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2024 - Doom New Year’s resolutions


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Make less maps for community projects and work more on one of my personal projects. Granted, I'm making this statement after making 5 to 7 or so maps in the second half of 2023 and burning myself out pretty hard.

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-Reach to at least the development of MAP15 of Trial To Hell (3 and 1/2 maps) So I can release a new WIP build
-Release Constriction: 1024 (10 maps lefts and playtesting)
-Finish my Doomium II map
-Find a job related to my studies (Required)

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Well, time to make a bet with myself that i end up keeping these.


My resolutions going into 2024 are...


-Submit to more community projects.


-Do more speedmapping.


-improve my mapping speed.


-Tighten up the gameplay implementation in my maps.


-and actually finish and release a standalone project.


knowing me, I'll probably accomplish only half of these, but hey any progress is better than no progress! 

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- End my WAD history book.


- Actually play current releases instead of WADs from 30 years ago.


- Finish my E4-inspired WIP project.


- Increase the speed of Wadazine releases.


- Make more Heretic maps.

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- post a new video on d'aul YouTube every day 

- learn how to map

- create and release first map

- soak in feedback with grace (hopefully)


Going to be fun 😄

Edited by mancubian_candidate

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-Play more Doom wads.  I have a growing list of wads that interest me but I'm compelled to map for my own projects in my free time instead, which is a new problem for me.


-Finish putting my releases on idgames.


-Try to be more creative with overall map layouts and progression.  I can make individual rooms/fights look  nice but its not that interesting if the way to get there is too straightforward imo.  Half my maps have loops but very simple ones. 


-Make a map in UDMF cuz I like slopes now but making 1000+ sectors for a single wall is bad in boom haha.


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1.  Finish my Doom 1 episode.


2.  Start working on and maybe finish a few single maps that I've been thinking about.


3.  Make more time for a few community projects this year.

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- (maybe) learn some mapping fundamentals;

- get better at playing difficult maps and/or slaughtermaps;

- diversify the kinds of Doom content I play and cover;

- helping out more creators with playtesting and feedback;

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Notes to Self:

- Stop being depressed, I've never been worse than I have been this year
- No more procrastination, I've nearly ruined everything because of it
- Finish the MIDI I've signed up to submit for the Plutonia Memory Project Thingymbobber
- Shut up for once, seriously, your inability to do so caused a mini-riot on the doom wiki"
- Finish Scythe II, you would have been done by now if you did more than one attempt at MAP23 every six weeks.

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Not much planned for next year regarding the Doomisphere:

  1. Complete and release the AAA: Post-Mortem expansion.
  2. Hopefully get AAA on idgames.
  3. Start learning a more advanced Dehacked variant. I'm thinking DEHEXTRA or maybe even MBF21.
  4. Release another WAD this year using the aforementioned Dehacked variant? I have ideas for a puzzle, Web 1.0, or timber industry mapset, but not sure on which one yet.
Edited by MundyC

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Perhaps make some Strife maps


Finish playing the megawads that I started. Specifically:

  • Solar Struggle
  • Plutonia 2
  • Requiem
  • Eviternity (and then 2)
  • Batman Doom

Also, I keep wanting to start a community project. I have so many ideas, but I'm also very bad at organising/hosting stuff.

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  • Finish my commitments community projects I signed up.
  • Finish one of my personal projects.
  • Maybe host another community project in near future after Snow Wave is in idgames, well and snug.
Edited by Misty

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- Come back to working on my launcher for dsda-doom (dsda-launcher)


- Keep working on my megawad (Nightly) that I started on 2021, and Ive recently started working on again


- Contribute to SLADE and some other Doom projects that I use and value

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- More livestreaming.

- Finish Earthless (see above for how to do that).

- Keep the creative gears turning outside of streams.

- Release more things in general!

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2024 is a time of uncertainty for me, as I finally leave academia and enter the wide world of work (or at least, potential work as the game industry isn't doing too well currently), regardless, I remain optimistic for the future.


Here are a few things I'd like to do in 2024:



  • Co-author a map / project with someone


I'd love to bounce back and forth over Doom, direct collaboration is also something I intend to improve on.



  • Try mapping for a new gameplay type


When I started making maps back in 2019, I didn't think I would ever defer from making single-player experiences, though I have found great pleasure in the multiplayer scene with projects such as VesperDM and Culling Strike; As such, I look forward to trying new avenues I previously would have not considered.



2023 was a difficult year for me, fortunately I have found myself on a path of recovery, and I am eternally grateful for this community and the good it has done me over the years. Generally speaking, as long as I am in a position to continue contributing to the community in one form or another, I will be content.


Cheers and Happy New Year!

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Now that my gallstone issue has been resolved, can now return to some projects I had been working on, and without worrying gallstone attacks...I'm pretty much laughing.


My other resolution, to cut back on trying new mods out, I played waaayyyyy too many this year to the point it burnt me out, didn't help there were some stinkers.


But yeah, nice and simple.

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No playing of the waiting game (everyone should do this tbh).

Work on custom content entries in wiki stuff (long term plan I have).

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