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Strange Texture alignment Issue


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So I'm making a wad using Dsda Doom as its source, and all the textures look fine and aligned for the map. But upon loading the wad today with Gzdoom I was shocked to see that all the textures where showing as misaligned and the midtextures where all messed and hanging on the wrong places/heights..


I'm so puzzled and weirded out because I took all this time to carefully align my textures.. Do I have to go back to Gzdoom and align all the textures there or will that mess things up on the DSDA doom end? I'm feeling so confused and bummed..


Extra info: The textures appear misaligned when I go ingame using Gzdoom, however when looking around in the the editor using Gzdoom, they appear to be fine all of a sudden  (just like in DSDA doom), even more confused now..

Edited by OniriA

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Is the ceiling height different on different sides of those linedefs? I've experienced a similar issue with gzdoom, where textures would shift vertically while ingame compared to the editor view. For me it's always when I also use the affected linedef as a border between two different ceiling heights. I'm not sure of the technical reasons (something about maybe gzdoom and everyone else using different methods to pick from the two ceiling heights to adjust textures by?), but if that's the case for you, my advice would be to make ceiling height changes happen on separate linedefs that are not otherwise displayed in any way. I just cut across existing sectors when I need different ceiling heights. (This may also only happen when the ceiling is a sky, I'm not certain.)

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