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posts not having a "react/like" button

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== ignore this post, I was just being really dumb=


hey, so yesterday I posted on the "WAD Releases & Development" tread, and for some reason it doesn't have the button to "react/like" on the post and it also doesn't appear in my profile, and i have no idea why that's happening.


does any body know what causes it and how I can fix it? 


here's the post in question:


Edited by NoC0ncentrate51

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Just now, DoomGappy said:

it shows here, just gave you a like there. 

weird, wen a post has no likes it normally has the little gray soulsphere at the bottom, but my post just didn't, and even wen I entered the site without an account.

this very post right now doesn't have it for me either, maybe im just being stupid and its supposed to be that way 

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I think first post in thread by you can't be liked by yourself... I dunno if I make sense. Same if you reply to thread. 

Edited by Misty

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