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iD Software protagonist family tree

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I recently watched GermanPeter's recent video "Doom Graphics And Audio in other id Games," the video revealed that the Quake Ranger had sprites that were based off of Doom Guy's face. I found this so profound that I convinced myself that all the iD protagonists are all related, so I made this (probably very inaccurate) Family tree.

Since Wolfenstein 3D and the new games are in different canons to each other, characters like Anya aren't included.


Credit to u/sylvos77 on Reddit for a reference for some parts such as Keen having parents and siblings. 

Link to that here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Doom/comments/8qso4l/the_blazkowicz_family_tree


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I really dislike the idea of only the guys in one family accomplishing everything every time. Super-DNA? Not that I'm accusing you of being a raging eugenicist, just... ask yourself why you want this.


The setting aren't complimentary either. Keen's in a happy-go-lucky universe where Mars has breathable air and cartoon aliens. Quake has narrative ties to the Cthulhu mythos, while Doom has a different cosmology with Hell as a primal force in the classic games or that cringe maykr stuff in the new ones. Yeah, I know about the Keens & Wolfenstein levels in Doom II, Doomguy in Quake III, and Doomguy & BJ in Quake Champions, but to me those come across as cameos not quite meant to be taken seriously.


Talking about Ranger specifically, Quake Champions pinned him down as a Vietnam vet, while the Strogg war takes place something like a century later. There are too many years in between for Bitterman to be Ranger's kid, even if there was any hint that they were related. Champions also portrays Ranger as having a daughter "K" and a son "J" - he can't remember their full names anymore.


Finally, Doomguy being daddy to Matthew Kane seems like the most random thing.

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44 minutes ago, Splatter said:


In all honesty, I really didn't put too much effort and research into this; I don't really take things like this seriously. I only found out about the time Q2 takes place from your reply, though I will defend Bitterman being his son, because we don't really know either of their ages. The ranger could've been middle-aged when he had Bitterman (going off from this tree, I mean) and Bitterman be the same age in the events of Quake II.


The fact that almost all of the males on the tree are protagonists I'll say isn't really my fault, since iD only had male characters in their older games. And also "Super-DNA" is kinda what happens when you make a family tree of video game heroes. And also, looking at Keen's dad, it probably isn't quite super.


I only made Kane Doom Guy's son because I got sick of Ranger having all the Quake guys being his, and we don't know much about Doom Guy before he was a marine, and giving him a kid would sorta add fuel to his fire of rage.


As for the converging universes? I can't say anything that'll excuse it, other than it tickling me that Keen exists along with Chthon.


And finally, why I would want this? Because I couldn't get it out of my head that all the good guys in the iD software games were related. That's it.

Edited by PlanetKleer

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Keen's parents are named Arthur Blaze and Susan Blaze. He also has an older brother and younger sister that are alluded to, but they are never seen and don't have names. Edit: I see this was already mentioned in the reddit post you linked.

I wonder where Catacombguy fits into all this.

Edited by Plerb

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I know he has a sister, but she wasn't really important. All the '?' things I included are only there because it's not like they all reproduce asexually.

I included the Ranger as his brother because I did in fact know he had an older brother, and that the timeline would explain how he was old enough to fight in 'Nam.


You know what? I'm doing a timeline explaining how Ranger could've been in Vietnam and the sort, for very little reason.

Assuming BJ had a child before joining the military, he'd have Arthur with someone who presumably isn't an actress in about 1935

At the age of 20, Arthur's wife, Susan, gives birth to the Quake Ranger in 1955- yes, I'm aware that sounds surreal.

The ranger enlists in the Vietnam war at age 18 in 1973.

After seeing action, he settles down. He eventually finds someone in his middle-ages, finally having offspring at the age of 45.

So in 2000, a baby Bitterman forcefully comes out of his mother.

When Bitterman is in his early 50s, the Strogg wars break out. He is conscripted into the air force, leading to the events of Quake II.


And a few years after the birth of the Ranger...

Billy Blaze (also known as Commander Keen) is born ten years after his older brother, in 1965.

At the age of 8 years old, at the same time as his brother going to 'Nam, he goes to Mars and kicks off the Commander Keen series.

In the fourth game, he meets Princess Lindsey. Keen keeps in touch with her after the events of the games.

They have a kid 1985, someone you may know as the Doom Guy.

He finds someone and -you guessed it- has a kid. The kid is Mattew, being born in 2010.

The Doom Guy is conscripted to fight in some unnamed war in the late 2010s, shooting and killing his commanding officer in 2020 or 2021.

I'm sure you could guess what happens to him later.

Years after the events of Quake II, Matthew is presumably moved by Bitterman's success with Operation Alien Overlord. So he changes his surname to Kane for some reason and enlists, starting Quake 4's events.



Also, the Catacomb guy? How about he's the son of the Mage in Hexen? That sounds about right.


Sorry for the really long response, I got a little carried away with the timeline. I was having fun with it, ok?


p.s. while researching midway through, i found out doom guy's dad wasn't a hero, according to tom hall :/

Edited by PlanetKleer

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50 minutes ago, Devalaous said:

I fully expect someone to attempt to create this full 'family' in a Sims game.

If The Sims 3 ever goes on sale, I'll get it just to do that

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What about Rage's Nicholas Raine? Hovertank 3D's Brick Sledge? Dangerous Dave? The Shadow Knights protagonist? Roger from Rescue Rover? Elli from Orcs & Elves? Um, the dragons from Tiles of the Dragon??

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Did Keen and Princess Lindsey canonically have kids?  Did he really go back to Gnosticus IV in his adulthood to meet a princess he spoke to maybe twice who is probably a fair bit older than him?  Some Anakin shit going on here if so.  He just as well could've married Molly McMire just as a way to fuck with Mortimer if nothing else, I mean she's also probably several years older but at least she's from Earth and stuff


Also, to the extent that any of this makes any sense Doomguy would be many generations separate from Keen, or else we're way overdue on those Martian moon installations

Edited by Stupid Bunny

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Doomguy has to be Doomslayer's father. When you look at Doomslayer's face, it looks just like Doomguy and the girl Doomguy met in Impse.


I think Princess Lindsey is supposed to be the girl from Impse, so maybe Doomslayer is actually Doomguy's father. It all makes sense.

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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On 1/6/2024 at 5:35 AM, PlanetKleer said:




So Doomguy has a white dad and a brown mom?


I guess I learn something new here everyday.

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Quake guy gets around but I don’t think he birthed bitterman , well you know what I mean but yeah.

Edited by DNSKILL5

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4 minutes ago, ReaperAA said:

And this thread is exactly why I don't like the idea of all id games being in same universe.

But they had secs so technically they’re all the offspring of the guy from catacomb 3D and all games are in a shared universe because nothing can be its own thing because quake 3 is a multiverse where foomguu and quake guy touched fists so they have to be related by blood and Duke nukem somehow falls into this because the marine died in LA after the events of Doom 2 so does that make Duke their grandad?

Edited by DNSKILL5

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23 hours ago, DNSKILL5 said:

Quake guy gets around but I don’t think he birthed bitterman , well you know what I mean but yeah.

Hey, Quakeguy has canonically been inside an extremely fertile female entity.  Just sayin.

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Unpopular opinion: Doom don't have a protagonist. 'Doomguy' is literally just you as the player, since it says 'you' in all of the intermission text screens.

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Gets some right and gets some wrong. The "new" BJ is the old BJ. Quake 1, 2 and Doom are sompletely seperate universes save from a couple multiverse trips. Call of the Machine for more info on the subject.

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On 1/11/2024 at 8:49 PM, BeachThunder said:

What about Rage's Nicholas Raine? Hovertank 3D's Brick Sledge? Dangerous Dave? The Shadow Knights protagonist? Roger from Rescue Rover? Elli from Orcs & Elves? Um, the dragons from Tiles of the Dragon??

Nick is the twin bro of Doom Guy, Brick Sledge is Keen's old friend (which is probably how they got a tank), Dave isn't really an iD protagonist- he was made by Romero back before id- but I'll say he's just another of BJ's offspring. I'll pull yet another piece of bullshit from my ass (which is what I've been doing this entire time btw) and say that the Ranger's wife is of Japanese descent, so that Shadow Knight guy is her ancestor. Roger is Lindsey's Grandad, Elli is the drinking buddy of the Catacombs Guy. Dragons aren't human, so they don't fit in on the tree in anyway.

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On 1/12/2024 at 3:49 AM, Stupid Bunny said:

Did Keen and Princess Lindsey canonically have kids?  Did he really go back to Gnosticus IV in his adulthood to meet a princess he spoke to maybe twice who is probably a fair bit older than him?  Some Anakin shit going on here if so.  He just as well could've married Molly McMire just as a way to fuck with Mortimer if nothing else, I mean she's also probably several years older but at least she's from Earth and stuff


Also, to the extent that any of this makes any sense Doomguy would be many generations separate from Keen, or else we're way overdue on those Martian moon installations

1. If you're looking for any actual consistency with the tree, you're in baaaad luck!


2. I have never played a Commander Keen game, and Princess Lindsey is the only love interest I could find for Keen

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On 1/12/2024 at 4:10 AM, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

Doomguy has to be Doomslayer's father. When you look at Doomslayer's face, it looks just like Doomguy and the girl Doomguy met in Impse.


I think Princess Lindsey is supposed to be the girl from Impse, so maybe Doomslayer is actually Doomguy's father. It all makes sense.

After reading this, I had to look up what Impse is. Thanks.

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On 1/12/2024 at 4:10 AM, OniriA said:


So Doomguy has a white dad and a brown mom?


I guess I learn something new here everyday.

An interracial couple in a form of media before you could have those in cinema

Love finds a way!!!

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On 1/12/2024 at 6:10 PM, ReaperAA said:

And this thread is exactly why I don't like the idea of all id games being in same universe.

Bit harsh, man.

I know most of them aren't at all, but since Quake has the final boss of a monster from the Cthulhu mythos, so I like to think that the rest of the iD games are in different parts of it.

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On 1/12/2024 at 6:11 PM, DNSKILL5 said:

Quake guy gets around but I don’t think he birthed bitterman , well you know what I mean but yeah.

Neither do I really, I am just making shit up and putting it on the internet for aaaaall to see 

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On 1/12/2024 at 6:14 PM, DNSKILL5 said:

But they had secs so technically they’re all the offspring of the guy from catacomb 3D and all games are in a shared universe because nothing can be its own thing because quake 3 is a multiverse where foomguu and quake guy touched fists so they have to be related by blood and Duke nukem somehow falls into this because the marine died in LA after the events of Doom 2 so does that make Duke their grandad?

dont foret tat celeb is the son of dom goy bcase caeb said " wow this sure does remind me that i am canonically the son of bj blazkowicz the third" in the final cutsene if blod

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On 1/14/2024 at 5:00 AM, DaliVinci said:

Gets some right and gets some wrong. The "new" BJ is the old BJ. Quake 1, 2 and Doom are sompletely seperate universes save from a couple multiverse trips. Call of the Machine for more info on the subject.

Hey, in case you were under the impression that I want this to be 100% correct, I absolutely do not in the slightest. I of course do know about the seperate canons with Doom and the Quakes. I just wanna have fun man!!!!!1!!1!


oh and uhhh im pretty sure that the new wolfensteins are in a different canon since the 1992 one fucking explodes hitler, but he's alive (barely) in wolfenstein 2

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