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Making a standalone ipk3 but having some problems...


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Hello, I am trying to make a standalone TC using the GZDoom engine/sourceport and make a game with it independently of using another iwad but I am having some problems with it.


1) As you can see the text on the GUI doesn't appear, I suspect it's because the text on it is black and I want to change it to red, assuming that is the problem

Fixed, I figured it out and using Freedoom's graphics for the hudbar font, I will give credit to the freedoom team ofcourse.

2) How can I make it so the quit menu quits without a random sound/quit text and pause? I tried 2 standalone ipk3 files (Nash and calcium_chan) and when I quit, they quit's immediately without pausing for a few seconds and playing a random sound, unlike default Doom how can I make it so?

3) Regarding using hudbar and font's, will it be legal if I change the hud bar graphics but leaving anything else intact (as seen in those screenshots) and blacked out the screen size window as well along with the window bars so that's taken care of but I still will I get in trouble with ID Software or Bethesda if I use the default game hudbar regardless of the little graphical changes?


And yes, I am aware I have to remove brightmaps, game_support, widescreen_support and lights so I can redistribute it and maybe sell a game made with GZDoom.


Here's my alpha ipk3 if you wish to check it out, it also spits errors about WINUM7/8 and some others that I can't figure how to fix.




Your help will be appreciated, thank you.



Edited by LavaWave

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Thank you, I managed to make an functional ipk3 yesterday after trial and error, I used IwadInfo and ZMapInfo but I don't have a Gameinfo text file yet but it functions fine without it.

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