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What does a visitor in your home to annoy you?

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Have you ever had some one come to visit and they do something like switch tv channels or get into your stuff? I've had one tha used to shove my craft projects aside and ruin them. Another would actually switch tv channels. The oddest one came to introduce herself ok, then told me I cannot cuss and do whatever else she didn't like. Entitled maybe? Told her to leave. I almost never answer my door now. When asked why, let's just say I like my privacy ... a lot. What do you do?

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So you now live like a hermit because some visitors behaved weird? And were those people your friends, or completely random people entering your home?

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I do answer the door to friends. They know to say who it is before I answer. I will also help anyone if they really need help. Like food or something or an ambulance. But when some tries to come in without knocking, it's considered rude. I've had some one try to break in seveal times over the last12 yrs. It's happened a lot around here. One of the times I yelled I wouldnt do that if I were them. Most people here are very nice tho. Kids are allowed to live now too. Pets also. And while a few visitors are weird, they are also friends. I consider myself weird. I like crocheting bugs and snakes and stuff. Designing and making beaded jewelry as well. It supplements my income as I've been widowed since 2019. I usually try to to be polite. What do you do? 

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20 minutes ago, Merry Widow said:

But when some tries to come in without knocking, it's considered rude.


Yeah of course! May I ask where you live? I lived in Berlin, Germany, for the most time and since a few years now in a small town near the Dutch border. But it's usual that front doors are locked, and normally only friends, colleagues or neighbors come knocking at your door. I know this is sometimes different in other countries, or in certain regions.


So, strange visitors mainly happened during parties when I was in my 20s. There was the guy that wanted to eat the apples from our kitchen instead of helping himself at the buffet we prepared. Or the alcoholic who started to sip all the leftovers from the other guest's glasses. But nothing too strange and terrible.

Edited by Tetzlaff

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I live in Vermont, USA. A a small 400ft apt. Been pretty happy with it. And I have heard Germany is a beautiful country. The state I live in is fairly rural, but pretty nice. Having a small store across the street helps too, since I can't walk far. Used to love walking. I guess you already know I'm 73 yo so there's that. I get looked at weird sometimes b/c I'm a gamer. I love playing Doom. Thank you for replying, you seem very nice.

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3 hours ago, Merry Widow said:

Have you ever had some one come to visit and they do something like switch tv channels or get into your stuff? I've had one tha used to shove my craft projects aside and ruin them. Another would actually switch tv channels. The oddest one came to introduce herself ok, then told me I cannot cuss and do whatever else she didn't like. Entitled maybe? Told her to leave. I almost never answer my door now. When asked why, let's just say I like my privacy ... a lot. What do you do?


Sounds like you were dealing with some people who were lacking severely in basic respect, and you were well justified in telling them to leave. Some people do have a shocking sense of entitlement. I have seen a post floating around Facebook something to the effect of "If you tell me I cannot smoke in your house, I am not coming back!" If someone did that in my house and threw that response at me, my reply would be something to the effect of "fuck off, and when you get there please fuck off even further". Post was probably reply bait, but you just know someone, somewhere out there actually does have that attitude.

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only time I've had to kick someone out of my house is when my uncle showed up uninvited to the Christmas party(uninvited due to long family history) and asked if I could fix his laptop as I'm a computer technician, I said yes even though I do not like him because I'm too nice for my own good, he showed up with the laptop a few days later and halfway through me fixing it(dead CMOS battery) he started completely unprompted spitting slurs and insults while talking about my other uncle for being queer, in front of me, also a queer dude, I told him to get the fuck out of my house. my only regret was shouting and swearing in front of my mother, so to answer your question, showing up uninvited and talking shit about my family I guess.

Edited by BBQgiraffe

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Yeah. After my husband died the woman next door accused me of  trying to steal her old man. She denies it now. She recently remarried and moved  2 floors down. She was made to apologize. But as I said, most people here are nice. It's more the people that don't live here that are the problem. We now have cameras everywhere which is great. I almost never ask for help tho. Last time this woman claimed I was some place I wasn't, good old cameras.

Edited by Merry Widow

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2 hours ago, Merry Widow said:

But when some tries to come in without knocking, it's considered rude.

When someone tries to come in without knocking, it's considered a home invasion


While I'm not the too overprotective when it comes to people walking up my door, I think it's pretty good practice to keep your door locked and not let any strangers in without them giving you a good reason. (or even just A reason) And given your accounts of oddballs being rude and disrespectful, it seems you got more than enough reason yourself to not let people who aren't in your little community or personal life the benefit of the doubt

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I never answer the door and if I am expecting company I’m already outside waiting for them by the time they arrive, but when someone does come over what I find annoying is when they make a mess and don’t clean it up or if they don’t get the hint it’s time for them to go home.

For the most part it takes a lot to annoy me but those two things, especially when combined, don’t just annoy me, they infuriate me. Even more so if they’re not even my guests, but the guests of another member of the household, yet I’m stuck dealing with the mess and them outstaying their welcome. 

Edited by DNSKILL5

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I thankfully have never really run into those kind of people. My friends as a rule mostly know when to be respectful and when they're not, I just don't invite them over.

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Well, haven't had many visitors as I've gotten older, but what I do hate is when someone would come over in my teenage years and take over my computer.

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I had someone tell me my anxiety isn't actually a problem and to "just get over it".  Then he started in with toxic masculinity stuff.  I kicked him out and never spoke to him again.

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I had an annoying cousin at my house, we were around 10-12yo.


Things he did every time he used to come, without asking: (in order of priority)

> Open the fridge.

> Turn on TV, loud AF.

> Use my older brother's laptop to play videogames, which I uninstall in every instance because my brother told me to.

> Piss in the middle of the garden when someone else is using the bathroom.

> Answer (home) phone calls.

> Answer (home) door.

> Trying to be the "favorite child" to my parents, but a complete nuisance around my siblings.


Today, he is being annoying somewhere else, hopefully.

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10 hours ago, Murdoch said:

"fuck off, and when you get there please fuck off even further".


I'm gonna steal this line and use it on telemarketers.

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^Definitely listening to this while I compose my reply


Reminds me of when I was like 8 and I had this kid over for the first and last time. We had one snail living in the fish tank. Before we could stop him he picked it up and shoved it into its shell with his finger. Wasn’t much later he went home, think my parents didn’t want him around after that (I know I didn’t). The snail didn’t move for like two weeks, we wondered if it was dead.


A couple weeks later we came to check on the fish, saw the snail moving around as normal. Also saw 20-30 tiny baby snails all over the walls. Still a mystery to this day

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