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Any way to change emulated resolution in GZ doom?

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Im playing a GZ-doom based game and the hud isnt laying out correctly, its supposed to look like the first image, but instead it looks like the second

Before you say to screw around with scaling settings, I did all that and literally only one did anything and it made it look like the third image.

I noticed that the game was emulating a resolution much higher than my PC actually has. I know this is by design, but is there a way I can change that? I think that's what is going wrong.




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Any chance you have a high DPI display? Regardless, you should be able to set the resolution the game runs at in the video mode options.

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Got a link to the mod? letting us see it for ourselves could give us a good frame of reference for what it should look like
(but also I just want to play it for myself because my god)

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10 hours ago, Shepardus said:

Any chance you have a high DPI display? Regardless, you should be able to set the resolution the game runs at in the video mode options.

I tried that, it just scaled the gameplay but the HUD stayed the same


The only setting that did anything was HUD scaling and even then it just moved it downwards, going off the games trailer there's an entire lower half of the screen that is borked.

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Speaking of high DPI, I've had some issues with it in the past, namely the game stretching "beyond" the screen. If that's what's happening, and assuming you're using Windows, you can try this with gzdoom.exe:


In Explorer or on the Start menu, right-click the application name, select Properties, select the Compatibility tab, and then select [...] Override high DPI scaling behavior, scaling performed by: Application.

Quoted from here. Try the different options available if needed, not just "Application".


If you're using a launcher to open GZDoom you can additionally try doing this with the launcher itself.

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4 hours ago, tomas7777 said:

Speaking of high DPI, I've had some issues with it in the past, namely the game stretching "beyond" the screen. If that's what's happening, and assuming you're using Windows, you can try this with gzdoom.exe:

Quoted from here. Try the different options available if needed, not just "Application".


If you're using a launcher to open GZDoom you can additionally try doing this with the launcher itself.

No dice, Im trying to figure out where my doom.ini file is so I can delete it. I think that has something to do with it. (And the dev of the game does too)

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4 hours ago, JacketEternal said:

No dice, Im trying to figure out where my doom.ini file is so I can delete it. I think that has something to do with it. (And the dev of the game does too)

The game you downloaded contains a gzdoom_portable.ini file in the zip, so that's the only config file it should read. If that's not present, GZDoom will read from your user folder (something like C:\Users\<your username>\Documents\My Games\GZDoom\gzdoom.ini).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for bumping this but I really do need an answer.

is there a way to change the emulated resolution of gz doom. I have a working theory I just need to test it.

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On 1/13/2024 at 1:37 AM, houston said:

If it's just about the UI scaling, I think the "HUD Scaling" options should help.

This doesnt change the emulated resolution, well it does but not in a direct way, its always larger than the given screen size.

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UPDATE: the issue was found, apparently GZdoom was automatically searching out IWADS to start the game up with, even though the game didnt need any. If you run into this problem you gotta git rid of your Iwads, if just momentarily.

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I would suggest setting a bunch of cvars to their default:

vid_scalemode 0

vid_scalefactor 1

uiscale 0

st_scale 0

hud_scale 0

hud_oldscale true


And then restore these cvar to the same values present in the .ini file bundled with the itch.io download:

st_scale -1

hud_scale -1


then ensure that gzdoom is set to your native resolution (1920x1200 in the following example):

vid_setSize 1920 1200

vid_setScale 1920 1200


finally, tell gzdoom to render at a lower/higher resolution than the native one:

vid_ScaleFactor 0.5

vid_ScaleFactor 2

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