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What are wads that have continueation and connectivity at end and beginning of level?


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Know any wads that have immersive level continuation, similar to Doom 2: Reloaded? Grungo love that stuff in wads and reminds grungo of build engine

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First one that comes to mind is Eviternity. You enter the next level staring at the button you just pressed to end the last one, and there's a new path forward from the last maps final room. Always an awesome touch.

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Sepia is another example. Not only you can often see start of the next map / beginning of the previous one, but there are also multiple neat additional details like


A torn painting after you exit a secret level that you entered via that painting, or the next map being an upside down version of a previous map, so you actually see the playable space of the map while you are still on the previous one. Not to mention episode 4 has very creative integrations of geometry of the maps from previous episodes.


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Hadephobia fits the description pretty well.


There's also Armadosia, a full megawad with big exploration oriented maps. The wad lacks a custom soundtrack though, so I strongly recommend playing it with the PSX Doom soundtrack for an unique experience.


Doom 404 also uses the gimmick of continuation between levels, but it's rather a collection of small maps.

Edited by Pierrot
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All the Elementalism maps in an episode do this too. You can often see the whole next map from certain vantage points too.

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