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Voice in the Abyss Now on Idgames

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Very nice! Azazel's Second Descent was sublime and Bloody Vacation was great too! And your RAMP maps are excellent! Hopefully, will have some time to play this on the weekend.

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Casually skimmed through this, quite interesting! New Game+ looks like a ball buster from pistol starts but probably doable. I like the weapon and monster changes, makes for even faster paced gameplay than usual. My problem is with the palette - it's a combination of desaturation but also a lot of background blue, which hurts my eyes and generally makes stuff hard to see.


Edit: Just noticed that there are some big HOMs at the start of MAP03. You may want to check that. Screenshot attached.


Edited by DreadWanderer

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Glad your liking the maps the new game map were all tested and beat pistol starting so they are doable.  If you are using software the HOM show up but if your using openGl it looks correct. I will add that into the readme and the post. 

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20 minutes ago, Bloodbath Giraffe said:



Glad your liking the maps the new game map were all tested and beat pistol starting so they are doable.  If you are using software the HOM show up but if your using openGl it looks correct. I will add that into the readme and the post. 


Yeah I play almost exclusively on software mode and mostly in DSDA, hopefully the HOM won't be a problem in DSDA's indexed mode. Thanks.

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Looks epic! Downloaded for later before I go to bed.

There are tons of players who play in software only because many maps simply look better in it, especially detailed maps with great lighting like the screenshots show. There's really no huge reason to leave homs unfixed, and it's far easier for a mapper to fix homs so the map looks as they intended it for all players in all modes, than to expect every player to switch to a rendering mode they don't prefer.
Unless you're making a map where homs are an intentional visual choice it's probably better to ensure your map looks correct in both modes, imo.

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2 hours ago, knifeworld said:

Looks epic! Downloaded for later before I go to bed.

There are tons of players who play in software only because many maps simply look better in it, especially detailed maps with great lighting like the screenshots show. There's really no huge reason to leave homs unfixed, and it's far easier for a mapper to fix homs so the map looks as they intended it for all players in all modes, than to expect every player to switch to a rendering mode they don't prefer.
Unless you're making a map where homs are an intentional visual choice it's probably better to ensure your map looks correct in both modes, imo.

I agree with this but ofc it's ultimately up to the author. I don't map (at least for now lol) so I don't know how easy or difficult it is to fix HOMs, I can imagine it's not that hard with tools like UDB at one's disposal. What this definitely does is limit the range of source ports you can play on - for example, Nugget Doom, which I am quite fond of atm, only does software rendering so it's a no-go. Thankfully, DSDA's OpenGL indexed lighting mode does quite a good job at emulating software mode, though not without some imperfections. I am absolutely not going to play this on GZDoom due to the inevitable performance issues, especially in slaughtery maps.

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9 hours ago, DreadWanderer said:


I agree, it's up to the mapper after all.

I just think fixing a HOM that's not meant to be there is a win-win scenario for both the mapper and player, because it'll look right in both rendering modes, and the player won't have to switch which one they play with.

As for how to fix HOMs, it's typically as simple as putting a texture where there's a missing texture.
Perhaps that's not the case for the 2 maps here, though.

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Release number 2 is out now, it can be download form the first post or ill link it down below. If you find any other bug or something needing fixed please let me know.  I am still working on adding in the difficulty and hope to have it implemented in a week 




Map 1

- Deleted cells in NG+ because there is no plasma gun available 


Map 2

- Deleted cells because there is no plasma gun available 


Map 3

- Fixed the HOM in software rendering also for NG+

- Fixed the rad suit fix so you cant stat the fight then leave NG+


Map 5

- Added more cacos to the red key area Ng+

- Fixed the chaingunner and cyber ambush also for NG+

- Fix it so archviles and revs cant fall off platform also for NG+


Map 6

- Added damaging floor to the starting room also NG+

- Fixed missing sky texture by yellow key fight

- Fix the fight with the lowering door so you could not activate it and run out and also eliminated the platform you could also stand on

- added an extra achvile to yellow key area


Map 7

- Fix HOM by 3 key switch also  for NG+

- Fixed torches stuck in pillar also NG+

- Fixed incorrectly blinking wood by yellow key fight also NG+

- Fix ledge by yellow key to bypass trap to get to the blue key also NG+

- Fixed all 3 key being by the 3 key door NG+

- Fixed 100 monsters not teleporting in by blue key fight NG+


Edited by Bloodbath Giraffe

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Release number 3 is out now, it can be download form the first post or ill link it down below. If you find any other bug or something needing fixed please let me know. If I don't find any other errors after another week i will fully release the wad and upload it to Idames.


 - For the first 8 maps the difficulties have been added in. How i implemented the difficulty is for medium its all the same monster with more health a few more armors, For easy very minimal mounter count change and types, but with more health and armor.  This way the player can get the full experience, but with more way to recover. 


 - NG+ I have removed about 15-20 percent of the health from the maps as it was still easer then I intended it to be. I added more health originally for NG+ so now its more inline with the base game, but still elevated due to the harder fighters and more monster you will encounter. 


Map 2

 - Elevated the red key platform so you can't jump there from the raising platforms also for NG+.


Map 3

- Replaced and moved some monster closets so the cybers would not kill approximately 50 monsters when the map starts also for NG+.


Map 8

 - Fixed the incorrect starting position for NG+.

 - Fixed a few small texturing issues.

 - Fixed a monster starting inside of a barrel 




Edited by Bloodbath Giraffe

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey mate, really cool wad that you've made here. Good to see how much you've improved since Azazel's Second Descent.

I've played up to map04 and I've noticed that the dehacked patch apparently doesn't work in the latest version of GZDoom. For the record, I tried extracting it and launching it as a separate .deh file but that also doesn't do anything.

Could you please look into this?


Thanks in advance!

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  • 1 month later...

Ok so after a few hiccups trying to get it on Idgames its final up. It's always is a good feeling when you wrap up a project. Now off to find or start a new project. 

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Glad to have played this during its RC phase. Still hoping to get that final map done. Now I can use the /idgames version to do so :)

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