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What is best tool to hunt

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8 hours ago, Grungo said:

Grungo prefer spear, to club, but grungo is wondering if new fangled Bow is good enough me think bow is overrated and just a fad in caveman times


would use shotgun, but it too noisy

Hmmmm, if the bow is preferable but the shotgun is too loud - combine the best aspects of both.

There must be way to cross bow with gun.



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bunny big enjoy gimmick and commitment to bit and not like so many stick in mud, however bunny advise underplay and avoid start silly joke thread so not pound joke into dirt too fast like dinosaur do to Grungo


best weapon definitely very pointy carrot

Edited by Stupid Bunny

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8 hours ago, riktoi said:

Nuclear bomb good. Kill any creature. However, no meat. Bad for survival.

Me have become death, Killer of Ungas

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4 hours ago, thiccyosh said:

Me recommend Grungo secret tool: friend. Make many friend, make many spear for friend, kill mammoth with friend. Share meat with friend. Repeat.


Do not listen to other caveboy with fancy sharp rock and leather bag, he only give pdf and useless advice.


Friend good, make friend.

Grungo has competion. Grungo unsure what that means, but Grungo will make sure that Grungo will understand what this Grungo tries to say

3 hours ago, Clippy said:


Why are the only options you're giving yourself here are to keep the worn out caveman gimmick or leave Doom world? Lol 


Don't die on that silly hill bud 




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1 minute ago, Redneckerz said:

Grungo has competion. Grungo unsure what that means, but Grungo will make sure that Grungo will understand what this Grungo tries to say




Nah, this is historically inaccurate, anyone who grew up in pre-historic america knew the old fashioned game "Rock Leaf Club"

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really grungo, why would grungo risk live hunt animal. why not plant some grass and convince other to join grungo tribe. some human call themselves sumer in desert already did this.

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Grungo don't listen to low effort posters. Grungo gimmick innocent fun, not punching down. No reason to feel bad over it. Much better than making bait posts about how somebody thinks their goldfish is a great mapper and is the ultimate authority to be appealed to.

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5 hours ago, Horus said:

The comments complaining about Grungo are far more bothersome than Grungo himself.

1 hour ago, Fonze said:

Grungo don't listen to low effort posters. Grungo gimmick innocent fun, not punching down.


..heh, whoa, didn't think pointing out the joke was played out and that preferring to interact with actual people rather than characters would be seen as so bothersome or that people would be mentioning "punching down" or "bait posts" or anything like that..


I've seen a ton of examples of harmless shitposting that was insta-locked on the grounds of being a meme, but this is different for reasons that aren't immediately clear to me. Granted, I err on the side of thinking that what was grounds for "lockable shitpost threads" as of like yesterday was too harsh and prefer to see it lightened up across the board, but it's still a stark contrast to how shitposting is usually received, that's all


Sorry for the misunderstanding and that the 3-4 of us who mentioned the joke being old/preferring to talk to real people are such bothersome negative sticks in the mud.. I guess the line of what harmless shitposting people like and what harmless shitposting people don't like isn't so clear to me, that's all. Then again I feel like I saw a stark IQ drop in the general everyday posting on DW throughout 2023 anyway, so becoming cavemen is the natural conclusion of that arc. It's time for me to reject modernity and embrace rocks.

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7 hours ago, Kwisior said:

If you don't use bare hands, then you're just a caveboy.

Yes fist good. Mungo like.




Mungo think Grungo should listen to Kwisungo and consider mighty fist hand hunting.

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17 minutes ago, Doomkid said:


..heh, whoa, didn't think pointing out the joke was played out and that preferring to interact with actual people rather than characters would be seen as so bothersome or that people would be mentioning "punching down" or "bait posts" or anything like that..


I'm sorry dk, I wasn't referring to you or anyone else wrt "punching down." Grungo's gimmick isn't punching down, nor is it relying on its comedic value being based on something which hurts others worse off than Grungo. It's a silly gimmick, sure, but it's not offensively bad and is somewhat endearing in its innocence.

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11 hours ago, Grungo said:

you sure? I feel like I am pissing people off and I am not a good doomworlder

Honestly I love the gimmick its fun and its not forced, however the internet is a far harsher place then it often needs to be and any anger directed towards a person is multiplied tenfold. 


 Caveman good but if it hurts you brain you can be normal man

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42 minutes ago, Fonze said:

I'm sorry dk, I wasn't referring to you or anyone else wrt "punching down."

It's totally fine Fonze, I misunderstood your post and I appreciate you clarifying!

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12 hours ago, Grungo said:

however if it is troubling people, I will cease to make anymore posts on Doomworld, i don't wanna make more people sad and annoyed, I just thought it's fun and silly.

Don't stop because some people might get annoyed at a pretty harmless skit.

Can't keep everyone happy.


Gringo use spear + bow combo to hunt animals. Use Sabertooth as your ride


1 hour ago, Doomkid said:

I've seen a ton of examples of harmless shitposting that was insta-locked on the grounds of being a meme, but this is different for reasons that aren't immediately clear to me. Granted, I err on the side of thinking that what was grounds for "lockable shitpost threads" as of like yesterday was too harsh and prefer to see it lightened up across the board, but it's still a stark contrast to how shitposting is usually received, that's all

I mean I get what you mean but sometimes the shitposting is way too harmless to need any kind of annoyance with it imo

Edited by The Doommer

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12 minutes ago, The Doommer said:

f'sure -- for sure / certainly / undoubtedly / absolutely.


Mfw a humans using for sure is as old as humans themselves


These words are from movies. They don't represent real ancient languages.


Actual prehistoric peoples likely relied on nonverbal cues and gestures. They also referred to themselves exclusively as "Grungo."

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For what it's worth I don't have any problem with Lord Grungus, but I think he needs more variety and needs to break character every now and then even if it's not for the intent of being humorous (like he did in his last post on this thread). I think people get irritated when forum users have an "act" like this if they don't ever break character, because after a while it feels more like role-playing, and not everyone likes to do that so they might see it as stupid. It's too innocent for me to actually be aggravated by it though.


Also, not to change subjects, but I think the forum registration is bugged - I tried to create an account by the name of "Grungetta" but I never received the verification email, so now Grungo will never have a lover/zug-zug buddy and Doomworld has been deprived of jokes that I've already forgotten how to tell.

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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I'm about ready to start going around to some of Grungo's hecklers' recent posts and telling them how they ought to be doing everything differently to better entertain me, their obvious target audience.

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4 minutes ago, esselfortium said:

I'm about ready to start going around to some of Grungo's hecklers' recent posts and telling them how they ought to be doing everything differently to better entertain me, their obvious target audience.

put grungo in buttsex 3

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