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[ALPHA 1]30 Minutes to Midnight Development thread | A megawad full of 30 minutes speedmaps (PLAYTESTERS WANTED)

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It's a great idea, but it takes me ages to make even a draft map. Not to mention that when I start, I'm so focused that 30 minutes turns into 3 hours without me realizing it.

I'm looking forward to seeing what comes out!


And the name of the project made me think of Iron Maiden. Watch out you don't get sued (Ion Maiden joke).

Edited by The Royal We

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Oh, hope my runs help you tweak stuff around. Sorry if I sound monotone I was just tired at the time. I look forward to replaying it again once you add more maps!

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2 hours ago, The Royal We said:

It's a great idea, but it takes me ages to make even a draft map. Not to mention that when I start, I'm so focused that 30 minutes turns into 3 hours without me realizing it.

I'm looking forward to seeing what comes out!


And the name of the project made me think of Iron Maiden. Watch out you don't get sued (Ion Maiden joke).

Hey, thanks royal we.

Yeah, it wasn't as hard as i thought it would be tho, this levels are the most basic level design ever (is like if you take a doom 1 level and rip every detail and just leave their most basic principles) or just gimmicky fights.

That's why a lot of this levels are based on preexisting ones like O of Destruction and Inmost Dens.

And yeah, the title is an Iron Maiden reference, maybe for the next year i could make a sequel called "2 Minutes to Midnight"

2 hours ago, DoomGappy said:

Oh, hope my runs help you tweak stuff around. Sorry if I sound monotone I was just tired at the time. I look forward to replaying it again once you add more maps!

Oh, don't worry, you played it like at 3 in the morning right? I don't remember honestly, but anyways, thanks.

I'm not gonna tweak any level unless there's something really fucked up like missing textures or a softlock, because i feel that replacing textures and all of that is like cheating.

Edited by DankMetal

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On 12/28/2023 at 7:41 PM, DankMetal said:

And yeah, the title is an Iron Maiden reference, maybe for the next year i could make a sequel called "2 Minutes to Midnight"

I used to listen to this song a lot.

Edited by The Royal We

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So yesterday i discovered mediafire folders, and i will use one of these to upload every single song of the midi pack.

I'm not following a concrete theme for this midi pack outside of "making it short", i want to experiment and do weird things.

Here's the list of the song i've made so far:

  • Sandwich of Hell: this is the song for MAP01, just a short, punky song.
  • I Wanna Fuck The Archvile: MAP05 song, do not ask about that name.
  • Buzzbomb: MAP09 song (and maybe more maps tbh), this is a Dead Kennedys midi cover made by me, this is the kind of music i'm trying to aim for.
  • Tonal Shift: This is the Intermission text song, it's a combination of post punk and black metal (yes, this is the kind of shit you can expect from this midi pack).

I've been having a blast making this songs, including the Dead Kennedys cover, i'm not trying to "speedrun" my songs under an established amount of time, but they are so minimalistic and short that it took me around 1 to 2 hours to complete each song.

Here's the link to the Mediafire Folder, i will update the OP soon.

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8 minutes ago, QuaketallicA said:

How can you not have an Iron Maiden midi with a name like that?

Soon, my friend, very soon ;)

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Huge update, we are now on BETA 2 guys.

I added 6 new levels, making it 15!

I've also added a bunch of songs to the mediafire folder.


  • Stick With a Rusty Nail: this is the song for map 2, another simple punky rocky song.
  • Off To Visit Your Mother: this is the song for maps 3 and 15, this was inspired by the spanish band MECANO and their song called "No es Serio Este Cementerio".
  • Do not Associate This Wad with Midnight: this is the song for map 10, an atmospheric dark ambient song ala Aubrey Hodges. It uses a really particular motif from a song about doing something with an Archvile.

That's it for now.

Edited by DankMetal

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Very fun to play !


I beat maps 01 to 10 and 12 UVmax pistol start (oh, not really, missed some kills on map 06), (blindrun for all maps except 06, 07 and 09, died a lot in map 07).

Can't beat map 11 but I'll try again.

I have been lucky with map 09 with an unintentionnal telefrag of the cyberdemon.



Edited by apichatpong

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Quick announce before commenting on some things: i added more songs to the mediafire folder, shocking, i know:

  • Comiendo Pan con Queso a las 7 de la Mañana: This is the intermission screen song, pretty much inspired by Crystal Castles "Vietnam"
  • Canción Para Cuando Peleas con un Flaite: this is the song for map 4, really fast paced, and pure thrash metal.
  • Brutal Doom Killed my Grandma: Song for map 6, like the previous song, this is another thrashy song mostly inspired by Bathory.
  • Baphometse: Song for map 7, inspired by the doom metal band Candlemass, and also by Death. Really epic, but i will probably never reuse it, lol.

Now on another note:


On 1/10/2024 at 5:12 PM, apichatpong said:

Very fun to play !

Hey,thanks for playing, i'm glad that you had fun playing this levels.

On 1/10/2024 at 5:12 PM, apichatpong said:

I beat maps 01 to 10 and 12 UVmax pistol start (oh, not really, missed some kills on map 06)

Map 6 has some spectres down in the blood area.

they are easy to miss, so i will probably take them out of there because even i forgot to kill them.


On 1/10/2024 at 5:12 PM, apichatpong said:

(blindrun for all maps except 06, 07 and 09, died a lot in map 07).

They are the biggest difficulty spike in episode 1 to be honest, the best strategy for map 7 is to run straight to the megasphere and try to kill the archviles with the rocket launcher as soon as you can.

On 1/10/2024 at 5:12 PM, apichatpong said:

I have been lucky with map 09 with an unintentionnal telefrag of the cyberdemon

I must confess that i overlooked this exploit when i found it, but i think it makes the level unnecessarily tedious.

I hope you play the rest of the megawad and complete map 11, i do like how that level turned out in the end. If you can record a demo or something i would be happy

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New beta dropped, hell yeah.

I finally added a TITLEPIC and an INTERPIC,both drawn by me.

To keep the spirit of the megawad, i decided to make these within 30 minutes. No sketches, no eraser, just madness (and a reference, shout out to pinterest btw).

There's also new levels and some minor fixes.

Go check it out!!!1!11

Edited by DankMetal

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Just now, prfunky said:

Are you kidding me?!

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Vanishing doors are a staple of doom mapping design, as seen in e4m1.

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2 minutes ago, prfunky said:

Are you kidding me?!

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Hey, the name of the map says it all, obviously this was an aesthetic choice and not an error i discovered while playtesting

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Uuuuuuuh how do i explain this...

Okay, for some reason, slade corrupted the TITLEPIC and INTERPIC images, along with some cwilv graphics, and somehow i didn't notice.

I had to put them inside the wad again, and that fixed everything, hopefully.

So yeah, here's the new beta with fixes, with a new map for the sake of completing episode 2.

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  • 3 weeks later...

New beta, yippie

I added 4 new levels, they are kind of a reprise of old ideas, like having an SpiderDemon- centered map, and monster only teleporters.

I started to worl on map 31, it has a new enemy made with dehacked.

The map that is actually on the wad is not the final version or anything near to what i have planned for this level.

There's also a lot of new songs on the mediafire folder.

  • OW THE EDGE: I already used this one on another project, it was inspired by some deathrock bands i hear like Christian death and Naked and the Dead.
  • Gender Euphoria: This song is for map 12, mostly ripped from Molchat doma.
  • Spinal Cord Waltz: It's not a waltz per se, it was written in 5/4. This song is for map 17.
  • MyHouse.wad Kicked my Dog: This is the song for map 20, i used some old rehearsals i had that were collecting dust at this point.
  • Fucking on the Altar of Sacrifice: This is the song for map 23, it was inspired in "Penetration" by The Stooges and a song i made for my noisegrind project
  • Mayhem Ruined a Whole Generation of Metalheads: This is the song for map 24, it has a lot of riffs ripped from Bathory, mostly from their album titled "The Return"

We are getting closer to finishing this up LESSGOOOO.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Heyyyy, long time no see, huh? I've added 4 more maps to this megawad. Maps 29 and 30 will take a bit of time to come out because i want them to be as good as possible. I've made a lot of failed drafts but i have a pretty general idea on what are they gonna be.

Well, enough about maps, i added some new songs to the mediafire folder, and now we have a special guest!

  • The Baphomet is Such an Icon: The sequel to Baphometse, this one is not as fast as its prequel, but it's still a good listen
  • Proggy Song For Dank: As the Title implies, this is a progressive song for map 19, made by the biggest and most talented bunny lover, @tamara mochaccina! go and listen to her other stuff.
  • Deathwish: This is a Christian Death Cover. I discovered how to fake the chorus pedal in midi, and nothing can stop me now. This is the song for map 25
  • The Baphomet is a Throat Goat: The last one of the "Baphomet" trilogy. I decided to experiment with Death Metal. It takes a lot of Deicide's riffs. This one is for the upcoming map 29.

This is probably the last beta, and i'm so happy about that, actually. It's been a fun experience, and i actually like some of the maps i made for this, even if they look basic as hell.


That's it for now, see ya

Edited by DankMetal

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  • 1 month later...

All right, got a chance to play this yesterday. Pretty fun! My favourite maps were ones that just go straight for an interesting layout or combat design. I didn't love the palette, too dark and off-colour for me, but it does add a unique feel to things. A lot of iwad map references here, feels like a mini Amalgoom at points, haha.


The beta 6 wad doesn't work in dsda-doom because you've got slightly broken TEXTURE1 and PNAMES entries. I can tell you how to fix them later if you want, but for this wad you can just delete those two entirely. Since your only new graphics are sky patches that are the same size as the ones in the iwad you don't need any new texture definitions, just keep the RSKYx graphics and it will replace the ones in doom2.wad. However you fix it, it shouldn't affect demo compatibility.


Speaking of demos, I recorded these all with Crispy Doom so they should play back in any port. I replayed the ones I had already played before to see what was new, lucky for me I did manage to remember one or two traps.




Some very brief notes I took which I'm not going to bother to format:


5 fun instant av fight, stuff like this works well for super-speed maps
8 nice arena, infighting does most of the work
9 perfect hatred yeah! missing an upper texture in area with barons and PEs
11 mmm satanic donut
13 a bit dickish but lots of health so it's fine
31 i'll take this guy over the scythe 2 marines for sure
16 i should have died a lot here
20 fun minislaughter
21 that teleport room again argh! ;)
23 couple problems in this map, some linedefs missing tags? or stray actions? demo breaks the map on first attempt
      also i'd give more landing room from the jump to the soulsphere + plasma gun, too easy to just go into the teleporters
      unless that's what you want
24 getting hectic! don't think you need 4 identical teleport switches at the end, 2 is plenty
26 ok this took a few tries. bfg up there is a tease.
27 couldn't be bothered to kill all those cacos


Excited to see what you come up with for what remains!

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Alpha 1 is out! The main campaign is over, and now i can completely focus on the secret maps.

Surprisingly, there are no new songs for the medoafire folder, that's mostly due to me not being able to complete the demos i got.

I forgot to mention in the changelog that i also fixed the problems with map 23 and the Texture lumps, the wad should work fine on DSDA now.

On 4/7/2024 at 9:05 AM, plums said:

All right, got a chance to play this yesterday. Pretty fun! My favourite maps were ones that just go straight for an interesting layout or combat design. I didn't love the palette, too dark and off-colour for me, but it does add a unique feel to things. A lot of iwad map references here, feels like a mini Amalgoom at points, haha.

You don't know how thankful i am for this, i enjoyed watching your demos and were actually really helpful, especially with map 26. I notoced that you got kind of angry when you notoced that you had to do the platform section all over again, sorry for that.

The palette is entirely my bad, it did make some of the earlier maps (which didn't have a lot of light variation) look better, but i didn't thought about the later maps which are more darker, especially on episode 3.

I don't know if i want to change it, to be honest, it still makes some maps look hella good in my opinion. If i find a better palette, maybe, but for now, i will have to leave it as it is. I promise i will use a custom palette from the start for the next time.

Again, thanks for taking time of your day and record demos for (almost) every map, even the one that is just a test room, that was a surprise!

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@DankMetal You're very welcome, I had fun besides. I wouldn't say I got angry on map26, just a little frustrated when I got pretty far on my first try of the map and then had trouble for a few attempts after even though I knew what was coming. That's OK though, and it was my choice to play that without saves.


If you like the palette you should keep it, no other justification required. It might be good to brighten a few places though, if you haven't already. 


I'll give the remaining maps a go soon, now that they're out!

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Demos for the two new maps:




MAP29: Revenge! not as much as you might have hoped though. 4 crushing pillars have unknown action 489 on them, maybe there's a reason? Fun and intense map.


MAP30: I hate IOS maps :P got it eventually though. for a while I thought my first rocket only hit when I was on the second-from-the-top stair, for some reason, so I spend some time trying to do that before I figure out that it isn't necessary.


Congrats on finishing a whole megawad!

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  • 2 weeks later...

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