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Bloodbath Babylon I - Into The Sandy City. Single map with explosive city-based combat!

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This looks super sexy! downloaded and saved immediately.

Tip about the Dropbox link: Changing dl=0 at the end to dl=1 means the file can be downloaded right away without any fuss, I had to do it like this, otherwise the Dropbox page you're taken to forces you to log in to be able to download the file, and I can't be arsed to log in just to do that :P

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2 hours ago, knifeworld said:

This looks super sexy! downloaded and saved immediately.

Tip about the Dropbox link: Changing dl=0 at the end to dl=1 means the file can be downloaded right away without any fuss, I had to do it like this, otherwise the Dropbox page you're taken to forces you to log in to be able to download the file, and I can't be arsed to log in just to do that :P

Oh mah gawd! Thanks so much - I've not used Drop Box at all until I needed more room available for putting up WADs. Now all I need is a way to not forget this for the future, lol. 

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UPDATE: Beta update coming very soon.

  • I've removed the poles from the centre of the platforms in the start area to make the platforming not so annoying. God only knows why I kept them there since I first created them. -_-
  • Other than that, I'm going to call it DONE ENOUGH FOR NOW and I'm going to let it sit to await any further feedback for a bit as I have a new map that's going to be available this week. :)

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1 hour ago, Chameeleoh said:

This looks AWESOME going to download and give it a go soon!

Thanks! Hope you enjoy. I’ll be putting up an updated version in a few hours so feel free to wait for that one to download. :)

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Gave it a go! wow, combat was intense. level flow and design was beautiful! 


Great job!

Just saw you were updating hahah. ill have to try that one soon too XD 
I beat the level, but not truly. couldnt find the last few enemies and a couple secrets!



Edited by Chameeleoh

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2 hours ago, Chameeleoh said:

Gave it a go! wow, combat was intense. level flow and design was beautiful! 


Great job!

Just saw you were updating hahah. ill have to try that one soon too XD 
I beat the level, but not truly. couldnt find the last few enemies and a couple secrets!

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I'm guessing that's likely the plasma gun secret, which has enemies in it. :p and possibly also the Lightning Bolt Forever secret. 

Thanks for playing! :D

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UPDATE: Beta 4 Now Available!

  • Removed a few lost souls from the main city area. They could get lodged in things and that's annoying.
  • Removed the poles from the raising / lowering platforms at the start because that platforming was rather annoying.
  • Have now added an arrow in the form of a bloody splat on a box where the rocket launcher is for jumping instructions.
  • Uhhhh ... can't remember what else, heh. 

As I said above, gonna let it sit, take on further feedback and then ... it's ... done...? At least for now, lol. Time to clean up Bloodbath Babylon II.




-Edz xo

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/5/2024 at 2:54 AM, EduardoAndFriends said:

Hey there, cool Doom World folks! 




This is Into The Sandy City, an explosive single map set in a verdant, crumbling city with lots of barrels to pop baddies with and cause untold mayhem! This is, in essence, a light slaughter map but (I hope) done in a fun way. 




Comp Level: 9 (Boom)

Sourceport(s): Tested on GzDoom v4.11.3 and DSDA v0.27.4


Mouselook is all good, I won't tell.

Map #: Map01. (Map02 is a THANKS that stops you stumbling into Underhalls)

Let green torches be your guide. Green = go!


DOWNLOAD HERE: (Beta 4 - 23/01/2024) https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/u36g3c2deut271s7lhov8/BBB01-Beta-4-23-01-2024.zip?rlkey=it7m9lo8sv8lgpoaxprnobkqq&dl=1


I have the intention for this to be the first map in an anthology series - Bloodbath Babylon - all featuring similar visuals, vibes, hefty combat but not connected in any particular way. Essentially, this string of maps could occur anywhere in this mysterious, sand-choked city which has risen from the desert. More maps will be plopped out when I have the urge to make them. I already have another one semi completed, but I feel in no rush to shoot them out. This map was inspired by me remembering the fun game City of Brass and how the streets fitted together really nicely. Great game. Also Painkiller. Love Painkiller.


The Story:

The UAC (yeah, those guys) are up to their tricks again. UAC archaeologists established a dig on the site of an ancient Babylonian city, at the heart of which once sat the fabled Tower of Babel. These wicked scientists discovered a manuscript, the reading of which lead to the possession of the supplied armed forces and with a grinding that shook the earth, stones and turrets pushed their way through the bedrock of ages. When the dust cleared, where previously there stood a parched desert, now stands a lush oasis bristling with greenery, cool water, and humming with life. Demonic life. The haunted city has been reborn. Our hero was unceremoniously called in from his well earned shore leave for another mission. Penetrate the city. Kill all in sight. Get to the Tower. And bury it under the sand once again.


New stuff!

  • Sexy new barrel sprites I cobbled together: BAR1A0.png.94f22a1377876ea0180f769a89e33ab9.png
  • Sexy new plasma gun sound and sprites (gotta go with green). Sound courtesy of Eviternity II.
  • Extra weak lost souls (you're welcome, as they tend to travel in packs).
  • Obligatory EduardoAndFriends FastPistol (TM).
  • Lots of explosions!
  • A delicious stewboy MIDI!



  • A massive THANKS to @Biodegradable and @LightningBoltForever for taking a peek and testing this map. Their feedback was really helpful and hugely appreciated. :)
  • Textures courtesy of the hugely talented Ukiro by way of OTEX (imbedded in the WAD for future map usage, hence the WAD's size) and Insane_Gazebo by way of Sunder. All appropriate credits will be addressed when it's ready for an idgames upload.
  • Plasma sound and foliage sprites from Eviternity II. Appropriate credit will be addressed same as above.
  • Barrel from Hexen which I fudged around with.
  • Music: map music by stewboy and title and intermission tune by Jimmy Paddock. Map02 is "Neighbouring Tribes" by stewboy. Appropriate credit will be addressed same as above.
  • I think that's it. Will add more if I've forgotten anything. 






Any and all feedback most welcome! I hope you have fun.


-Edz xo

Nice wad dude

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Hey man, nice WAD! Very breezy, comfy map with a lot a satisfying brutality. The environment was immersive as hell and expertly done. Big fan. Very easy even on UV but like others have said, it's part of a larger set so you don't want to blow your 'WAD' right at the beginning.


Two things to mention. 

1) There is a misaligned texture in the LBF was 'ere secret. If you are facing the wall that you jump over to reach the area, the wall a little to the left of the candle platform isn't lined up properly.

2) The player can get the red key from the supercharge secret. I don't think it really matters since you can't get the red key until the secret is accessible anyway, so there isn't any sequence-breaking or anything. Just thought I'd point it out.

I skimmed the thread to see if either of these have been mentioned but wasn't thorough, so I apologize if they were already addressed. Anyway, I'm excited to see what comes next with this set. Like I said, big fan!

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49 minutes ago, Shaqodemon said:

Hey man, nice WAD! Very breezy, comfy map with a lot a satisfying brutality. The environment was immersive as hell and expertly done. Big fan. Very easy even on UV but like others have said, it's part of a larger set so you don't want to blow your 'WAD' right at the beginning.


Two things to mention. 

1) There is a misaligned texture in the LBF was 'ere secret. If you are facing the wall that you jump over to reach the area, the wall a little to the left of the candle platform isn't lined up properly.

2) The player can get the red key from the supercharge secret. I don't think it really matters since you can't get the red key until the secret is accessible anyway, so there isn't any sequence-breaking or anything. Just thought I'd point it out.

I skimmed the thread to see if either of these have been mentioned but wasn't thorough, so I apologize if they were already addressed. Anyway, I'm excited to see what comes next with this set. Like I said, big fan!

Cheers! Yeah I didn’t envision the map being hard at all, so I’m glad folks haven’t found it rough. :)


I’ll stick my nose into that misaligned texture, thanks. As for the red key, I’m not fussed if people want to get it from the supercharge. If they go there instead of via the rocket launcher they can but they won’t have the rocket launcher, so it’s the player’s choice and as you say it’s via a secret. I’ve seen folks try and fail to do the jump so you’d really have to want to get to the red key from there.

Feels a bit manky sometimes to artificially lock stuff off too much to me. 🙂

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  • 4 weeks later...



I’m not finished with this map, oh no. What’s come before was just the groundwork for something tastier - I’m working on an updated version with more heat. Just wanted to let it sit for a while and got sidetracked with YouTube stuff too … coming soon! :)


Edz xo

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Just wanted to stop by and say 2 things:

1. Thank you to Edz for the shout-out, it was a great pleasure to revisit the oomphed version of BBB1. Hopefully I didn't miss anything crucial during testing.


2. If you liked the previous version, you'll get more delicious treats in this one and like it even more!

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3 minutes ago, DreadWanderer said:

Just wanted to stop by and say 2 things:

1. Thank you to Edz for the shout-out, it was a great pleasure to revisit the oomphed version of BBB1. Hopefully I didn't miss anything crucial during testing.


2. If you liked the previous version, you'll get more delicious treats in this one and like it even more!

Haha thanks man, it’s been great fun finally getting around to returning to the map and with map02 as well. Hope the second map’s revision isn’t too mean 😈 don’t blame me, blame myolden! Coming sooooooon.

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1 minute ago, EduardoAndFriends said:

Haha thanks man, it’s been great fun finally getting around to returning to the map and with map02 as well. Hope the second map’s revision isn’t too mean 😈 don’t blame me, blame myolden! Coming sooooooon.


Haha I'll probably be fine, the last cyber duel got me good but now I know what to expect. Bloody blue penguin being all influential and stuff!

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11 hours ago, DreadWanderer said:


Haha I'll probably be fine, the last cyber duel got me good but now I know what to expect. Bloody blue penguin being all influential and stuff!

That Blue Penguin! Blast his eyes!

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UPDATE ALERT! Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/um6x9tsoy3rmwij1cb4hr/BBB01-Beta-6-08-03-2024.zip?rlkey=xckyvtm5lk5nqc8zatd1f7zlw&dl=1


New version of the map now available to play! This is Beta 6 and has a number of changes:

  • Lotus flowers are now a thing (replacing blood splat) that rotates instead of being a flat texture.
  • New BIG big boy fight when you get the red key. Get ready to run!
  • New end fight.
  • Backtrack teleporter at the end. It's got a yellow texture and I will be using this to highlight a backtrack is available in future maps if you come across a yellow teleporter.
  • Bit more ammo.
  • Bit of texture aligning.
  • Remade the archway into the exit room as it had some nasty black slimetrails. Ah well. Much simpler now.
  • Half the amount of lost souls at the start as they tended to come in late otherwise. I'm sure ten or so is enough for anyone, anyway. ;)
  • Teleport from the first secret (LBF was 'ere) now takes you to the top of the platforming lifts. If you get the secret I'm not making you wait for those damn elevators again.

That's about it. As always, any and all feedback is most welcome and I hope you enjoy.


Massive thanks to QA testing legend @DreadWanderer for all the awesome work checking things out in a wide array of ports and of course for all the testing. You bloody legend. :D


-Edz xoxo


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6 minutes ago, Big_Dorbo said:

Beautiful map. I had a great deal of fun running through it. Great job!

Thanks! I've just now put up an updated version with a big tweak to fights to offer greater challenge and to overall use the cityscape better. Next step is implementing difficulties which will take a bit. Hope you give the new version a shot! :D

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5 hours ago, EduardoAndFriends said:

Thanks! I've just now put up an updated version with a big tweak to fights to offer greater challenge and to overall use the cityscape better. Next step is implementing difficulties which will take a bit. Hope you give the new version a shot! :D


Awyis, time to replay this adventurous venture to ancient vestibules and variable archways! Or something... Rawr!



'Eeeeey I found the Plasma Rifle this time xD bully for me!


The city fight works much better this time around. Not so many lost souls/cacos getting stuck in faraway places and ambush you when you least expect it :P Noice.

I found this little oversight unfortunately (Ceiling vagrant!) :O




Edited by Wo0p

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50 minutes ago, Wo0p said:


Awyis, time to replay this adventurous venture to ancient vestibules and variable archways! Or something... Rawr!



'Eeeeey I found the Plasma Rifle this time xD bully for me!


The city fight works much better this time around. Not so many lost souls/cacos getting stuck in faraway places and ambush you when you least expect it :P Noice.

I found this little oversight unfortunately (Ceiling vagrant!) :O

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Sweeeeeet. Got the plasma, nice! Oh thanks - there’s bound to be a few oddities left over from face lifting that area, cheers!

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Ah damn, apologies for missing this during testing. In my admittedly not-so-solid defense, I never played the map with mouselook, makes me go a bit woozy 😅

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1 hour ago, DreadWanderer said:

Ah damn, apologies for missing this during testing. In my admittedly not-so-solid defense, I never played the map with mouselook, makes me go a bit woozy 😅

Haha! I never do either with testing so I’m glad someone picked that one up. I’d better do a quick run through and check other ceilings for the next update! :D

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Gave the new build a run and gotta say I still love it. It somehow felt even easier this time than when I first played it, but thats probably due to knowing its layout and all its secrets. The new red key battle is significantly tougher than it used to be and really feels quite fitting in this map, almost like the city had to have one real bout of resistance before giving up its exit. Thanks again for these, I love the aesthetic and am eagerly awaiting being allowed to explore more of the city of Babylon and the Bloodbath destined to take place there in. 😀

Edited by Insaneprophet

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On 3/13/2024 at 1:07 AM, Insaneprophet said:

Gave the new build a run and gotta say I still love it. It somehow felt even easier this time than when I first played it, but thats probably due to knowing its layout and all its secrets. The new red key battle is significantly tougher than it used to be and really feels quite fitting in this map, almost like the city had to have one real bout of resistance before giving up its exit. Thanks again for these, I love the aesthetic and am eagerly awaiting being allowed to explore more of the city of Babylon and the Bloodbath destined to take place there in. 😀

Thanks, IP! It was great to return to the map and give it some more grunt and QOL improvements. :) more maps on the way!

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Fun little level with gorgeous vistas. I like how you immediately informed the player that platforming would be required to complete the level. Waiting for the lifts helps cement the idea of making swift but thoughtful decisions when it comes to platforming. As shown later in the level this type of decision making is crucial while navigating the enemy swarms. The lotus object is an interesting little custom asset. Functionally it does nothing but aesthetically they help make the area feel natural. Obviously in real life flowers would be blooming in whatever pool of water is available so seeing that in your level is nice.

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