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What developer would you trust with the Doom IP?

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Let's say that Id decides to have another game studio develop the next Doom game, with them as supervisors, similar to how they did with Quake 4 and Return To Castle Wolfenstein. Which developer do you think would be best for the job?

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I'm going with Zortch developer Mutantleg who did a great job with that game. I just think that if there's gonna be another Doom game might as well be a proper boomer shooter made by a small team on a shoestring budget. Or better yet, Cruelty Squad developer Consumer Softproducts. Basically I just want to take a very valuable IP and give it to to a small developer that could never afford it otherwise and see what happens. Maybe a Capstone Software revival would be a better way to have fun

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Roundhouse Studios (Has original Hexen devs there), but no one knows what they've been working on since they were founded and acquired by Bethesda after the Rune 2 fiasco.

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On 1/9/2024 at 1:40 AM, DoomGater said:


Since he's former id, would he count as different?


Bit of OT, but


On 1/7/2024 at 10:12 AM, Artman2004 said:

Return To Castle Wolfenstein

I believe id should reboot Wolfenstein properly

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1 hour ago, The Doommer said:

Since he's former id, would he count as different? 


well. in my experience, John (THE ROMERO) _is_ different.

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Raven did pretty well with Quake 4, all things considered. I would trust them to make something akin to Doom's horror roots and in the direction that D64 and D3 were going in.

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22 hours ago, A339 said:

Raven did pretty well with Quake 4, all things considered. I would trust them to make something akin to Doom's horror roots and in the direction that D64 and D3 were going in.


I know its been a really long time since then and the company probably has very few of the same people there anymore, but I really liked pretty much all of Raven's Xbox 360 day output. Wolfenstein 2009, Quake 4, Singularity, I loved them all. Only one of them is still available today and in bad shape on modern systems..


I always wanted to see them tackle a Doom game back then, but it never happened.


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I would have to say Ubisoft.


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Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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On 1/16/2024 at 12:44 PM, Eurisko said:

Rockstar. They have the same it’s done when it’s done mentality 


Except I would never like to see Rockstar get anywhere near Doom because of how much anti-modding they are. F**K Rockstar


Honestly, I think either Nightdive or New Blood would be the best.


Machine Games are another decent choice given their level design work on Quake 1 and 2's expansion episodes. Raven Software could've been a decent choice too, if only they weren't damned to work in the CoD mines.

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On 1/18/2024 at 7:09 AM, ReaperAA said:


Except I would never like to see Rockstar get anywhere near Doom because of how much anti-modding they are.


That’s a good point. They aren't as open minded in that sense.

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On 1/11/2024 at 4:11 AM, Darkcrafter07 said:

3D Realms


On 1/18/2024 at 6:11 PM, Broodles said:

3D Realms

The current 3D Realms is only a publisher. And their development studio, Slipgate Ironworks, seems to be struggling, with their projects such as Graven, Kingpin: Reloaded, and Phantom Fury suffering from delays, poor quality, and rushed development.


Edited by TheUltimateDoomer666

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On 1/14/2024 at 2:45 AM, Devalaous said:


I know its been a really long time since then and the company probably has very few of the same people there anymore, but I really liked pretty much all of Raven's Xbox 360 day output. Wolfenstein 2009, Quake 4, Singularity, I loved them all. Only one of them is still available today and in bad shape on modern systems..


I always wanted to see them tackle a Doom game back then, but it never happened.



Same here. The one I never tried was Soldier of Fortune. Finally picked it up last year and was impressed with what all it did on a modified version of the Quake 2 engine.


Raven also nailed the Jedi Academy games. They had the best lightsaber mechanics and combat of any Star Wars game.

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Machine Games or New Blood. Maybe Voidpoint but about half the staff need to get real cool about a lot of things really fast.

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