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chainsaw appreciation thread


chainsaw appreciation thread  

123 members have voted

  1. 1. the level actually wants you to use the chainsaw

    • please no
    • Actually, the chainsaw is unusable due to its unreliable stunlock chance (please no, gamer version)
    • i will chainsaw one pinkie if i remember to
    • i would be happy to play your chainsawcentric level
    • sometimes i practise chainsawing barons of hell

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fuck yeah I was hoping for the "I practice chainsawing barons" poll option



I only ever want to chainsaw monsters that are inappropriate to chainsaw though...pinkies I'll skip

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i love using the chainsaw


It's interesting both to play casually and to use in a TAS, the way it spins your view and locks your movement for a tic is really weird lol. I would love to see a d5da-type map using the chainsaw mechanics but honestly I don't know what that would entail, maybe chainsawing a barrel during a jump to change direction in mid-air?


Also it has a purple pixel on the firing frames which makes me smile every time I look down at it

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@Capellan it is ur time 2 shine


anyways uhhh i've actually been using the chainsaw way more lately...i definitely still prefer berserk, but as i play and map more i feel like i'm starting to appreciate the chainsaw far greater than i used to. when you're stupidly low on ammo and really need to conserve it, a chainsaw provides an option that, tbh, feels more interesting than berserk (even if not as fun imo): you can kill an enemy far quicker than you could using your fists, but you'll have to be put into a period of vulnerability where you're not even guaranteed for the enemy you're attacking not to hurt you, let alone the enemies that may be around you. it's a neat little risk vs reward thingy

Edited by roadworx

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Nah, sorry. There's a scientifically proven reason as to why berserk fist and shotguns are more fun than chainsaw and chaingun: it's because killing a monster in one attack is more satisfying than continuously attacking them to death.

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why would I want to replace my favourite weapon <3


re: chainsaw not being as fun as berserk: chainsaw is more relaxing than berserk


(Billa's TAS-only chainsaw-as-grappling device trick blows my mind)

Edited by yakfak

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How about some good chainsaw-centric maps?  Here's one: Ultimate Doom In Name Only E4M3


Somewhat related: if you play Heretic from wand start, you'll have to use the gauntlets (Heretic's chainsaw equivalent) fairly often, fortunately they appear in almost every map.

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Came in here to say I appreciate the "I sometimes practice chainsawing barons" - I practice it sometimes, but usually don't do too well at it on account of actually playing doom maybe once every 3 months anymore lol.

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Yeah, I like it. It’s fun on pinkies. An uncommon but thoroughly satisfying “gotcha” moment is killing a pain elemental with it.

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Weapon modders be looking at the chainsaw like:




Serious answer: I really wanna like it, but as shipped it's just a jankier chaingun. I never feel the need to put one in my maps cause it doesn't fulfill any role that some other weapon doesn't already do better (zerk wins, sorry D: ).




If you make a map balanced intentionally around the chainsaw, hell yeah that sounds like fun. My response above stems from the fact that most maps just aren't. Yet :P -- fun gameplay gimmicks are good. Make it happen. :D

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Despite its (misplaced) hype, I find chainsawing in Doom to be a very underwhelming and boring endeavor, especially compared to berserk for example which is much more fun as I love waiting around the corners and gibbing an army of imps and zombies one after another. Bitchslapping a pinky and Lost souls with a single punch never feels old either or coming out victorious in a duel fistfight against a baron.


Chainsawing in doom on the other hand feels as exciting as mowing your lawn..

Edited by OniriA

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Chainsaw for pinkies in corridors, often elsewhere and sometimes for imps or pain elementals.

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3 hours ago, Daytime Waitress said:


Ludwig van was a chump - this here is what a symphony sounds like.


chains against a baron's maw is what i like best

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Since it's extremely topic appropriate I hope it's okay to share my chainsaw only map I made some time ago haha



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Chainsawing PEs and Cacos is great, Imps are Viable, so are Zombos if you have some corners. Luv me the rare Archvile Chainsaw kill. And of course the Pinkies are fodder.


I made a chainsaw map once, did not put enough ammo in there so you HAVE to saw.


Also chainsaw Revenants, it's like gambling, but no money loss. Exciting!

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I wish it was more stun-lockable. I think if changing the damage per hit was available to dehacked modders, we would have long ago seen chainsaws with half damage but double the hits, i.e. same DPS but double the stun capability. This would give it a more special place of being able to stun better than any other weapon for the cost of getting into melee range.


Of course this is possible nowadays but I don't know of any examples of this being done?


Also, the idiocy of the melee range calculation is extremely stupid and totally backwards in comparison to player intuition (bigger targets should be easier to hit, not harder). Maybe bosses should be exempt from chainsaw but then again, they have the low pain chance and devastating attacks to render it nearly useless anyway. However you can't tell me that the manucubus has any right to avoid getting saw'd!

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3 minutes ago, magicsofa said:

Also, the idiocy of the melee range calculation is extremely stupid and totally backwards in comparison to player intuition (bigger targets should be easier to hit, not harder). Maybe bosses should be exempt from chainsaw but then again, they have the low pain chance and devastating attacks to render it nearly useless anyway. However you can't tell me that the manucubus has any right to avoid getting saw'd!

I wish the ports that optionally fix buggy melee also compensated for the increased range you get with the fix. It's nice being able to chainsaw an arachnotron reliably but it feels too easy when you can punch or saw something that's 10 feet away from you. I wonder if just decreasing melee range so that it's the same vs something like an imp would be enough?

Edited by plums

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Chainsawing is much more satisfying from an audiovisual standpoint than punching demons, which makes sense considering the chainsaw was probably intended as the strongest melee weapon. Unfortunately, I don't find it to be all that practical in most maps but if I get the chance, I'm absolutely gonna use it. The chainsaw is also interesting from a gameplay perspective: it obviously allows you to save ammo, but only on relatively unthreatening mobs, as opposed to berserk which allows you to kill pretty much anything aside from arachnotrons or SMMs. Weird that it's used so little, but I guess most players and mappers just prefer berserk.

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