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Earth is under attack by demons, and space marine Tony has to kill them all.





Well here it is, my first big WAD! I've been wanting to make something like this for a long long time.


If there's any bugs or anything like that, please tell me!


Uses Ultimate Doom or Doom 1 as an IWAD.


Tested in GZDoom


Also, sorry that its a ZIP. For some reason the text when you beat the game wouldn't work unless it was in a ZIP. So drag and drop the zip into GZDoom and enjoy!


(Credits to everyone that made the midi's featured in this WAD)


(Title music is Boys In The Hood by N.W.A)
















Edited by Vajjer'sDoomThings

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14 minutes ago, Vajjer'sDoomThings said:

gzdoom is what it was tested in, might work in other stuff.

Ok, just as a reminder for next time. Please make sure you put in what source port is for. Some people use other ports

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judging by unpegged textures on both doors and elsewhere around the map as well as the lack of detail and really linear layouts, i'm assuming that this is one of your first wads? no offense if it isn't ofc, it's just that there's a lot of rookie mistakes in here

Edited by roadworx

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18 minutes ago, roadworx said:

judging by unpegged textures on both doors and elsewhere around the map as well as the lack of detail and really linear layouts, i'm assuming that this is one of your first wads? no offense if it isn't ofc, it's just that there's a lot of rookie mistakes in here

yeah its my first like big wad

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It's alright if it's a zip file, but pro-tip: Rename the extension to "pk3", it's exactly the same as a zip file but it's not recognized as an archive format and can instead be associated with Doom stuff like Zandronum or Slade (plus it will make your doom mod look way more legit)

Also I dig the Eazy-e, but having a full mp3 of a copyrighted song in a free download treads into piracy territory and could risk your mod getting taken down on here, especially if you plan on getting this on a more formal archive like /idgames, so I'd recommend switching the intro with atleast a midi version of Boys In The Hood

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Not too bad. An episode for Doom 1. Level design and enemy placement is a bit subpar. Pretty basic stuff. I will say that I think the levels did get better as it went along. Pretty impressive for your first wads, let alone a whole episode. I would say if there is a sequel, maybe spend a bit more time on details, and enemy placement. The wad was more on the easy side, which is fine with me. Level 5, the art gallery was my favorite, even if a bit jokey. Keep it up! Also maybe mention that jumping is necessary for progression.

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