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Burn out


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It's a thing 


I feel the buuuuuuurn soooooo hard 


Like the kind of hardburn even pepto can't help 


I love playing doom but there's too much doom so I'm all like whoa dude that's a LOT of doom 


But especially most of all starting a project in March being right next to the finish line and I got the burn 


Talk about your burns 


Especially remedies 


I need to walk and have bonfires and stuff but our city is ICE  endorphins are lacking


Thanks 4 chat

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I'm experiencing burnout on a non-doom project right now. 

The toughest part about it, for me, is knowing when/how to disengage while not procrastinating.
Usually I feel burnout the worst when I'm tackling a project element that's particularly challenging or that I'm insecure about. For me it's usually a sign that I need to change my environment or my focus for a while. This is when I switch gears to supportive elements of the project, allowing myself to be productive while giving myself time to think through the problem.
All in all, though, if it's true-blue burnout and you're feeling physical/mental health consequences, you owe it to yourself to rest. You could try to push through it, but if it's something like hobby mapping, then it's probably better not to let it have a negative impact.

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Apart from all the wtf things involving Amalgoom, I feel a burn out from having burn outs when I can't express myself in English sometimes when I need to. Often I get frustrated with a situation, I try to express what I feel in English and I can't, I get nervous and angry, and I get further away from what I wanted to say. 

It's a very important learning process, especially having to deal with so many people from so many different places. I know that one day it will be easier. But I feel exhausted.


P.S. I'm also doing a Japanese BA at university. My head is in three time zones.

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I get burnt out on making videos for my YouTube account. I’d rather go months without a new video than churning out stuff I wasn’t feeling fully invested in. I think taking a break can really help when you feel this way about a game you play frequently. Sometimes getting away from it for a bit can do you good. When you start feeling the itch to play again you’ll know the burn out has came and went.  

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5 hours ago, Clippy said:

It's a thing 


I feel the buuuuuuurn soooooo hard 


Like the kind of hardburn even pepto can't help 


I love playing doom but there's too much doom so I'm all like whoa dude that's a LOT of doom 


But especially most of all starting a project in March being right next to the finish line and I got the burn 


Talk about your burns 


Especially remedies 


I need to walk and have bonfires and stuff but our city is ICE  endorphins are lacking


Thanks 4 chat

Hell yee, man. I feel ya. Personally, I like to quit Doom altogether when it's all a bit much and play stuff on my PS4 - platformers mostly, Rayman Legends or Dead Cells. Or even just some Age of Empires 2 on PC. Same with watching other people's stuff ... sometimes things blend together and Doom gets deeply meh (99.9% of the time from overdoing the Doom myself) and I just watch some stuff about World War 2 on Netflix or something or read some Goosebumps. Feel so terribly uninspired with maps sometimes and I just let Doom Builder sit for ages instead of trying to force a map to magic itself into existing, lol. I can't imagine what its like being in The Frozen North, though. When it's too hot outside (the opposite of your problem) I like to kick the air conditioner into gear and hop on the exercise bike and watch nature trails on YouTube while I cycle and pretend I'm in some mystic forest. XD

3 hours ago, DNSKILL5 said:

I get burnt out on making videos for my YouTube account. I’d rather go months without a new video than churning out stuff I wasn’t feeling fully invested in. I think taking a break can really help when you feel this way about a game you play frequently. Sometimes getting away from it for a bit can do you good. When you start feeling the itch to play again you’ll know the burn out has came and went.  

Mmm, I getcha. That's 100% why I like to focus on episodic / short mapsets now for YouTube otherwise the investment is WAY too much and there are other things I like to do other than playthroughs. Playthroughs are really good fun and super interesting, especially blind, but what I love to do most is scripted stuff that requires a lot of editing, because I can chip away at it over a period of time and fine tune stuff and the end result is largely so much more rewarding. :)

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I also need to constantly remind myself in regards to YouTube to try and maintain an even keel:

  • There is no financial incentive here - you already have a job, you don't need a second job that you don't get paid for. Don't sweat things too much.
  • This is supposed to be fun. If you're not having fun, what the hell are you doing this for, ya dingus? Enjoy what you're making. You're lucky to get a few hundreds views on your best videos, so you'd better have fun making them because they're not gonna rock the internet, lol.
  • Mapping covers the same points too - this is a hobby, buddy. No-one is sliding you big bags of cash to make Doom maps, you do them because you want to bring some idea to life that is fairly easy to make and has a receptive audience. Take your time.
  • Have no illusions of success or delusions of grandeur ... you're setting yourself up to fail. If a vid does well, AWESOME! But don't assume it will, lol. Because it largely won't. 

Sorry if this sounds deeply pessimistic, but if I don't ground my expectations and set my goals low then working on something for ages for a lukewarm reception can be pretty devastating. So those are just some things I try to tell myself to avoid emotional burnout, haha! :p

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6 hours ago, Clippy said:

It's a thing 


I feel the buuuuuuurn soooooo hard 


Like the kind of hardburn even pepto can't help 


I love playing doom but there's too much doom so I'm all like whoa dude that's a LOT of doom 


But especially most of all starting a project in March being right next to the finish line and I got the burn 


Talk about your burns 


Especially remedies 


I need to walk and have bonfires and stuff but our city is ICE  endorphins are lacking


Thanks 4 chat

Oh trust me clippy i know what it's like having a major burn out from doom. I mean i spend all of last year doing episode three of my ultimate doom wad to the point when i hop in on a community project i couldn't map because of burnout.


Since i am on break now i've been doing some doom videos to help me get back into mapping and what not.


As far as reminders go for me it's basically spend a few hours doing your map then go do other stuff for the rest of the day.


Major burnout sucks so hard.

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Nothing wrong with taking a break.


Take a break from mapping. And even Doom. Play something else.


Soon enough you'll get drawn back into Doom with new energy and fresh perspective on your wad. 


Take care, buddy.

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Thanks for the words guys - so you know I did read them and I liked them


just trying to formulate my thoughts


I need 5 more maps to finish my project - im so happy about what I accomplished so far but yeah these last 5 how are they kicking my ass so bad - its in the high 20s just gotta maybe put less pressure on myseld and do em


I have a hard time putting it on the shelf I gotta get it done


Im just gunna give er

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If it burns let it sizzle. Taking a break is goood.

Personally I have a hard time supposedly picking it back up after taking a break. It's like the threshold gets higher even thinking about it. Not sure what the cure is when trying to start again doesn't ignite the spark anymore.

Edited by A Handsome Fridge

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Im also having a doom burnout right now... principally for the impscape development, i procrastinated the project throught 2 years by going into other projects (personal and collabs) and being busy with real life stuff, then i abandoned it then i resumed it, i set the goal of finishing it but perfectionism won and it took other 6 months... I dont know but i feel there is some great wads that raised the quality bar of doom mods, so i got the not enough thinking thing and kinda forced myself to finish it (i planned it to be an episode long thing) without thinking if i was having fun or nothing, also that making an one person doom mod doesnt needs to be taken too seriously... and now im completely burned out. 

Now i see doom and i feel the "oh please not this game again" feeling... Maybe i can play other non retro FPS games to rest from it... or something idk. 

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Hey guys I feel good now and want to announce my triumphant return! I got loads of new ideas and am about to eat chicken wings


Whew that was a close one

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2 hours ago, Clippy said:

Hey guys I feel good now and want to announce my triumphant return! I got loads of new ideas and am about to eat chicken wings


Whew that was a close one

That was... just 1 day lol. How of a recuperation power!

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20 minutes ago, URROVA said:

That was... just 1 day lol. How of a recuperation power!

not really


I meant none of it


I just thought it would help im still quite weary

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i experienced a huge burnout when i got involved in some absolutely brutal drama with someone about three months ago, but thankfully i came out on top and as of today on my side of the pond i've slowly gotten back into game development, burnout doesn't last forever no matter how bad shit gets, keep on chugging along and you'll be fine

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