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hello doomers this is my first map

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hello guys this is my first map made using ultimate doom builder it isnt something special but i still like doing this wad ive put it in a drive link were you can download the wad or first map https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tIKCFrfnc3rdMe6rWXIGrL7KmfUfRe5P/view?usp=drive_link alright soo this map uses map format DOOM II but not ULTIMATE DOOM also if you want it works with brutal doom also its compatible with GZdoom and Zandronum i dont have Boom or Zdoom but since this is just a simple vanilla map i think it works but dont know since i dont own other source ports also the map can be played both vanilla gameplay or with GZdoom gameplay if you want too the IWADS used to make the map is DOOM 2 iwad the map itself replaces map 1 of doom 2 entryway also this map doesnt include any custom texture, monster, guns its just a vanilla exspiriance or if you want gzdoom you can play it how ever you want as long you dont re-post the map or take credit for the map creation also also sorry i didnt know how to make a map pubblic since this is my first map ever thx for playing it if you have note after patch of the map: play this map using only GZdoom or Zandronum Other more vanilla source ports could break the map do not play this using vanilla source ports

Screenshot (6).png

Screenshot (13).png

Screenshot (16).png

Screenshot (20).png

Edited by monkeymaster69

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yay! HOM :3



quite buggy, pretty sure it's impossible to beat in vanilla too

third secret is weird to open, there's nothing pointing to the linedef that opens it
immobile zombieman (thing #12) on a pillar near the start
two sectors (sectors #10 and #11, secrets 1 and 2) are marked as secret and cannot be reached without jumping edit: I'm dumb
triggering the first and second secret destroys the map in vanilla
door closes before pinky elevator rises if you press the door switch first
I randomly grabbed a BFG out of nowhere mid-level (sector #232 has the bfg)
yellow key has no way of lowering, meaning this was designed with jumping in mind - same with returning from said yellow key room
texture alignment is quite whacky

might be more bugs in vanilla

@monkeymaster69 what source port is this map made for? you need to point that out :P

Edited by Horizon
dumb brain work!!!

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Wow, this was really good for your first map! It's very creative and I can tell some thought was put into it. It felt like I kept getting surprised


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+points for the stating room, it's good

-points for the broken zombieman in the first enemy room

+points for setting up the chaingunner in the first enemy room so i can make him infight with the imps

-points for the broken bottom texture of the door you open to get into said room (the very first door you open in the map, it has no bottom texture)

+points for the funny subversion of the pinkie+berserk encounter in the nxt room

-points for multiple misaligned textures in the pinkie room

+points for barons in cages. enemies getting hell-punished is always in theme and looks good.

-points for the brown brick wall room after that. you broke the stairs leading down into the goo - the ceiling has misaligned heights. and it's just ugly. brown brick walls, stone brick walls, and it doesn't fit the visual style of the rest of the map. also, the ceiling you use there is ugly if used for an entire ceiling. *way* too many lights, it should be a flavor-adding flat in a room with more detail.

neutral points because I got stuck here and couldn't figure out where to go but that might be because I'm drunk. Overall, good work finishing and releasing a map, give your next one a few more test runs and final checkovers for misaligned textures and whatnot. The encounters were fine, the visuals were acceptable (I like the spawn room a LOT, I hate the room that I linked as a picture, visually)

Screenshot 2024-01-27 182524.png

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9 hours ago, Peristalsis said:

well i with the map i wanted to adapt my self with doom builder and ultimate doom builder right now im working on an new map taking the critism ppl gave me into consideration to try be better and i always appriciate when ppl reviews other ppl maps :3


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