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The Hall of Bricks

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"Ugh, where the hell am I now..."


Doomguy has yet again been plopped into some random location for the sole purpose of slaughtering demons. This time, he's dropped out in the open, standing before a large brick building. The front door's locked, but there's a side entrance that's not. "Guess I better go find the key and get out of here."


This is my first WAD that I've released. It's for Doom 2 and is meant to be played with Boom. I haven't tested it with anything but PRBoom+, but I don't see any reason why it shouldn't work in GZDoom. There's 1 real map, about 10-15 minutes long, and a 2nd victory map. I didn't try to do anything crazy, just mostly vanilla-style stuff. I changed stuff depending on the difficulty, so there's less monsters on the easy modes and more on the hard ones. It's possible to beat this on Ultra-Violence, it's just really hard. I don't know if Nightmare is possible, but you're free to try. I made custom MIDIs for the 2 levels too.


The only glitch I've encountered is near the end in the


boss room.

There's a blood puddle that's messed up and looks weird depending on which angle you're looking at it at. It looks fine in the editor, and it didn't do it before, so I'm not sure what caused it or how to fix it. If you find any other glitches, tell me and I'll update the WAD and try to fix it. Let me know if you like the WAD or don't like it and what you do/don't like, and I'll try to keep it in mind for the next one I make, if I do make one.









Edited by aei0u0iea

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Gave it a play DSDA, Ultra-violence:



- The first room has way too many pinkies in my opinion and mowing down all of them with the chainsaw becomes a chore... Maybe reduce the number or give the player a berserker instead? Also not a big fan of the "invisible archviles" behind the wall, but they were easily avoided;


- That red key trap gives the player almost no time to react;


- I might have missed a secret rad suit somewhere, but making the player walk into a small room full of nukage just to get some ammo (which is scarce in this map) seems evil;


- Red room entrance: Dark room with blinking crushers, chaingunners, mancubus, and a pain elemental... I just stood at the door peek-a-boo shooting;


- That blur sphere in DSDA is useless against the cyber demons, they saw me instantly and proceeded to place themselves against the closest wall of the nukage pit. I tried to make a run for it and paid the price with a rocket to the face (their hitbox prevented me from crossing)... Maybe keep them in place (like turrets) until the player crosses that narrow bridge;


- The final room seems a little overkill.



Other than this, the map was fun and the music great

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2 hours ago, AshtralFiend said:


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- The first room has way too many pinkies in my opinion and mowing down all of them with the chainsaw becomes a chore... Maybe reduce the number or give the player a berserker instead? Also not a big fan of the "invisible archviles" behind the wall, but they were easily avoided;


- That red key trap gives the player almost no time to react;


- I might have missed a secret rad suit somewhere, but making the player walk into a small room full of nukage just to get some ammo (which is scarce in this map) seems evil;


- Red room entrance: Dark room with blinking crushers, chaingunners, mancubus, and a pain elemental... I just stood at the door peek-a-boo shooting;


- That blur sphere in DSDA is useless against the cyber demons, they saw me instantly and proceeded to place themselves against the closest wall of the nukage pit. I tried to make a run for it and paid the price with a rocket to the face (their hitbox prevented me from crossing)... Maybe keep them in place (like turrets) until the player crosses that narrow bridge;


- The final room seems a little overkill.



- Yeah, there's probably way too many pinkies in that room on the hard modes. There actually is a berserk on easy, and there's much less pinkies below Ultra-Violence, but I think that room's kind of a slog on UV too.


- Probably a case of me knowing what's about to happen and not knowing what other players' reaction times would be. I tried to hint that it'd move by giving it the same support beam texture as the moving pillars and the door-tile ceiling, but I should've just made it taller probably.


- There is a bigger secret in there. I actually had the opposite problem, where I left the map with surplus ammo every time, even without using the secrets, so I'm not sure how to fix that other than to add random extra ammo packs everywhere.


- Half the time, the AI advances towards you and makes you have to actually engage with them, dodging from side to side and running in and out of the room, and the other half of the time they wander around aimlessly in the dark and you can pick them off like that. A more interesting room layout would probably make them act better and lead to better gunfights.


- That's actually a really good idea, to keep them in place surrounded by walls or something until you get to the other side of the bridge. I didn't think of that, and I feel like it would've been much better than what I did.


- I think I made it even harder for UV. There's less powerful items in there on the harder difficulties. There's also another switch you can hit on the other side from the boss switch which opens up a door that has an invulnerability in it. It was meant to be a secret because I didn't think many people would bother to look around on the other side of the cube, but getting to the end's really hard without it unless you get them to infight and kill each other.

Thank you for playing!

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