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2024 - Doom New Year’s resolutions


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. Play and review a ton more random wads published on idgames. I'll probably reach 2 000 wads this year. :)

Edited by Roofi

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My goals for 2024:

1) Make some maps for Doom II or Heretic or Hexen

2) Be happy for all the four people who will play them

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I would like to eventually resume working on my own projects, and I would also like to play more megawads, more games beyond Doom (that is, mods for Heretic, Hexen, Duke Nukem 3D, Marathon etc etc etc), and maybe a little review project on the side. Most are unrealistic goals, but a man can dream!


And as cliche as it is, I hope my fellow Doomers are able to find peace of mind and continue working on the so many amazing projects that so many people have left in the waiting que. One might think we've seen all that Doom modding can do, but the truth is, we've barely scratched the surface!

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Find a way to finally balance school, home, and doom. It seems I still suffer from doing everything in extreme bursts of action after ages of procrastination and unhealthy habits, but they don't give the same rush or happiness anymore, and all that's left is just nothing. I hope that means I have no other choice but to do something about it.

Edited by Bobby :D

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It's been said a bunch of times before, but my resolution for 2024 in terms of Doom is to actually commit to and finish at least one project. It's been like 2 years since I put something playable out there, but that might change if my executive dysfunction doesn't kick me in the ass.

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I’d like to learn to map this year I think. I want to make one map. It can be awful crap, but I want to be able to say I made something.


I also want to finally play through the megaWADs I’ve been wanting to play since I was a kid. Hell Revealed and Alien Vendetta, specifically.

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- stop having skill issue and try to do something on ZScript

- Try to release a demo of my project.... (imagine work 5 years on a project lmao xdxdxdxdxd)

- Try new gameplay mods

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Either get better at the game or realize that I'm at/near my skill ceiling. I have a blast with WADs like Machete and Valiant but I'd love to say I beat Scythe 2 or 180MPV or Alien Vendetta. This should be achievable by February if I push myself like I should.


Related: Stop getting so frustrated at deaths/"unearned" hits. I take this game too seriously and while I shrug it off sometimes it gets to me others.


Fully participate in at least 2 months of DWMCs. I think I'm going to set a word limit of 100-150 per level to motivate me. I always want to hop in but get in my own head about writing too much and making it feel like work. Deadline for this is just "end of next year" since it'll be dependent on what WADs are chosen when.


Create my first map and make it public if I think it's at least decent. I'm not the mapping type but I think it'd be nice to at least know the basics to further appreciate what y'all do. I'd like to do this by May.

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-participate in more DWMC

-complete THT:Threnody and Plutonia 2 (always wanted to play them, but would always put them off for later b/c I was playing other pwads lol)

-Play long trek back home on DOOM II’s bday (remixed levels of the OG but done from Map30 first all the way to Map01)

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I would like to go through my megawad backlog, but given how new ones seemingly come out every week or so, I do not think it is feasible...

Edited by Rudolph

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i need to finish my NewGothic 1 UV max series, ans hopefully at lwast have 10 or so wad series completed by the end of this year. Ive also started mapping, hopefully by the end of the year ive made some progress on that, mostly figuring out the ins and outs of Slade.

I also want some more friends in this community, preferably of a similar sorta, life experience to me if you know what I mean.

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I have a map in the works that I will finish, but I'm debating if I should do 2 versions, one just being the map and another being an actual mod.

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Finish amalgoom for god's sake, and other things so i can start my own community project that i've been thinking of since the day i discovered Doom the way ID did

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2024 will be the year I finally release Realm of Chaos 2: The Revenge of '96 and Realm of Intensified Chaos. These projects have been close to completion for way too long . . . years! Along with Cammy's Realm of Chaos: 25th Anniversary Edition, this will be all of the Realm of Chaos franchise. To say I never anticipated this is an understatement. Indeed, I never planned a RoC2 until Rob Berkowitz contacted me and @Jayextee suggested I should do it after the first planned megawad, to be called Old Dogs, fell apart. So it's all Jay's fault. ;D Luckily, I got a map out of him.


All these releases should be out by summer, and my Doomium II map will be delivered in February. If the gods smile on me, I'll find time to work on other projects like The Ghosts of Neptune and Grinning Like An Undertaker, The Amiga Demo Party of Doom. Neither of those projects will be completed this year.


The other thing I need to do is play more content by mappers I'm unfamiliar with, as well as all the maps in The Top 50 WADs of 1994. I have a lot of fun ahead of me. :)

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Realise all the ideas that have come to me over the Christmas break. (Too many, oof).


Start plugging in my own MIDIs / music to my projects. 

Finish BTSX and Capybara at some point lol.


More collaborations with cool people. 


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Finish making Moth Eaten Soul.


Learn Dehacked.


Get into making midis.


Get outside my comfort zone more. Play more platforming/niche/doomweird sets in general.

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  • Finish DOOM XG before Ult. Doom 30th Anniversary
  • Finish my 2 maps for a CP
  • Finish MIDIs for another project
  • Get a better job

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  • Survive
  • Keep making and releasing maps for new projects (probably won't release a standalone map again, since almost no one plays those)
  • Catch up with the community by playing through a lot of the most popular wads, and make a favorites list
  • Hopefully start playing more obscure stuff too and write reviews on it

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  • Finish and release DOOMIUMII
  • Finish one of my abandoned project or start a better one
  • Do more CP as participants
  • Also start a new CP, either on Brutalism or an Asian CP something like JPCP or HCP but I feel like it'll be lacking in personale. 
  • Learn basic level German, Finnish, French, and maybe Korean (yes, I'm just an amateur Langauge learning enthusiast, don't ask me why)
  • Find new type of content to make for my youtube channel

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Happy New Year Everybody!


I have three goals for Doom in 2024.


Release at least one Megawad in line with personal design documents.

Improve and Expand upon community tutorials for map making and megawad creation.

Refine and open source my custom utility tools to make map making and custom campaigns more accessible to new creators.


I look forward to sharing my progress.

Edited by Secresteyn

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obviously i wanna play more wads, but more importantly, i wanna at least finish most of the wad i'm working on. it's only gonna be 11 maps, but i'm a slow mapper and i really like to fine-tune stuff, so, y'know...

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After playing some maps on Odamex yesterday, I have 1 thing I wanna do for Doom

-get a multi-map project designed with co-op in mind

whether this means doing a one-man-megawad or hosting a community project: I'll get it done by the end of the year

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-actually finally release a solo wad, likely a miniwad with some set aesthetic and combat style in mind
-stop joining every community project that even remotely catches my eye for once, i should set limits for myself in that regard
-settle on just one of the many ideas I have for a community project

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