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So i made the peoples doom an iwad for boom 2.02

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i made the latest and oldest versions of the peoples doom iwads for boom 2.02 by deleting the freedoom assets from their wads and replacing them with the peoples doom assets. (i used only phase 1 for this, as its the equivalent of ultimate doom like the peoples doom.) though im having problems with the latest version because errors with columns left without patches in bigdoor1. anyone have any way to help with that? the oldest wad works good albeit i had to add stfb1 to the wad.


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OK I only kind of vaguely understand what's going on here so my advice may be misguided. An IWAD is supposed to be a total and complete set of all the data a Doom engine game needs to run. If you have gone through and randomly deleted a bunch of stuff and not replaced them with equivalent resources with the same name and type, then it is no wonder that it is reporting errors. What exactly was your aim here because your post really doesn't make it clear.

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2 minutes ago, Murdoch said:

What exactly was your aim here because your post really doesn't make it clear.

TPD wasn't an iwad for boom 2.02, it was only for ZDoom related ports and i wanted to just have it support boom as an iwad. TPD does have equivalent resources for the ultimate doom with all the requirements you said, also i fixed that column error, it was bigdoor1 itself. but now its a segmentation violation.

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1 hour ago, Mr795 said:

So I made the peoples doom




You have done a great job for the motherland, comrade.

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13 minutes ago, Mr795 said:

TPD wasn't an iwad for boom 2.02, it was only for ZDoom related ports and i wanted to just have it support boom as an iwad. TPD does have equivalent resources for the ultimate doom with all the requirements you said, also i fixed that column error, it was bigdoor1 itself. but now its a segmentation violation.


That's an error that happens when a program tries to access a memory location it's not allowed to. So you're running Boom 2.02? Under DOSBox or legit hardware?

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dosbox (the segmentation violation happens during the refresh daemon thing)


Under DOSBox or legit hardware?


Edited by Mr795

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13 minutes ago, Mr795 said:

dosbox (the segmentation violation happens during the refresh daemon thing)



Does Boom run with a normal doom.wad or doom2.wad?

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you can use the -iwad parameter so i named the tpd wads tpd2003 and tpd2020

Just now, Murdoch said:


Does Boom run with a normal doom.wad or doom2.wad?


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Hmmm... it's been literally decades since I have looked at Boom's source but I seem to recall that parameter must be a known iwad like doom.wad, tnt.wad, doom2.wad or whatever. A lot of internal logic is based on it. I could be wrong. I am not familiar with this people's Doom thing. Is the IWAD a doom.wad or doom2.wad replacement?

Edited by Murdoch

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the peoples doom is an ultimate doom wad

1 minute ago, Murdoch said:

Is the IWAD a doom.wad or doom2.wad replacement?


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5 minutes ago, Mr795 said:

the peoples doom is an ultimate doom wad



OK. Try this. Install Boom in a new, clean folder. Chuck regular doom.wad in there. Test it. See if the segfault happens again. Wanting this confirmed, because I remember messing with one of my old custom engines based on Boom in DOSBox a year or so ago and that was throwing an error on boot too. So want to be 100% sure on your install it's working fine without your modified IWAD.


If it doesn't work, someone more experienced with getting old ports running under DOSBox might be able to chime in and help.

If it does work, then next thing I want you to try is to remove doom.wad, and put your modified IWAD into this folder but rename it to doom.wad. Try running Boom again. If it still segfaults, then something in that IWAD is giving Boom a hard time and nailing down which resource that might be would be very, very difficult. If it doesn't segfault and works, then my hypothesis is correct and you giving the -iwad parameter a non-standard IWAD name and thus breaking the game selection logic is the cause.

Edited by Murdoch

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naming my ultimate doom wad "UD.wad" doesn't break it and its in the same folder

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So you changed doom.wad to ud.wad, loaded Boom with boom -iwad ud.wad, and it loaded up OK? Then it's option 1 most likely - a particular data lump is giving Boom a problem, and that will be very hard to nail down. You would have to go through everything systematically. It's unlikely to be game data like graphics or sounds I would think. It would be something else. I would ask if this is really worth doing, as tracking this down could take a lot of time.

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the tpd wad has a couple extra things like iwadinfo, a credits txt, and a readme, but i deleted those and it didnt do anything.

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Start with the palette data lump and other more global data like that first. Sub in the Doom originals and see if it fixes the load issue. Obviously if the palette is the problem that will mess up the graphics, but you can deal with that should that prove the culprit.

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Basically, every data lump in the iWAD should match doom.wad letter for letter in name. A missing lump could throw it off, or one that it can't understand.

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tpd has its own palette, but i change it to freedoom's palette and it didnt work

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5 minutes ago, Mr795 said:

tpd has its own palette, but i change it to freedoom's palette and it didnt work


Then one of the other lumps might have something the older code doesn't like. @ETTiNGRiNDER might be correct too, but I would not have thought that would trigger a segfault so early in the boot process.

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6 minutes ago, ETTiNGRiNDER said:

have you checked the maps that they're in Doom format and not Hexen or UDMF?

how do you check the format of maps, im using slade 3

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Decided to give your work a try via woof and I noticed the pain and pickup flashing was all messed up, looked at the palette and yup; only one palette in it

Quick explanation: In Doom's PLAYPAL lump are actually 14 palettes for each different screen state. from the Doomwiki's article (from 0-13):


0 = Normal.


1 = Unused. 11% red tint of RGB(255, 0, 0).


2-8 = Progressively more red (8 is most red). Used to show pain when the player is hurt, and reddens the screen when the player picks up a berserk pack. Each of these palettes tints the screen red progressively by 1/9×100%, so the highest pain palette makes the screen 89% red, by RGB(255, 0, 0).


9 = Unused. 12.5% yellow tint of RGB(215, 186, 69).


10-12 = Progressively more yellow. Used very briefly as the player picks up items. 25%, 37.5%, and 50% of RGB(215, 186, 69).


13 = Green tint, used when the radiation suit is being worn. 12.5% of RGB(0, 256, 0).[notes 1]


These aren't present in the original TPD because ZDoom doesn't use any of the palettes besides the first one and uses it's own code to make the screen red/yellow/green, so I guess TPD didn't bother including them


I ain't no expert on how Vanilla Doom or Boom treats the playpal lump; but if I had to take a guess it's probably important. So try selecting the playpal lump in slade and pressing the duplicate button until the number next to it goes from "1/1" to "1/14" and then load it up. It doesn't matter if they're different for now, just so long as they're there

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38 minutes ago, Mr795 said:

does gl stuff effect compatibility?


As I said, the IWAD needs to be note for note exactly the same as doom.wad. Every single data lump that's in doom.wad needs to have an equivalent in your WAD, and in the format Boom expects it to be in. It can be different - ie: the textures can be different, the palette can be different, whatever - but the nature of the data still has to match what Boom knows how to read. There is a certain amount of ability for it to ignore data it doesn't understand or recognise (like datalumps with names it's not coded to look for), but some things will definitely cause the hard crash you are getting because they are too fundamental to how the game functions for them to be anything other than perfectly the same format.

Given your base is made for ZDoom which changes a lot, it's entirely understandable that some of the data is going to be different format that the more closer to the original game Boom is expecting. Try what @No-Man Baugh said. If it still doesn't work, then your only option is to start afresh. Create a new PWAD, and bring the data in in chunks. Load all the sounds. Load all the graphics. Load all the maps. Then load all the random data lumps like playpal. Test each time. Once you get successful loading, then convert it to an IWAD. However just be aware that due to differences between how ZDoom and Boom function, you might be trying to do the impossible.

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25 minutes ago, No-Man Baugh said:

I ain't no expert on how Vanilla Doom or Boom treats the playpal lump; but if I had to take a guess it's probably important. So try selecting the playpal lump in slade and pressing the duplicate button until the number next to it goes from "1/1" to "1/14" and then load it up. It doesn't matter if they're different for now, just so long as they're there

SLADE can generate the other palettes given the first palette, use the "generate palettes" button when viewing the palette or in the context menu when right-clicking the lump.

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What I'm curious about is what you ultimately hope to accomplish with these efforts. I'm afraid making an IWAD isn't as simple as copy-pasting files from one WAD into another until you've effectively replaced every vanilla asset. As @Murdoch said, the -iwad parameter only takes known and supported IWADs as its argument - if it doesn't recognize your custom "IWAD" as an actual IWAD, it's going to fail.

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13 hours ago, Murdoch said:

then convert it to an IWAD

how do you do that?

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do these errors have something to do with the violation?


Texture "GSTVINE2" is double defined in resource TPD2020.wad.
Texture "SUPPORT2" is double defined in resource TPD2020.wad.
Texture "BIGDOOR3" is double defined in resource TPD2020.wad
Texture "GSTVINE2" is double defined in resource TPD2020.wad
Texture "SUPPORT2" is double defined in resource TPD2020.wad
Texture "BIGDOOR3" is double defined in resource TPD2020.wad
Texture "GSTVINE2" is double defined in resource TPD2020.wad
Texture "SUPPORT2" is double defined in resource TPD2020.wad
Texture "BIGDOOR3" is double defined in resource TPD2020.wad
Texture "GSTVINE2" is double defined in resource TPD2020.wad
Texture "SUPPORT2" is double defined in resource TPD2020.wad
Texture "BIGDOOR3" is double defined in resource TPD2020.wad
Texture "GSTVINE2" is double defined in resource TPD2020.wad
Texture "SUPPORT2" is double defined in resource TPD2020.wad
Texture "BIGDOOR3" is double defined in resource TPD2020.wad
Texture "GSTVINE2" is double defined in resource TPD2020.wad
Texture "SUPPORT2" is double defined in resource TPD2020.wad
Texture "BIGDOOR3" is double defined in resource TPD2020.wad
Texture "GSTVINE2" is double defined in resource TPD2020.wad
Texture "SUPPORT2" is double defined in resource TPD2020.wad
Texture "BIGDOOR3" is double defined in resource TPD2020.wad


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1 hour ago, Mr795 said:

how do you do that?


Do the other things first.

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