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chainsaw appreciation thread


chainsaw appreciation thread  

123 members have voted

  1. 1. the level actually wants you to use the chainsaw

    • please no
    • Actually, the chainsaw is unusable due to its unreliable stunlock chance (please no, gamer version)
    • i will chainsaw one pinkie if i remember to
    • i would be happy to play your chainsawcentric level
    • sometimes i practise chainsawing barons of hell

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3 hours ago, baja blast rd. said:

With MBF21, stronger chainsaws can become a more commonly done thing, since you can avoid the older downsides of those. Hovercab Station has one and it feels very fun to use. 

What is the downside of a more powerful chainsaw in vanilla?

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4 minutes ago, Faceman2000 said:

What is the downside of a more powerful chainsaw in vanilla?


Mainly that it's too powerful :)

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I made a really terrible Chainsaw map for Quick and Dirty lmao! It was a Christmas themed map called "Christmas Chainsaw Massacre". Maybe my next one will be better. 

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The vanilla chainsaw is not thaaaat bad, i will take it unless the map also has a berzerk pack, or if it's a secret. Obviously the doom 64 version is way cooler and more effective, it can even stunlock turbo pinkies!

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2 hours ago, magicsofa said:

you can't tell me that the manucubus has any right to avoid getting saw'd!

Yes indeed, we're just helping him lose weight!

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3 hours ago, ducon said:

Chainsaw for pinkies in corridors, often elsewhere and sometimes for imps or pain elementals.


4 hours ago, Xaser said:

If you make a map balanced intentionally around the chainsaw, hell yeah that sounds like fun. My response above stems from the fact that most maps just aren't. Yet :P -- fun gameplay gimmicks are good. Make it happen. :D


see below...


5 hours ago, Maximum Matt said:

It works surprisingly well on cacos.  Don't underestimate its usefulness.  


I recently found this out!


6 hours ago, BGreener said:

Yeah, I like it. It’s fun on pinkies. An uncommon but thoroughly satisfying “gotcha” moment is killing a pain elemental with it.


expansion on Matt's cacos ~ love the idea; will endeavor to do so sometime...


6 hours ago, Doomy__Doom said:

Vanilla chainsaw sounds belong in the same place as vanilla plasma - and that place is nowhere near my ears.


Y'know, I've got mixed feelings about that chainsaw sound. Sometimes, it annoys me to be on for any length

of time. Other times, I find the "idling" of the chainsaw to be an almost soothing sound. Go fish!


1 hour ago, NecrumWarrior said:

I made a really terrible Chainsaw map for Quick and Dirty lmao! It was a Christmas themed map called "Christmas Chainsaw Massacre". Maybe my next one will be better. 


/me makes note to find and download this wad, xmaschainsawmassacre...


In my recently released first single-player map, I was placing ammunition as I went along. Somewhere in the

progression of this map, I was getting the enemies placed but was behind in ammo placements. But I was so

busy testing that I didn't want to stop to open in the editor, add ammo, save and restart testing. I ended up

training myself to go after the berserks and chainsaw I'd left for the player early on in development. What I

ended up with was an Ultra-violence skill map that relied on the player grabbing and utilizing the chainsaw for

ammo conservation. Of course it helps that my map is chock-full of pinkie variants which makes it a man vs.

monster fight on somewhat equal/fair terms.


The Hurt-me-plenty skill level doesn't feature a chainsaw. Instead, it has several berserker spheres. The

enemy mix is really a differently balanced game and the ammo abundance takes away that necessity for some

melee fighting. I actually like both skill levels of the map but prefer the UV because, well chainsaw! I mean,

berserk punch of zombieman to gibs IS satisfying to a degree (esp. my green gibs ~ hilarious) but it doesn't

take as long to register the kill as the chainsaw. I guess I'm going to say that chainsawing monstas gives me

ultimate satisfaction!


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The problem with the chainsaw is that it's easily too overpowered if the damage output is increased.

I think the intention behind it was to make you feel like you're literally grinding the demons slowly to death, so it does feel like a grind or even "work"

to get down the higher tiers. That's where the "lawn mowing" parallel comes in. You wouldn't look forward to doing that, except if there's really no other way around it (Just like having to mow the lawn).


Making the chainsaw more powerful just makes the game more unbalanced in my view, and isn't exactly a "solution" to the chainsaw problem.

Edited by OniriA

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I made the chainsaw in Headless Chicken faster by replacing the two-stroke petrol with cooking oil.

(4-4 tics per saw 'burst' normally, 2-3 tics on Headless Chicken)


Now it can saw revenants in half consistently so it's a perfect tool for pushing through one or two in a tight space if there's no room to punch and weave. (Revenants always did look like you could cut them in half without much trouble anyway)

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IMO "A chainsaw! Find some meat!" is the best hud message in the game.

The chainsaw's principal annoyance, that it blocks selection of the berserk fist, can be alleviated in boom+ complevels by ranking the fist above the saw. This is far from obvious. It is not made clear at all that the ranking only applies to the berserk fist, and why would anyone rank the unpowered fist above the saw? I only found it worked the way it does when I went to reprogram it, and found it already did work that way.

I feel the chainsaw works slightly better if you shake from side to side while sawing things. I think this is because of the way thing intercepts work in Doom, namely that collision is checked against one of the two diagonal lines across the thing's bounding box, the one that is "most perpendicular" to the LineAttack trace. (In ZDoom this problem does not occur because there the edges of the bounding box are what is checked for collision. This is why you can chainsaw spiderdemons in ZDoom.)

Oh and it has that startling property to eliminate knockback from your own missiles if you pull it out before they land. I still can't believe I missed that.

That's all I can think of right now.


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6 hours ago, Clippy said:

Since it's extremely topic appropriate I hope it's okay to share my chainsaw only map I made some time ago haha



Epic buddy!

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this found on Doomworld from September of 2003:


The chainsaw is the purest of all Doom's weapons. Whilst the majority of the game's weapons are neutral, the player choosing to use them or not as the situation demands, the chainsaw is a persuasive force of itself, its very appearance and manner an inducement to violence. Even in situations where the chainsaw is tactically inadvisable, the player is tempted to apply it; even in situations where there are no obvious monsters, its constant low-level buzz promises violence to come, purring and roaring like a new-born child. It is not a periodic weapon, like the fists, and it does not run out, like the chaingun or plasma rifle, notwithstanding the in-game lack of petrol. As in real life, Doom's chainsaw is a constant neverending stream of wailing death, of blood and torture.


~ Taylor, New Member

Edited by prfunky
bad date year... :-P

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This thread seems up your chainsaw-loving alley.

Back story: When Gal and I teamed up to make our map for Mapwich 1, one of our first conversations included Gal saying, "I want to make a chainsaw-mandatory section." And that was how our map started, and I think it turned out really well.


Personally, I'm slightly better with a chainsaw than punching things (although that's not saying much), although I still manage to sometimes get hit by the melee attack of the thing I'm trying to saw to death. Except when I'm trying to do something like go after a chaingunner with a chainsaw. I may have been successful doing that once or twice, but I can only remember the numerous instances where I was left with a chainsaw-wielding bullet-riddled corpse.

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Dayum, this thread's made me realise I've made a whole megawad and not put the chainsaw in a single level....


Edit : Ok...I found one...

Edited by NoOne

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When I played d5m1, sometimes I picked up the chainsaw and rev up the motor to strike fear into the opponent.

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Chainsawing cacos, pain elementals, revs is fun! But I usually find it less useful once the monster density becomes high, or when you get given the berserk soon after in the same map, especially if there are more mid-to-high tiers arriving. It feels slightly quicker to get rid of revenants that are in your way once you have the berserk, plus it tops up some health.

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The chainsaw is far from useless. A good portion of the enemy roster can be painlocked to death (supposing you are playing with fixed melee detection).


However, the usefulness goes down a lot when playing with fast monsters, where the enemies are much more likely to squeeze a hit in inbetween pain procs. Not even Demons or Cacos are safe anymore. And as I play with fast monsters pretty much exclusively, I barely use it anymore.


It's just a melee, ammoless chaingun. What can be painlocked with it can also be painlocked with the saw.

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I'd use the chainsaw more if the weapon bobbing wasn't so distractingly choppy. :P

This thread has reminded me that I should probably place the chainsaw in more of my maps, I forget it even exists sometimes.

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