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(Boom/MBF/MBF21) Is there a better way to dynamically change the direction of a conveyor?



The method I came up with is to have alternating sectors about 16 units thick, each pointing opposite directions. The sectors pointing one direction are raised and the other direction is lowered. When the lowered ones are raised and vice versa, in effect it switches direction. This works fine but I'm wondering if there's a more simple solution to do this, as it's rather tedious to set up. If not, I'm fine with just using this method.

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2 answers to this question

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Linedef 217 will scroll the floor texture and things according to the displacement of the 1st sidedef's sector. The length of the linedef affects both the speed and direction, and the height change affects the speed. The starting height is speed 0, regardless of what the height actually is.


So as an example, you would need to have a sector, lower it by an appropriate amount to get the scrolling going one way, then raise it by twice that amount to go the other way at the same speed. It's up to you as to whether this is less work than your current method, it's not exactly simple either.


Here's a demo wad that uses switches to lower/raise a sector and as a result control the speed and direction of a scroller.



There are a bunch of other dynamic scrollers in Boom, that might be worth looking at.



Edited by plums

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Thanks! I'll have to do some experimenting to figure out which is the most optimal method.

Edit: After some fiddling around I've decided Linedef type 217 is indeed the way to go.

Edited by Plerb

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