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Need help mancubus gun

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Hello,I am asking for help because I am trying to make a gun that fires mancubus fireballs. For the most part it works, but when I shoot the camera snaps to a random place. Do you know how to make so it shoots where the camera looks at ?


my decorate file. the "FTGGA0" LAUNA0.png.3b60a5a0be5ebef2df5a224599fc05ac.png (placeholder) is the sprite for when it's on the ground, "FATGA0"  is  when it's in it's normal state and "FATGB0" is when it's being shot.


ACTOR mancubusgun : weapon 15002
    weapon.ammotype "Cell"
    weapon.ammouse 20
    weapon.ammogive 40
    tag "Mancubus gun"
    obituary "%o got burnt by %k's macubus gun."
    inventory.pickupmessage "You got the mancubus gun !"
    weapon.slotnumber 6
    FATG A 1 A_weaponready
    FATG A 1 A_raise
    FATG A 1 A_lower
    FATG A 20 A_fatraise
    FATG B 10 A_fatattack1
    FATG A 10
    FATG B 10 A_fatattack2
    FATG A 10
    FATG B 10 A_fatattack2
    FATG A 10
    FATG A 3 A_refire
    goto ready
    FTGG A -1


thanks for your response

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The problem is you seem to have just copied the Mancubus' attacks.  Monster attacks work differently from the player's weapons. 


Specifically, I think the issue is with "A_FATRAISE." That makes the actor face the target. When the actor is a Mancubus, that just means it rotates to whatever it's about to attack.  But since in this case the actor is a weapon... frankly I'm not even sure what GZDoom would consider its target to be because player weapons don't work that way.  Most likely the camera snapping you're noticing is it facing 0,0.


You need to delete that.  Of course, without A_fatraise, A_fatattack isn't really going to have anything to do because it needs the target A_fatraise gives it. They're sort of made to go together.  You should instead replace those with an A_FireProjectile that mimics the mancubus attack angles and uses the "Fatshot" missile.

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thanks a lot for this exenation. The weird thing is that when I didn't used fatraise (before making this post) I needed to spawn a mancubus near me.

I am new to decorate coding, is it how we write it ?


FATG B 10 A_fireprojectile fatshot




FATG B 10 A_fireprojectile (fatshot) ?

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1 hour ago, ShallowB said:

The problem is you seem to have just copied the Mancubus' attacks.  Monster attacks work differently from the player's weapons. 

I wrote it all by hand btw.

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