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Would MIDIs of copyrighted songs in a WAD get a stream bonked?


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Apologies if this is not the right forum for this question, I wasn't entirely sure where to post it, though it feels like it's an editing-related question.


Long story short: if I use a midi version of a well-known copyrighted song in my map and someone decides to play it on stream, will they get copyright striked for it?

The reason I'm asking is because I remember reading somewhere that midis are in the same camp as remixes since they are technically rearragments of the original song. That being said, I've also heard that on modern streaming platforms it's possible to get a copyright strike if you simply sing the song yourself or even just hum it, depending on the song itself.


In other words, how bad would it be in terms of streaming to pack the wad's OST chok full of famous midis?

I know it's bold to assume my map would be streamed in the first place, but this is the type of question that I would like to settle for myself for good.

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For youtube at least, I've got copyright notices over midi versions of popular music. The most ridiculous was for a midi version of Smashing Pumpkins - Disarm that only used the synth/keys instrument.

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Yes, they would run into issues. Streaming sites won't care about the distinction between an actual copyrighted song and a MIDI once the claim is filed. YouTube definitely doesn't.

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1 hour ago, TimeOfDeath666 said:

For youtube at least, I've got copyright notices over midi versions of popular music. The most ridiculous was for a midi version of Smashing Pumpkins - Disarm that only used the synth/keys instrument.


1 hour ago, bofu said:

Yes, they would run into issues. Streaming sites won't care about the distinction between an actual copyrighted song and a MIDI once the claim is filed. YouTube definitely doesn't.


Thanks for the answers!

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From my experience playing maps and posting on Youtube.


I have made 318 videos of me playing maps, I do not monetize my channel, never had an issue.


There is an automated check, that can result in a copyright notice, I run into this once about every 10 videos.


The message is the following under restriction  "Restrictions - Copyright-protected content found. The owner allows the content to be used on YouTube."


If I go in details I get this




If I where to monetize my channel It could have an effect.


But an automated notice is not a strike, A strike come from a complaint.

Edited by Delisk

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decino's gotten some copyright claims for MIDIs of popular songs, such as with Valiant MAP27 and with a MIDI he played during a stream (though he disputed that and won). Note that a Content ID claim on YouTube is different from a copyright removal request and doesn't result in a strike on the channel, but it can affect monetization or where the video can be viewed. On Twitch I've seen VODs muted for copyrighted audio, but I don't know if it detects MIDI covers and how it affects the channel.

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