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dsm's Firebreather colored

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Agnes said:
Yeah, I had a feeling you had something dark in mind, so it ended up being a bit darker than I first intended. It was orange to begin with.

It wasn't really intended to be all that dark - it just ended up being pretty dark with all the scales so clearly marked and with the shading.

I'd like to, but it'll be a while before I'll have the time to do so. It's pretty detailed and a bit smudgy, so I think it may take me a bit longer to color than the Firebreather.

I'm sure it'll be worth it anyway, I'd kill to see what you could make out of "The Quest of the Three" (as I called my HeXen drawing) - ok maybe not, but it'll be beyond awesome to see that already cool pic with colours - you might even be able to "erase" some of my errors in that pic like you did for this one.
But there's no rush, just take your time if you're willing to do it one day.

You know, you gave me a long needed desire to do drawings. It's really cool to do a good drawing and later seeing it in all out glorious colours, so you can rest assured that I'll love seeing any other colour version of someone's art (Ex: Spike's art + your colouring skills = a god's work).

Damn, the time after Doom 3's release is gonna be epic - because that's when "the second coming" of my Doom drawing spree will commence I'm sure (I did countless unfinished Doom drawings between 1994 and all the way up to 2000). I already have wild plans for cool Doom themed drawings, but I'd like to see what the Doom 3 characters and weapons look like before I hurl myself into them. I hope you're around by the time I begin to release my Doom (3) artwork - hopefully I can get you to colour a few of them, or at least one specific that I have in mind :-)

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Dsm did you ever draw any quake1 monsters?I working on a vore right now.I was going to post A pic of EVIL's monster but some punk stole my sketch pad.Who would want to seal some ones sketch pad?That's just stuped.

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Rotting Corpse said:

Dsm did you ever draw any quake1 monsters?

No, Quake 1 never interested me near enough to start doing drawings for it, although I've considered doing a pic of Ranger the Quake dude (FYI: I love to draw futuristic soldier types).

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I do too.I like Id's futuristic soldier
becouse they look more like marines. With some futuristic elamints thrown in. They are not some moron in a huge space suit. Dsm you should draw ranger,sarge and the q2 dude.
I have seen you Bj pic. And the doom dude.It would be cool to see you draw the
other Id heros.

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dsm said:

It's really cool to do a good drawing and later seeing it in all out glorious colours, so you can rest assured that I'll love seeing any other colour version of someone's art (Ex: Spike's art + your colouring skills = a god's work).

Well, there are times when I really don't feel like drawing anything of my own, so I'll probably end up doing that just to keep myself occupied. I'm all open to suggestions. :) I'm almost done with ravage's bug demon now, so it won't be long before I'm ready to start working on another one.

You wouldn't happen to have a larger version of your Hexen drawing, would you? It doesn't have to be a whole lot bigger, anything'll do. I just want to see how much of a difference it'll make.

I hope you're around by the time I begin to release my Doom (3) artwork - hopefully I can get you to colour a few of them, or at least one specific that I have in mind :-)

Sure thing :)

Just a piece of advice to anyone who would like to draw something that should later be colored. I always keep in mind when drawing, that the lines should be as coherent and sharp as possible. I also try to keep the shading down to a minimum. I merely use it to provide a feeling of shape, and thus aid me in the coloring process. Anything more would only make a mess of it, at least for me. For instance:

Just a thought :)

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Agnes said:

Agnes' Inexplicably Awesome Sketch

Astounding. You are in an art college, right? It looks so classical in a way; it reminds me of Leonardo da Vinci's own sketches of anatomy. Ladies and gentlemen, the urine has left my bladder.
/salutes Agnes and weeps

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dang, i should really post some of my art with reactions like this. the sketch is good, agnes! Good advice too, for I'm drawing a graphic novel and coloring in photoshop.

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Agnes said:
You wouldn't happen to have a larger version of your Hexen drawing, would you? It doesn't have to be a whole lot bigger, anything'll do. I just want to see how much of a difference it'll make.

Nope, sorry :-/

Just a piece of advice to anyone who would like to draw something that should later be colored. I always keep in mind when drawing, that the lines should be as coherent and sharp as possible. I also try to keep the shading down to a minimum. I merely use it to provide a feeling of shape, and thus aid me in the coloring process. Anything more would only make a mess of it, at least for me. For instance:

Hmm, this complicates things a little. I can make the lines more clear and I suppose I could also cut down on the shading. Trouble is I don't want to. I try to make my drawings as realistic on their own (without the colouring) as I can - that would be ruined if I cut down the shading and made the lines extra visible, but I suppose I could go in and sharpen the lines in a paint program of sorts. The shading, however, is a major problem unless I devote a drawing exclusively to be coloured by you.

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Job said:

You are in an art college, right?

Heh. No. :)

dsm said:

I can make the lines more clear and I suppose I could also cut down on the shading. Trouble is I don't want to. I try to make my drawings as realistic on their own (without the colouring) as I can.

I'm just trying to emphasize the importance of having sharp lines to work with. I, personally, find it easier without all that shading, but many of my uncolored drawings look profoundly dull as a result, so, yes, I understand. It's all a matter of taste, I suppose.

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