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Map pack I have started making (UAC INVASION)

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After I uploaded my first proper map a couple of days ago, I felt like making a couple more and uploading them here as I plan on making a wad that has a full 32 maps to make my mapping skills better.

Just like before, I would like to know what you guys think of it.

Due to the map I made a couple days ago being included in this wad as the map01, it is once again in the DSDA Doom UDMF format, so it will only properly work in DSDA Doom.

The wad is made for Doom 2.

It also only works with complevel 21 due to it being in UDMF.

Also I'm not too sure on what to name it. Currently I have the name UAC INVASION, but I don't know if that will stay. I'm still thinking of a potential better name for it.


It also has some demos bundled with it that show the maps.


More information is in the READ ME file.


Here is the link to the download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rMQ0uZ6Diar6J-HQ7fjMZnjgB3O3YxSj/view?usp=drive_link


Here are some screenshots of the new maps:







And once again, any feedback is appreciated! I hope you enjoy it!

Edited by OnionTaco22
stuff to do with the wads name

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Opening of the first map was fine, however, it's severely underdetailed in most areas and generally feels like the average work of someone starting out. Might want to make the lift near the moat in Map 02 a little more visible, btw

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3 hours ago, LadyMistDragon said:

however, it's severely underdetailed in most areas and generally feels like the average work of someone starting out.

It is the first wad I have made. The only other maps I have made are just me testing whatever map builder or source port I am using.

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