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What's a Map That Hooked You

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Could be any map, official or unofficial.  Could be for any reason, whether it's a map you played early on that got you to love the game, or a map you played later on that stuck in your mind, or a map you played that inspired you to become a creator.

For me, the one map that I always think of when I think "man, I love Doom" is Scythe 2's Map 16 "Mr. X."  Before I played Scythe 2, I'd mostly just played Doom 64, the official releases, and a few other wads.  Scythe 2's structure in general is what really got me into Doom, but I will never, ever forget Mr. X.  I'd never played a map that leaned so hard into setting a tone like that.  I'd never played a map that had unique monsters (that wasn't, y'know, a final boss), and used little tricks to make it sound like something else was roaming around, killing the monsters before you could.  Unforgettable.

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The map that got me to love the game:

Gotta be Doom2 Map06, the crusher. Everything before that feels sorta plodding and incidental, The Focus and The Gantlet are quite fun but never get you into the Zone, but the Crusher has a few nice interconnected hallways you run and gun through, the CQB starter with the Revenant is great, and then theres the tricky spiral stairs and the stairs towards the end, and ofc the memorable Crusher Set piece itself. You also get access to most of your kit, a berserk, etc. Its just where Doom2 starts to feel like doom2 for me.

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