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Snow Wave (idgames release)

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A note from the GZDoom side of things - I had tried to get a rough idea about how the snow will affect framerate and it shouldn't be too bad, however, if you find it is making your computer chug, please let me know and I can set up a system to turn it off.

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Hello everyone, it was with joy to have participated in this super nice project, I had no stress and it was fun to do. And at the same time I wish you all a very happy new year!

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I'm so happy to have been a part of this project. 💖✌️ It's a fantastic set of maps. I also have to say that my map being placed in the first slot is the best Christmas gift ever, Cheers! 🥳🍻

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Hello, there's quick update of the project, link remains the same as old one. Notes:


  • Map03 was updated, now secrets should be reachable.
  • File uses right numbering, it's version 1.1 . 
  • Includes Complevel lump for DSDA Doom thanks to Arsinikk once more. 
  • Credits now in wad file too.
  • Internal list for maps was updated too. 

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The red skull key on map 7 is set to hard skill only (and the teleport doesn't seem to work in GZDoom

Edited by TheCyberDruid

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2 hours ago, Zahid said:

my playthrough of first 10 maps i tried to maxed but some aren't 

prboom cl9 demos no saves pistol start uv skill 


Okay, this is weird. I checked out the demo for my map and the raising boxes are broken for my map. They're not supposed to raise up to the ceiling like that. I think some control sectors might have been unbound in my map. I'll check my map tomorrow and see if I can upload a fixed version.

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Just chek map07 after watching @Zahid demo and the map is not finishable, There is no tag on the sector's teleporter so it will never lower


Also i found 2 archivile that will never spawn because there are define has "Ambush ennemie" 



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Good to see that reports are flowing, that means that with each update project will get more refined and streamlined. If help is needed from my side, just give me a notice. 

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Hi, been checking this and I'm up to map 09, a few hiccups presented in the way:




- Not a bug at all, I'm curious if these two unreachable bonuses are just ornaments.



- Noticed a handful misalignments if that's of any concern. Here, here, few more around the same room (RL area).



- Again not a bug but some monster closets got me bit confused, I wonder why these zombie closets open only if you approach the wall, while there being no reason to do that. The one linked to when you grab the RSK seemed very easy to miss the line, as I had to like "force" it to function, and maybe the line could be spaced out a bit from the key. Nothing broken though.



- I wasn't sure about the tripwire that lowers the final barrier (sector 312) cause it's not only very close to the cyberdemons raising, but also if you didn't cross it during the super small window you get, there's later like 15 seconds or so of wait til it's fully down, which doesn't kill anyone obviously but I think the setup could be tinkered a bit. My suggestions are two: either moving the line closer to the one that pops up the cybs, so both actions happen almost simultaneously, or changing the height of the barrier to 64/64. There is another which is adding extra teleporting monsters while the barrier lowers. 

- I'm seeing a ton of "dead lost soul" things in the map, are they supposed to display something in particular in-game? 



- Minor thing, it took some several seconds for the BSK teleporting elves to arrive all, I almost missed a few if I wasn't waiting for them. No big deal anyways. 



- Basically what Beubeu already mentioned

- Minor visual texture bleed here next to the broken teleporter

- Around the switch line 6118, there is a minor misalignment


- The cwilv for map 02 and a few others displayed slightly glitchy for me in dsda-doom, which could just be an issue with offsets.

- There's a spelling mistake in the first intermission text: it says "[...] you sspend away [...]". Don't mind the part of the text that disappears on my screen, that's because of the aspect ratio I have set.

- Finally, zombiemen saying ho ho ho but looking not christmasy at all is somewhat amusing



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10 minutes ago, galileo31dos01 said:

Not a bug at all, I'm curious if these two unreachable bonuses are just ornaments.


There are reachable actualy :) 

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7 hours ago, galileo31dos01 said:

- I'm seeing a ton of "dead lost soul" things in the map, are they supposed to display something in particular in-game? 


These are snow particles for gzdoom copying same thing number, without them dsda doom would complain about code. 

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Okay, we have a problem here.
I checked out my map in this project and the boxes are broken, however - in my standalone upload of the map (specifically the 2nd version of the map), the boxes work as they should. From what I understand - this project has added some extra entities into the maps that act as snow generators for GZDoom, but are basically ignored for other ports. I guess that in the process of adding the etities - someone might have acidentally moved some of the sectors, which caused some merged sectors to become unbound (there are a few merged sectors in my map, but most of them seem to work fine, the only ones that are unbound are the raising boxes in the techbase version of the map). 
I don't really know how to go about fixing this, because I don't know what changes were made to make the snow generator work. Could I maybe get an explanation on how the snow generator works and what changes were done between my upload and the compiled project version of the map?

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@Major Arlene added snow things in levels, I guess change of node builder could do that, not sure. It should be easy fix.

Edit: You can merge sectors again and send map here @Ar_e_en

Edited by Misty

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So, it's just a few extra "Thing" entities added to the map? In that case - I think I might have an idea for an easy fix for it.

As for the node builder - my map already had nodes in it (generated with AJBSP), so I suspect that when the snow generator things were added into the map - whatever map editor that @Major Arlene used caused a different node builder to write over the previous nodes. My fixed version should work, as long as nobody touches any other node builder.

Give me a minute!

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I first time hear about AJBSP node builder, I guess ZDBSP counted things differently and it got unmerged in process. 

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Alright, here is Version 3: N/A


It's literally just version 2, but I replaced the "Thing" lump from my standalone version with the "Thing" lump from the compiled project, meaning that the snow generator should still theoretically work without having to open the map in a map editor. As long as the old version of my map is replaced with the new version without calling any new node builders - things should work (hopefully)!

Edited by Ar_e_en

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I manually run AJBSP through a Linux terminal after making my maps. On the terminal it usually looks something like this:

ajbsp -x -n my_map_name.wad

The "-x" command enables extended nodes (XNOD).

The "-n" command disables the creation of GL-nodes.

Edited by Ar_e_en

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Apologies for any issues caused by the snow things! I don't even know if UDB had supported that particular nodebuilder and unfortunately I don't think there was a way to check which one was used for a particular map. it should just be a simple matter of copy/pasting the map into the main WAD file now so hopefully no more finangling.

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