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[MBF21] dashlet's box of maps 3

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Okay quick uptade: 

- I fixed some major problems on map09 and 02 that may prevent you from progressing. (Sorry for anyone that previously stumble upon these annoying problems)

- Implemented HMP difficulty for map05

- Fixed a softlock in map08

- Some visuals problems


Anyways this hopefully will be the last version. There's a possible softlock in map02, but its technically intentional :P

Edited by dashlet

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I finally got around to playing this and it looks like this release was unfortunately glossed over by most, perhaps due to its low-key presentation. This is easily the best entry in this series, I think Map09 is one of the best maps you've ever put out, Map01 also enters pretty highly in those standings, and the whole experience is a lot more refined from the rough, gimmick-y roots from the original dbom.wad.


Map09 is one of those maps that reminds me why we're still here, three decades on from the original Doom. Completely recontextualizing a game about gunning down demons and listening to metal into exploring a quiet village and fixing things (or disturbing them), mourning dead pets, finding lost possessions. What a beautiful map, thanks for making it.


dbom3-maribo.zip - a bunch of HMP playthroughs (-dsdademo v0.27.5), the Map09 is quite long with lots of futzing about.

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@Maribo hey thanks for playing. Haven't seen all your demos yet but i did check out the map09 one. Glad you enjoyed that map since its also my favorite from this set and i put quite a lot of effort into making a certain experience with it even if it doesn't seem like it. It would be criminal for me to not credit B3313 (a Mario 64 romhack) which its the source of inspiration for that map. We can even say that its tribute to a hold area of that game, which have quite an emotional impact on me when i played that last year (Although the entire hack it's an amazing, unique gaming experience)

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