no code to keep track of all this state and send it to users as the join, so there is no mid game joining.
Doom 3's renderer has been complete for about 1 1/2 years. He has been mostly doing optimizations recently.
Despite hoping otherwise, Doom 3 will NOT be done before E3 They are still trying to finish the content.
He showed the 'Doom 3 History' video for last year's E3.
Editing tools build right in to the renderer. This allows the level designers to change the lighting and immediatly see the results. The lighting of each level can and is modified 10+ times in only a few minutes. In previous games, it would take 30+ minutes to compile a map to see the effects of the lighting; the lighting was seldomly altered from it's origional settings. Now they modify the exact position and shade of each light several time to make everything look just right.
on games: He doesn't play too many games these days. He doesn't like plot based games. 'Plot isn't fun the second time'. Quake 3 was very close to his 'perfect game'; it was easy to learn but offered enough variety and depth to be fun again and again.
on the future of game development: Movie rendering and realtime rendering are converging. He believes that within 1 year, that special effects for at least one television show will be rendered on a consumer graphics card.
Next game engine will probably be capable of film quality graphics. With small numper of passes, the engine will be used in 3D games; with a large number of passes (500+), the same engine will produce film quality graphics. The film quality graphics will be several frames per minute, much faster than the greater than 1 hour that the rendering farms can do now (but the rendering farms have many machines that each work on their own frame).

Aerospace Talk:
He spends about 40 hours a week on software (down from 80) and another 40 on aerospace stuff.
X-Prize is a $10 million prize for launching a rocket carrying 3 people to a height of 100km, recovering the rocket, and do it again with the same rocket within 2 weeks. To promote the development or comercial rocketry.
He talked about the different rockets and tests they've done and what their plans are.
If everthing goes according to plan (but he admitted they never do), they will be ready for an X-Prize launch in about 1 year.
The are currently working on a ship that will be able to carry one person a few hundred feet up and land again.
The are having a hard time finding a supplier of 90% Hydrogen Peroxide, the fuel that they use.
They put weekly updates on their website. http://www.armadilloaerospace.com/
The videos from that website were shown. (SpaceAccess and SpaceFrontier)


here's a link to the thread

happy hunting : )

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Cool. So it won't be released before this year's E3, eh ? Bummer.

Launching someone 100km in the air ? Holy crap, John Carmack has finally started his conquest of the galaxy.

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Lord FlatHead said:

Launching someone 100km in the air ? Holy crap, John Carmack has finally started his conquest of the galaxy.

After doing that, he will construct an outpost on Mars and build a mysterious gateway.. Then, it's our time to step up for some serious action!

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grimiv said:

New Doom 3 network != old Doom network. Network is peer to peer, meaning no server keeping track of game state, each client individually keeps track of game state.
In the origional doom, each player had a connection to the other players ( N players each had N-1 connections). With the new doom, there is a 'packet server' running on one of the players machines. Everyone has one connection to this packet server. If someone lags, only that player will lag, the packet server will continue to send out that players last position to the other players. The game won't studder for everyone.
It uses synchronous timing, meaning 60 times per second each player sends out and update and recieves updates from the other players. This makes coding many things easier; in Quake3 you would have to have special code or timing to get some things to occus or effect correctly, that now just work without special code. The expence is that modem users will not have a good experience in Doom 3 as the did in Quake 3 with the same ping.

Oh no! Now all the hardcore mp gamers will start bitching and whining about Doom 3's bad multiplayer capabilities again :-[
Especially all the modem guys.

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The "hardcore mp gaym0rz" have been treated to enough goodness the past few years. Doom III was always intended to be a single player-focused game, so I don't think anyone ever expected interesting Doom III multiplayer.

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Lord FlatHead said:

The "hardcore mp gaym0rz" have been treated to enough goodness the past few years. Doom III was always intended to be a single player-focused game, so I don't think anyone ever expected interesting Doom III multiplayer.

Yes I know, but so far, I've seen lots of "boo hoo's" about it being sp focused. It's more like "Oh no, more news about D3 mp not being good" - such news always cause new complaints by the mp "gaym0rz".

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goddamnit, i want doom 3 now! oh well, nothing i can do about it. guess i'll have to wait until after e3. but theres no good games coming out until this summer thru winter! deus ex 2: who knows, half life 2: winter, doom 3: who knows!
but the last paragraph about gaming gave me butterfiles in my stomach talkin about film quality graphics, woot woot

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i think doom will be sufficiently good that people will take the multiplayer code and produce some genuinely interesting mods
i dont think there's going to be any lack of good multiplayer games after six months or so
also, with the environment being able to be however complex you want it (something not usually associated with multiplayer maps), it might take on some new angles from that
still no word on the player capacity, but i expect that will be bandwidth limited, but i'm guessing 8~12 with 500kbps connection, perhaps more
doom was never meant to be wide scale, anyway
doom is intimate : )

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I don't really care how long it takes before the game is being released, as long as it doesn't take as long as Duke Nukem forever has been in production. I just want a really good game. In the meantime there will be enough other interesting games to kill time.

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Thanks for the info.

Now that we are sure Doom III won't arrive before the E3, the following questions pops up: will Doom III be shown at the E3 this year?

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Disorder said:

I don't really care how long it takes before the game is being released, as long as it doesn't take as long as Duke Nukem forever has been in production...

Hmm... I think I know why the game title is Duke Nukem Forever. It's because it'll take forever for the game to be finished!!! :p

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Lizardcommando said:

Hmm... I think I know why the game title is Duke Nukem Forever. It's because it'll take forever for the game to be finished!!! :p


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