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what is wrong with people who like snow

why do you like snow  

53 members have voted

  1. 1. why do you like snow

    • because all that is good in the world is dead to me
    • because my brain is swelling
    • because i hate myself

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Fuck Snow, what about Rain?


Yeah, fuck that purple wearing douchebag in Mortal Kombat, I love watching Sheeva rip his arms off and slapping him with them. 


And I hate the water that comes from the sky to. Snow, eh, it's nice to look at at least. 

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Snow is good. It is a natural substance which the earth has made for us to enjoy. Few sights can compare to the striking visuals of a giant pile of snow amidst fields of tree. Without it, some of the greatest minds wouldn't have had the energetic eccentricity to express their ideas and art. 


Wait what are we talking about again? 

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4 hours ago, DoomGuy999 said:

Add none of the above. I am a decent person who likes snow because it looks nice, the world looks beautiful, shoveling isn't that bad, because it's cold and you aren't sweating as much as doing work in the summer. What is wrong with people who don't like snow?


1 hour ago, RHhe82 said:

Other than that, it's just a matter of wearing proper clothes. Winter landscape is beautiful. It's the hot summers I hate. At least in winter you can always put on more clothes, but in summer there's only so much you can do, and peeling off skin and muscle doesn't vent off the intolerable heat.

how about you spend a few winters in wisconsin then? when it's so cold that every bit of exposed skin feels like it's burning when you're trying to shovel a horrid combination of snow and chunks of ice, then i'm sure it'll be a nice bit of change in perspective for you two :)


3 hours ago, Grain of Salt said:

I am shoveling snow into a bag and bringing it to your house. Or not, if you don't want that.

nah it's okay go ahead

Edited by roadworx

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12 minutes ago, roadworx said:

how about you spend a few winters in wisconsin then? when it's so cold that every bit of exposed skin feels like it's burning when you're trying to shovel a horrid combination of snow and chunks of ice, then i'm sure it'll be a nice bit of change in perspective for you two :)

I live in Finland. I’m used to -20 to -30 degrees (celsius) in winter.

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4 hours ago, Mr. Freeze said:


Snowcels will never understand this


Whatever desert dweller, enjoy getting attacked by rabid cactus.

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I live in the Dallas area. No one here knows how to exist in snow, much less drive.


We've already ordered our groceries and battened down the hatches in case snow falls. Screw the rest of the Metroplex.

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I don't like snow.


You like it? Here's a shovel. Get to work, I'm getting my ass inside to warm up.

Edited by Dark Pulse

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6 minutes ago, RHhe82 said:

I live in Finland. I’m used to -20 to -30 degrees (celsius) in winter.

oof, that's about how cold it gets in wisconsin as well actually. the summers there are just as miserable as the winters, they're humid as hell, so i do know how you feel about summers being worse


with that being said, the finnish are legally obligated to like snow, so your opinion doesn't count

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45 minutes ago, roadworx said:

nah it's okay go ahead


In more seriousness, although I personally love snow, I recognize that it causes deaths and hardship etc and people shouldn't really have to deal with it if they don't want to. Pretty similar to my policy on christmas, really.


6 minutes ago, roadworx said:

with that being said, the finnish are legally obligated to like snow, so your opinion doesn't count


With "snow" and "finnish" in play, there's surely some amazing wordplay to be made here. Not by me, though.

Edited by Grain of Salt

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2 hours ago, esselfortium said:

Snow is great when you are 7 years old and don't have to go to school. Snow is terrible when you have to shovel it and drive on snowy/icy roads.

nah I've been doing both of those things for a while and while it's fair to say the pro/con balance has shifted a little bit since I was 7, it's still in favor of there being a lot to enjoy about cold, snowy weather.

A lot of people (speaking generally here now, not just responding to esselfortium) seem not to understand that people can enjoy something as a novel treat, or for a temporary stretch of time, even if it has negative externalities.  Would I want to be shoveling and driving through snow year round?  Fuck no, but there are also a lot of reasons why I wouldn't want to be stuffing my face with chocolate chip cookies every minute of my life, either.

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Snow is great when you're a kid and you get the whole White Christmas/Winter Wonderland thing. When I lived in Massachusetts, I despised having almost half of the year revolving around shitty fucking cold and wet weather. And that's not counting the slips I had on ice- one landing on my knee, the other resulting in smashing my head. I'll take the heat any day. 

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I used to have fantasy about snow, given that I'm from Taiwan where you need wake up at mid-night rush to the tallest mountain and endure long line of traffic to watch just a little patch of snow, or buy an expensive ticket to northern Japan, since anyway below Tokyo only gonna give you a little bit.

Now I'm in the States and being dragged to the mountain by family and friend to skii and snowboard every winter (which is still terrifying to do to me), I hate it so much that I rather stand in Typhoon for a day and get rain water soaked into my socks.

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Snow is cool. And I say this as a person who has had plenty of exposure to it---I was born in Michigan and have travelled back there for plenty of family Christmases, grew up in a mountain town in Colorado. Yeah, it can be annoying/hazardous too. Doesn't change the fact that seeing a fresh white landscape on a grey morning is a serene experience. Or that pelting another kid in the side of the head with a chunk of ice when you're a single digit age is a memory to last a lifetime.  


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We don't really have snow here in NZ's northern regions, so ive only seen snow twice in my life and loved it. Once as a kid, once 5 or more years ago. Americans usually hate it, because they have to deal with it every year.

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My favorite winter scenario: Clear blue skies, about 15 cm of snow on places where I don't have to ride with my bicycle and a nice 0 to -5C in temperature.

Also I hate sun and any temperature above 18C, so that's when *I* start to whine about the weather :p

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As funny as heck as this is (the poll is an art form!) I love snow. Driving, walking, working inside while it falls, and I have a cup of cocoa, watching movies with an open window, etc.

It's unironically the second best time of year after rainy november. Which we missed this year in MN.

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I'm in Montana, we just got blasted with -20C to -30C temperatures, and that is not accounting for wind chill. Step outside for 5 seconds and your snot's already frozen, and if you aren't dressed properly than frostbite will occur within minutes.


At least with winter, you can put on a lot of layers. Undershirt, long-sleeve shirt, sweater, heavy coat, beanie, face covering(!), good gloves, long johns, jeans, wool socks, steel-toe boots - all that will make you invincible in -30C or colder. But with summer, there's only so many layers you can take off.


Only problem I have with winter is driving. It's scary enough driving a '99 shitbox on ice and in extreme fog, and then you have people on the road who think they're invincible...until tragedy strikes.

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31 minutes ago, URROVA said:

What is snow

greetings from argentina

In Argentina, providing you live further south, you should be experiencing it in july.

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Everyone who likes snow, get shoveling. This is what's outside my window right now.




That gray thing you can barely see outside the window is a bush that's about 50 feet away.

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I've always lived in a cold climate, so i've never really understood why people dont like snow or cold weather, Growing up in a place where a "nice" day is typically 40 F has made me really think about the same sorta people who are okay with it being 80F or higher down south.

It's not like we choose where we are born and  what sorta climate we grow up in, it's just a core aspect of who we are

Edited by ArmedMeerkat

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9 hours ago, Mr. Freeze said:


Snowcels will never understand this

One reason I love northern Nevada so much is I can have both 


I grew up in neither snow nor desert so they’ve always been fun things I could go drive over the hills to check out. My buddy from Wausau would always say much the same thing about how I’d love snow less if I had to blow it off my walk and shovel it off the roof every day, so I can sympathize

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