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2024 - Doom New Year’s resolutions


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More travels to cities around the US, and figure out where I want to go and what to do.


Actually produce music for once and get more comfortable with writing, both with instrumentals and vocals. Been having a serious existential crisis about it and it's about time I figure it out or put it all to rest.

Publish more stories that I have in the works!


Oh, and make more maps.


This year should be good.

Edited by KeaganDunn

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-Release Brotherhood of Ruin 2023-2024: Supercharged edition which is now about 75-80% complete in Q1/2024 and then retire from mapping after 28 years. Maybe I'll return to mapping one day after maybe 5 years but now it's time to focus 100% on my music projects for the unforseeable future. I will keep hanging out at DW forums occasionally to find and play quality map projects.


Besides this, I'll continue to keep myself fit, travel to various destinations around the globe to play my music and keep breathing and loving life.

Edited by Kristian Nebula

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I was gonna say I wanted to make 32 in '24 as joke

but I'll try to make at least 8 maps this year, a episode is a good ammount

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1) Finish ColdWire.

2) Make maps for any and all community projects I join/have joined.

3) Do something with MBF21.

4) Host another community project.

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I don't usually do resolutions, (I usually give up on them lol ) but here's some stuff I'll likely actually do:

1) More DoomCute

2) Finish and release Frantik DM 3

3) Work a lot more w/ UDMF

4) Make more CTF maps

5) Release a minimum of 50 DM maps this year




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I'd like to learn how to incorporate custom textures into my wads instead of handing a texture pack with the wad LIKE A CHUMP. Also releasing a teaser WAD.

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I want to make my own Doom wad. I want to redesign the Cyberdemon’s death (I always thought it was disappointing. I thought it wasn’t gory enough) and I want to implement Urdak into the wad, with the final boss being the “Makyr Queen”.

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  • Work on Doom part 2 megawad with @Kam Tovalski, maybe make something different as well for the Visplane Megaflow Team?
  • Complete the maps i was working on for all the community projects i am involved?
  • Don't try to join all the community projects i see posted there... At least not that many!
  • Host a community project (i have in mind a sequel for Box of Chaos)
  • Complete that episode 2 replacement i was working on last summer, 2 maps are done and 7 more needs to be done
  • Maybe make a Doom 2 episode (a megawad, even?) based upon the original maps for the 30th years of Doom 2? Just a thing i have in mind...
Edited by Walter confetti

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- To actually play Doom on my Laptop instead of the Unity port on my ole' Xbox One (not that the Unity port is bad or anything) (and yeah i got a new gaming Laptop, a Lenovo Legion 5i Gen 6) (my old desktop was pretty old)


- Maybe try to make my own PWAD after all of these years


- To just have fun playing classic and newer PWAD's like i used to (can't forget the classics nor what's new in the Doom world)


- Try a bunch of different source ports and figure out what i truly like, now that i have a modern OS (Windows 11) (i like more vanilla style gameplay, no jump, crouch or y-axis mouse look unless a mod or WAD asks for it) - GZDoom was my go to on Windows 7 in software mode, Doom or Doom strict, Crispy Doom sometimes for extremely old '94 PWAD's.


- Try to be more active in the Doom community, especially here on Doomworld, even if i still don't understand everything about the Doom engine.


- Try to buy a complete boxed copy of Doom or Doom II (probably the Ultimate Doom as it is cheaper than the original Doom)

Edited by CyberDreams
typo's, spaced out my answers

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3 hours ago, Pechudin said:

I'd like to learn how to incorporate custom textures into my wads instead of handing a texture pack with the wad LIKE A CHUMP. Also releasing a teaser WAD.


Well I can mark this one as complete then. Next one is then to release my 7-map wad since a 32-map one will be too much work.

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Finishing my megawad. Considering there are only two more levels to go and one is about halfway done, that should be a low hanging fruit.


After that? Working on some community projects.

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Interesting, promising plans all around.


These Doom related resolutions will probably be the only resolutions I can actually keep.

-Learn to make maps that are actually fun and engaging to play. Might not happen.

-Get a new vanilla 9-map set out by the end of the year. Literally got the whole year ahead of me and the work has already started so I think it'll be fine.

-Get some more stroller records. Already got a new one in the bag but I'm trying to improve it further.

-Maybe work co-operatively on a small mapset. It's a dream but it might have to wait for more accumulation of mapper cred.

-Perhaps write some obsessively technical vanilla modding documents/tutorials and combine knowledge I've gathered from different sources.

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- Contribute to some community projects to see if I can make a name for myself

- At least releasing copper flooding demo2 (ujum ujum shameless plug)

- Beat scythe 2 or Alien Vendetta saveless on UV

- Beat some megawads for the DWmegawad club if i'm available.

Edited by Cutman 999

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  • Finish my vanilla Doom II episode (halfway there, halfway slump).
  • Join more community projects - though I am pretty cautious of doing this as a lot of them fill up too fast, don't immediately vibe with me or I just assume I'm not good enough to map for them.
  • Do a map or some maps for Heretic or Hexen, maybe.
  • Run a community project - I have one or two ideas but dunno what the interest level will be.
  • Get better at speedmapping and/or greyboxing layouts - two things I absolutely suck at doing.


Probability I will hold myself to any of the above: debatable.

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I'm gonna go for an easy one; finish and release my 10-map vanilla Doom 2 episode. Should be easy, as MAP10 is about 70% complete and all others are 100% complete.

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- finally get around to finishing Neapolitan Doom.

- learn more Spanish

- get better at auto repair

- implement native MUS playback for Rockbox Doom

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- Finish the map for Embryo I started several months ago (only have a month and a half left before deadline!) Once I actually sit down and seriously start working on it, I should be good, it's just figuring out Boom mapping tricks is gonna take me the most time. 


- Finish the stand-alone map I was working on before committing to Embryo. That one is pretty much done in the combat department, I just need to work on the visual design of it. I think I may also switch it from Boom to MBF21, since the main gimmick with it is a lot easier to do with MBF21, it will just take some reworking. 


- Speaking of reworking, I'd like to redo the 2 maps I made for RAMP 2023. They didn't come out the way I pictured them, and that was due to a combination of inexperience and the 1-month time limit. One map needs to use textures that aren't purely from the IWADs to be what I envisioned, and the other one just needs more texture variety and some finetuning with the intricate secret I have in it.


- Get the will power to actually map. I'm the kind of person who gets frustrated easily if I can't make what I'm picturing in my head quickly. I have ideas, I'm just impatient when it comes to the time needed to make them, so this burns me out of mapping quickly. If I can really get back into mapping, then maybe I will continue with my original idea of having the 2 RAMP maps and the other stand-alone one be part of a 13-map WAD I originally wanted to make. 

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1) Finally learn how to map.

2) Complete Alien Vendatta and Ancient Aliens, I think I can handle them now.

3) Play something other than Doom.

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  • Make the wiki a better place for us all
  • Participate in more writing, and making myself more available for that, too.
  • Finally release the Doom Millennium beta's.

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Keeping it down to lowest bar - "make anything at all for Doom". I've got a big non-Doom modding project that's at least a couple years overdue, making progress on that is going to be my primary focus for the foreseeable future.

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Make a map for a CP.

Make a Mapset of 3 maps. (Something like the format of jaded.)


Make 15 speedmaps for nanowadmo


Get caught up to 2010 cacowards

Get better at the game. 

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