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Bloodbath Babylon II - Savage Garden. Single map in a deadly, verdant oasis!

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Waiting for the full mapset! It would be nice to see more varied gameplay features in the next levels, along with the already good visuals and battles. In any case, I wish you creative success!

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9 hours ago, DoomGuy2077 said:

 GZDoom deals the player an enormous amount of splash damage from their own rockets.


Is that a fact? I haven't looked into it in detail, but that would be weird, even with GZ's poor emulation of vanilla. People also say that the SSG feels much weaker in GZ regardless of comp settings, which I agree with. Welp, I suppose it's karma for GZ's superior hit detection (especially on berserk and the chainsaw, you can actually punch a mancubus in GZ). Anyway if things are broken in Boom wads on GZ, you can also try the Boom (strict) preset or try and set comp flags individually. Must have taken me 10 minutes to figure that one out when I played Jimmy's Jenesis for the first time!

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On 1/28/2024 at 11:21 AM, Delisk said:


I didnt wanna finish the video, since i hadnt played BBBII myself yet.

Watching your mods made me chuckle. Seeing the animal crossing follower was hilarious. What does she do other than being a support npc? Love the random confetti hahahah

Also nice NewDOOM mod as well. 

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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2ykx3cqh4or552ov3p5pm/BBB02-Beta04.zip?rlkey=5iqcbyuw2pna6bj5oox2rqdrd&dl=1


  • The new work has been done wholesale on the swimming pool fight which is now QUITE spicy. Items in that area have been rearranged with a BFG available on a perched cliff and the adjoining area has been freshened up too.


Pointers for that fight if needed:


Getting that BFG is of the utmost importance. Set the fight off with getting the plasma, try to melt some pain elementals, use mancs as meat-shields from rev missiles and draw all the monsters out of the doorway. Get to the odd green wall, and take the 'portal to the BFG. Stepping off the BFG cliff will land you at the entrance to the area so you don't get savaged trying to get down from the cliff. Immediately let that BFG loose and make those shots count. Circle around the upper area of the arena. Phew!


Any and all feedback is much appreciated. :) Hope folks enjoy. Massive thanks to @DreadWanderer for thorough testing and excellent feedback on this baby!


-Edz xo

Edited by EduardoAndFriends

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Can confirm that the second instalment of BBB is spicier than your favourite curry, but you can definitely gulp it down with some preparation. Was great fun to test it ^__^

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7 hours ago, DreadWanderer said:

Can confirm that the second instalment of BBB is spicier than your favourite curry, but you can definitely gulp it down with some preparation. Was great fun to test it ^__^


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