Sneezy McGlassFace Posted January 2, 2024 Okay, some doom goals for the year: - make a map set with cohesive theme(s), and difficulty progression. Less than 32 maps is totally fine - release something on idgames - experiment more with how textures and geometry fit together - make a heretic map - compose a midi 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Optimus Posted January 2, 2024 Even though there are a lot of programming goals outside of Doom, I'll write some resolution even if half of them might be lower priority. - Definitely will do one more map, but the goal would be to now not use the Doom stock textures, but try to make my own. I need to check what tools are available, but one idea I never started was to write some procedural generation code tailored to the original Doom palette, to make my own. - I have an idea for a map called The Shrinker, where I'd need to create extra textures and maybe monsters. - Last time I wanted to make some WAD tools, as I was looking at the WAD format while I was working on OptiDoom 3DO. One would be the procedural texture generator tool tailored for Doom palette. Other was some global WAD searcher, damn,. I am never gonna start this early but I was thrilled. - New OptiDoom 3DO version? Unlikely because of other priorities, but if so then try to optimize certain functions with ARM assembly or replace part of the visplane engine with something more effecient. - I wish I did a more serious episode/megawad, I started many times but.. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
viti95 Posted January 2, 2024 Here are my Doom goals for 2024, after having taken some time off: - Complete FastDoom 0.9.9. This won't involve major updates, instead, it will focus on small optimizations, bug fixes, and minimal changes. I aim to finalize Hercules InColor support. Additionally, I've decided that WadPtr optimized IWADs won't be necessary for this release. If anyone wishes to contribute to the project, please use tag 0.9.8 as a base, as the latest source code is currently broken because of this (I'll fix it as soon as possible). - Produce a TED-like video and upload it to YouTube, explaining all the work done with FastDoom - Assist in optimizing, if possible, Doom8088 / RealDoom ports - Play Doom Eternal (and both DLCs) and Doom 64 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
apichatpong Posted January 2, 2024 Here are mine : - finish some classic hard megawads at least on HMP - trying to start and finish a small wad with three to five maps, grandiloquence-oriented but with skill difficulty organised from below : HNTR would be my level, HMP the level i plan to beat one day, UV for the madmen (but i plan to ask for help for this last part because when you're not able to beat real hard stuff, it's difficult too create some...) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Yugiboy85 Posted January 2, 2024 Hmm, let's see: - Finish and release mapset (that was a resolution for last year but, stuff happened) - Finish my contributions for other projects (one of which is done with 2 maps submitted actually, the last one today) - Play more stuff? Anyhow, let's see how the year turns out :D 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Gothic Box Posted January 2, 2024 - Finish/salvage most of my incomplete maps from the last couple of years - Participate in more community projects - Quit making variations on the same theme; one can only make so many cramped techbases surrounded by darkness and murky water (I'm really bad about this, like really bad) After mapping off and on for nearly a decade I feel like I finally hit my stride in 2023, and I plan to keep that momentum in 2024. Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go have an existential crisis regarding the passage of time (How is Swim With The Whales nearly 11? How is Going Down turning 10? How are Sunlust and Valiant almost 9? Ancient Aliens released in 2016, and 2016 was only 4 years ago, right? ...right?) 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Plerb Posted January 2, 2024 -Finish and release at least one of my (many) solo projects -Contribute to more community projects -Start putting more thought and attention into enemy placement for my maps -Beat most of the WADs I started playing in 2023 -Get better at speedrunning Doom Other stuff I want to do that's tangentially related to Doom: -Get better at 3D modelling and animation - with my ancient version of 3DS Max ;) (I'm making a total conversion that heavily leans into the 90s CGI look, and I'm making almost all the graphics myself) -Finish and release at least one of my Commander Keen mods. I've barely touched most of them for the past four years. I also want to get back into playing Keen stuff in general. -Obtain a Pentium 1, 2 or 3 PC, and after that maybe a 386 or 486 -Play and beat more old FPS games 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
KIngboxvolyr Posted January 2, 2024 - Be more productive- -Start studying the C++ programming language - Perhaps release more maps to potentially enhance level design skills. - Explore additional map formats beyond just UDMF - Learn ACS script and ZScript (I've realized that DECORATE isn't as effective)" 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
BunnyBun Posted January 2, 2024 Play more Doom! I keep finding awesome wads and community projects that I want to play, but I don't always get around to them! I want to play all of the doomer board projects as well! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Andromeda Posted January 2, 2024 Survive/win a month in DWIronman League :P 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Agent Strange Posted January 3, 2024 1. Play some more of the all-time great megawads that I've been meaning to for years. Stuff like Eviternity and so on. 2. Dip my toes into UDB. 3. Do more in the realm of informative entertainment. Interviews, playthroughs, and the like. 4. Go to QuakeCon 2024! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
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