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DOOM Eternal inspired combat in WADs

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Not necessarily  but it is on my ad hoc to-do list for modding specifically. I Dont have any maps for such a thing but I do have one mod that is designed to get the Doom 4 combat a bit closer to how Doom 4 feels, at least in my experience and  memory. D4V Re-ZDoom




Runs on ZDoom, Zandronum, LZdoom and GZDoom.


The main point to point out is that it does not include Weapon upgrades or armor upgrades and Double jump; and is missing some weapons like Vortex Rifle, Rail gun, Repeater; and no wepaon attachments. What it does do is higher jump, dash(including air dash) Ledge climb(without animation), "Glory Kills on the Cheap". Its main strength is in the monsters being more accurate than most of the other D4 mods out there such as them having expanded movement, Imp fireballs arcing(and bouncing so they can hit stuff better). Still a lot of work to be done, but the current version is super fun to play.



Edited by kalensar

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