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gzdoom support for crispy doom?

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sooo.. i know crispy DOOM is supposed to emulate original DOS (limit removing), that's fine BUT, but i'm stuck with crispy or its DOS for me. i'm using chrome!!! and it's the schools! but i got vpns off of it..

sooo.. i need to wait for windows upgrade on my birthday, (note: pls don't tell me to just wait for windows.), so for now its chrome n' crispy you may be wondering how i play crispy since chrome cant play "exe" but im using this AMAZING WEBSITE, "https://browser-doom.io/" :) . oh n' crispy doom only runs modifications usings wads so any "gzdoom for crispy.wad" or (this is a request) can you make it for me?..

Edited by DOOM's supershotgun

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Crispy Doom and GZDoom are two very different ports with very different aims and very different features. If a WAD specifically requires GZDoom, it more than likely won't work in anything but GZDoom. You might as well ask "Hey how can I load this unreal map in quake 2?"

Edited by Murdoch

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6 minutes ago, DOOM's supershotgun said:

i know.. :( , but is there something like software renders for crispy, or something to that smoothes all pixels? or..


You're not understanding me. Very different ports. Very different aims. WADs (as far as Cripsy is concerned) are data. Not code. Ports are code that is executed by an operating system. You can't alter something as fundamental as the nature of how graphics are rendered (ie: the rendering code) with a pure data file. To use another extreme metaphor, you're basically asking "hey how can I make doom2.exe load 3D models" ?

Edited by Murdoch

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1 minute ago, Shepardus said:

Depending on the specific model of Chromebook you have, you might be able to set up Flatpak and install the GZDoom Flatpak.


I doubt the school would appreciate him doing that to their Chromebooks.

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3 minutes ago, DOOM's supershotgun said:

cant install linux though so no cigar.. if i could install linux never would have been on here.. all problems on chrome would be solved..


If the Chromebook is from the school and owned by them, you 100% should not be messing with it. Enterprise controls usually lock them up pretty tight, but even if there is a way around you might end up getting in trouble. Just use browser doom and wait till you get a Windows machine. You are wasting your time trying to do more.

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3 hours ago, Murdoch said:


You're not understanding me. Very different ports. Very different aims. WADs (as far as Cripsy is concerned) are data. Not code. Ports are code that is executed by an operating system. You can't alter something as fundamental as the nature of how graphics are rendered (ie: the rendering code) with a pure data file. To use another extreme metaphor, you're basically asking "hey how can I make doom2.exe load 3D models" ?

you're actually kinda underselling it tbh. crispy doom is essentially a heavily upgraded doom, while gzdoom is basically an entirely separate game engine that just so happens to be meant for playing doom


my suggestion to op would be to use an in-browser dosbox to play using the tartar port

Edited by roadworx

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/8/2024 at 8:39 PM, Murdoch said:

... You might as well ask "Hey how can I load this unreal map in quake 2?"


With a handy-dandy on-the-fly map converter of course!


On 1/8/2024 at 8:46 PM, Murdoch said:

... "hey how can I make doom2.exe load 3D models" ?


Now you're straight up taunting me...


On 1/8/2024 at 8:48 PM, Shepardus said:

Depending on the specific model of Chromebook you have, you might be able to set up Flatpak and install the GZDoom Flatpak.


On 1/8/2024 at 8:49 PM, Murdoch said:


I doubt the school would appreciate him doing that to their Chromebooks.


Back in the day, my algebra class teacher acquired a bunch of Commordore 64 computers. I wanted to

use them. She said no. Can you believe that?! I would be all for the OP hacking the crap out of the

Chrome-book if it weren't for all the silly anti-hacking laws put on the books in this country (USA) since

I was young. I mean, violate some school rules when I was coming up = suspension, maybe expulsion

from school. These days?! Lockup and a permanent record. It's like they want kids to be smart enough

to pass all of their tests so they can tout what a great education system they have but if the kids actually

learn something, that's illegal.


On 1/8/2024 at 11:57 PM, roadworx said:

...my suggestion to op would be to use an in-browser dosbox to play using the tartar port


Tell us more about this tartar sauce, err.... port.



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On 1/9/2024 at 1:46 AM, Murdoch said:

"hey how can I make doom2.exe load 3D models" ?

Should be possible with arbitrary code execution hacks. But that injects new code, so whether it can still be considered doom2.exe or not is questionable...

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23 minutes ago, tomas7777 said:

Should be possible with arbitrary code execution hacks. But that injects new code, so whether it can still be considered doom2.exe or not is questionable...


Ummm no. 3d model support requires massive changes to the rendering. It's not the kind of thing you just hack in.

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